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Several hours had passed since she left the pizzeria and she was faced with having to make another stop. She was reluctant to do so, but she had no choice, so she stopped at a small filling station where she had yet another unusual encounter.
The narration in this story was created using
The Track featured in this story:

-Identity Crisis by Myuu

It was mid afternoon and she had been on the road for quite a while.
She wanted to find a place to stop where she could take a break and get something to eat. Little did she know, she would end up with a little more than she bargained for when she is faced with an unpleasant encounter which leaves her feeling anything but rested.
The narration in this story was created using

The Tracks featured in this story:
-At Sunset by Filo Starquez & S.I.N.
-Cornered by Myuu
Pizza Photo- Getulio Moraes

After leaving the pizzeria, she continued on her journey. Unfortunately, it wasn't a pleasant journey as she was weighed down with dread due to the encounter that she had previously. Her main objective was to escape and get as far away as possible. Is her trouble over, or has it only just begun?
The narration in this story was created using

The Track featured in this story:

-Cornered by Myuu

Pizza Photo- Getulio Moraes


Created 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

4 videos

Category None