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Caillou embroiders a patch, dad grounds him for the hell of it. Satire video, gag, nonsense. Enjoy.

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/d3UJ4hf5XILu.mp4

Two pieces of software allow you to easily create plushies. Despite being 30 day trialware, they are fully featured. I run them in a sandbox, that way HASP-HL can't install its encrypted key (causing it to permanently expire). Otherwise, the software normally costs around $4000 per year, or $800 month to month using a dongle. I say screw the system...

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/R1IVBRIo22Wa.mp4

Take a break from bad news.. Here's Snake Rattle 'n' Roll on the NES with the Game Genie code: AAAAAAAA also a few jump cuts and inserts with mega jump enabled..

Turns out, each tile you step on has a different effect. Level 3, if you step on the wrong tiles, the game freezes. Use state save and load to retrace your steps. You can make it through most of the levels, but warps are required. Going through an exit results in warp to level 8 water map, drowning or being stuck forever. To get through it, you have to step on a glitched tile that makes a certain sound, and then go through the exit... Not shown, I did make it to level 7... level 7 loads, but stops instantly... I believe level 8 9 and 10 should work, but I haven't attempted it yet.

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/1pp6BUMhiz1Q.mp4

Three more patterns for your enjoyment. Once again, embroidering patterns from the Game Boy Color cartridge on a machine that is "not the Jaguar JN-2000", but instead, a Brother SE600.

#nintendo #nuotto #jn2000 #gameboy #mario

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/iwC2qa6rE3ml.mp4

I'm not into that shit, I just thought it was a hilarious out of context scene from Dingo Pictures' "Mouse Police" lol

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/qiU8ZBdmnqTr.mp4

After vectorizing the original patterns from the embroidery program "Kirby Family" on Game Boy Color, I was able to create some cool desk frames. These are the first print attempts. I may need to slightly shrink DeeDeeDee and Kirby to fit better, but Adeleine seems to be just fine. I can make a lot of cool stuff with these patterns :)

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/SFUIwjs13Tkf.mp4

This video was requested... For a Christian, it will always be about Jesus, hence the name Christ-mas.

There are some people that say Christmas IS Saturnalia, while others say Christmas only "took on" Saturnalia traditions as a means to "avoid persecution" from God's chosen goblins (integrating). Never forget who took over the Roman Govt through revolts and manipulation.

So, one still revered the birth of Christ, whilst, partaking in feast and gift giving. Ask a Christian, today, what they do each Christmas. Do they at least "THINK" of Jesus? If so, then they're doing it right... that's all they need to do. The act of remembrance. The feasting and tree decorating are just extra baggage that gets tossed in the dumpster, but the "meaning" of the remembrance of the Birth is stashed in the heart/mind for the rest of that person's days.


Parody on The Cardinal's Anger, Bart clobbers Homer the Impure King.

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/PzMZbIAKj2CD.mp4

Just for the lulz... not meant to be a serious vid. added jump cuts done for a quick view. sound off sync a little in the beginning, clears up after.

May seem like a choppy video, but this is actually how it plays for me in game. I may never get a proper GPU... I play as the wraith and clobber these poor souls... 👩‍🦽👩‍🦼👨‍🦽🧑‍🦽

Mobo - Aorus Gaming 7 OP
CPU - 9900k
RAM - 16GB Aorus 3200
HDD - Aorus NVMe 512 4.0

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/I7M1lY7MZXNM.mp4

I haven't YTP'd in a while, here's a quickie. I'm brainstorming for a larger project after this. Enjoy!

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/LUy80J8NNrX7.mp4

Once upon a time, I almost bought a Jaguar JN-2000, complete with embroidery arm and all the original cartridges sealed for $1200. I couldn't fund the purchase, so it escaped my grasp... How I wanted to embroider those exclusive patterns and make them into sellable patches...

Well, thanks to the magic of editing and processing, I can now make my own 1:1 replicas! Huzzah!!! Enjoy the show!

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/TkyH2cClWdAD.mp4

I don't use tiktok, but it someone could upload this, the reaction would be priceless xD... made on sony vegas in like 5 minutes

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/TLjpEsoCqvrL.mp4

twix bitch gets into an altercation and gets arrested for indecent exposure to a minor

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/dsvlL4MwXeoa.mp4

just a quickie... once upon a time, someone said you can't have freedom unless you do something for it. then the public got mad and killed him. the end.

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/xwEQ4DPTYTOz.mp4

IT IS A MUTIGEN!!! The universe works in mysterious ways...
sorry, is this in bad taste?

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/ozWEhqv3aPFG.mp4

Just having a bit of fun. Fart.wav seems to make everyone crack up. It never fails.
I also used a sound effect from Warcraft 2 (bloodlust), yielding similar results.

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/Ofypq5A8h2KP.mp4

video type: PARODY / FAIR USE
audio: space people - credit to whoever the author is..

everyone keeps uploading this video, but ya gotta laugh... i mean look at it, looks very sci fi xD

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/MqMOGO4AbWsZ.mp4

Disclaimer: Parody, Fair use.
Originally a collab entry (which got cancelled), I went ahead and made this one a full feature poop. Bitchute exclusive. Enjoy!
Includes a few political gags :P Heheheheh

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/2TPA6if4R22f.mp4

WARNING Ear rape ending!
Crossfire commercial with a few minor edits. I haven't uploaded anything and I'm almost done with my current project. Tis just a hold-me-over...

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/Jb07g5AsIUoe.mp4

a quickie just for a larf, it's a thai commercial about light bulbs and how everything's scarier in the dark without'em, but with a typical YTP twist
available ONLY on Bitchute, despite putting YTP in the opening... roots ya know?

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/mQQ7hNOGV3jd.mp4

For those tuning in, Big Woman was my BB's former maid (in Thailand they actually call them "severant") lol!!!! Anyway, I haven't uploaded anything in a while and I still have a bunch of these.. They're basically filler for my channel... This is a true story, big woman actually ate MOST of the dinner she was preparing for BB's family... like really? Of course this happened years ago, it's still a funny incident... I wish I didn't make the music so loud in these...

Mirror Link: https://seed171.bitchute.com/KUMHWxWjSpuv/G9mKNz0g0uLA.mp4

lost her job because she was going to stab people. she cries not for her own actions, but blames others for what happened to her. cryyyyyyyy hahaaaa


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

71 videos

Category Entertainment

I ain't actually mean, I just like to be a dork and make snarky and offensive comments because it's funny :P (psst I never read replies unless they're on my own vids) lulz

I'm izlude! Nice to meet you all! I left YouTube due to censorship of my content. I don't post anything too outlandish, just YouTube Poop and other mashups.

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Here is my old analytics:

Original Channel youtube.com/izlude (dead) 2 million subscribers, 25 million views. (yes this is real)
---(details here https://www.bitchute.com/video/SCLRXHwDOXoD/)
Current Channel youtube.com/izlude2 (abandoned) 631 subscribers, 303,922 views.

I don't intend any copyright infringement. I don't upload full films or anything illegal like that. I claim all my videos to be under parody law.