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Remnant Revival



Joe Rogan is Blown Away when he hears this bible prophecy!


Former policeman, Gary Waterman, joins Richard Voes to expose a huge government fraud surround illegal practices at Company House and the registration process, and how this makes the tax system unlawful.
Contact Gary by email: [email protected]
Gary's YouTube Channel:
TikTok: @lisa.waterman

EXPLOSIVE Evidence of Government Fraud

"If you have an economic system in which pharmaceutical companies benefit hugely from medical emergencies, where a military-industrial complex benefits from war, where an energy company benefits from energy crisis, you are going to generate states of perpetual crisis where the interests of ordinary people separate from the interests of the elite." - Russell Brand

Brand...targeted for destruction? Hmm....

Alex Jones breaks down a video from Christine Anderson, a top EU German Leader.

Infowars Platinum is thriving! Save 25% on our latest line of products that promote a healthy lifestyle globalists DO NOT want you to have!

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The Alex Jones Show

Alex Jones breaks down a clip from Sen. Ron Johnson exposing big pharma.

Infowars Platinum is thriving! Save 25% on our latest line of products that promote a healthy lifestyle globalists DO NOT want you to have!

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The Alex Jones Show

Alex Jones breaks down a video from Dr. Roger Hodkinson explaining how the covid vaccine killed 20 Million people globally.

Infowars Platinum is thriving! Save 25% on our latest line of products that promote a healthy lifestyle globalists DO NOT want you to have!

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Source: Free You Mind Documentaries

"Brain Death" is a BIG LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch this, and make this GO VIRAL!

My God, just when you thought you had heard find out you haven't, and even WORSE things are going on RIGHT before our EYES, and with Evidence all around us!!!

Jesus These people are SOooooooo EVIL!!!!!

Link ;

This doctor's son was declared "brain dead", but he refused to allow them to dissect his son for his organs. Because he intervened, he son came back to full consciousness again, and grew up and now is married and has 3 children of his own. This happened ONLY because this Doctor refused the "brain dead" declaration over his son.

Link ;

This is Medical Kidnapping, in preparation for forced organ donation. Even though the patient does not open their eyes, they are still very much alive and have LOTs of brain waves indicating brain activities.

These Patients can FEEL PAIN. This is indicated by a rise in blood pressure and heart beat when the surgeons begin dissecting the patient, without anesthetics. But because they have tubes forced down their throat they can not scream.
Worse: the surgeons inject the patient with a paralyzing medication, that paralyzes them, so they can not move or jerk while their organs are removed, while they are still very much alive. Obviously this is necessary because these patients, who are very much alive and can feel excruciating pain, would react to having a knife jabbed into them, and organs severed!

Prized candidates for organ donation are young people between 17 and 30 years old. Now consider all the kids among this age group over dosing on drugs like Fentanyl, which are pouring through our open borders as we speak.
Although over dosed, the police and ambulance staff are trained to immediately administer a drug that begins to counter-act the over dosage, and a healing process is beginning from the over dose.

But the young person is whisked to a hospital where they are immediately placed on a ventilator so they can NOT speak. Then they are declared "brain dead", with no tests being done for brain activity. Once they are DECLARED "brain dead", that clears the way for the surgeons to inject them with a paralyzing drug, and then begin removing all the organs...

Supreme Court Win in Australia !!!


All Australian (and countries following the Westminster legal system like UK) Employer Mandates now finally proven illegal and criminal in Australia.

Just had a successful Fair Work ruling against airlines.

Essential listening to tell others PLEASE - this will not make mainstream media with jab #3 being pushed on innocent employees with looming deadlines and threats of sacking.

Finally we made it over the line to stop this big-pharma profiteering and criminality including all injecting agents like nurses, doctors, pharmacy injectors uninsured and personally liable.


The kill switch exists. They are working on a way to kill you by using frequency.
Source: JBossman on

English subtitles.
L'informatore cinese Miles Guo: "Il vaiolo delle scimmie è solo una scusa! È il disastro del vaccino Covid causato dai vaccini Covid!".
Miles: "Ora vedi il problema del vaiolo delle scimmie! E' causata al 100% dai vaccini Covid! Le eruzioni cutanee sono il risultato delle vaccinazioni Covid! Il vaiolo delle scimmie è solo una scusa! Molti ne sono già infetti! Le vaccinazioni Covid sono la causa! Non sono ancora risultati positivi! È il disastro del vaccino Covid!".


The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war.

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Attorney Thomas Renz is the lead Attorney in several major cases brought in Ohio, New Mexico, Maine, and Nationally against the CDC and DHHS regarding the COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures, false PCR data, fraudulent death numbers and more. Thomas begins the conversation discussing DOD database and how they are tracking the effects of the vaccine. Big Pharma has been forced to produce the documentation in 6-8 months. Big Pharma, the [DS] are now trying to cover it all up, the coverup always gets you in the end.

Source: X22 Report

Please watch and pass on. The following is simply outstanding.

Viewer discretion advised.
Revealing Ukraine
Not Rated
1h 24m

"Revealing Ukraine" by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following "Ukraine on Fire". In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the world.
See also;

Oliver Stone’s “Revealing Ukraine” documentary wins Grand Prix at Film Festival in Taormina

Oliver Stone’s Latest Piece of Pro-Putin Propaganda May Be His Most Shameless Move Yet.

The State takes the place of God... the socialist dictatorships are religions
State slavery is a form of worship.
Freedom never walks alone, it walks side by side holding the hand of Responsibility.
"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of the tyrants and it provides further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience".
Albert Camus.
Source: Academy of Ideas.

CHINA'S "artificial sun" ran for 20 minutes at a whopping 70 million degrees in its latest experiment - five times hotter than the real sun.

Scientists hope the machine will help harness the power of nuclear fusion, which would bring humanity one step closer to creating "unlimited clean energy" by mimicking reactions that naturally occur inside the sun.

Researchers working inside the Experiential Advanced Superconducting Tokamak in Anhui
Researchers working inside the Experiential Advanced Superconducting Tokamak in AnhuiCredit: Xinhua
Researchers have been busy running tests at the Experiential Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), a nuclear fusion reactor facility, to make its auxiliary heating system more "hot" and "durable", Xinhua News Agency reported.

The facility is called an "artificial sun" because it mimics the nuclear fusion reaction that powers the real sun - which uses hydrogen and deuterium gases as fuel.

Designed and developed by the Chinese, the EAST has been used since 2006 by scientists from all around the world to conduct fusion-related experiments.

But the project has just hit an important milestone.

Researchers managed to run the "artificial sun" at 70 million degrees for as long as 1,056 seconds, or 17 minutes, 36 seconds, South China Morning Post reports.

The real sun hits temperatures of around 15million degrees at its core.

Gong Xianzu, a researcher at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Xinhua: "The recent operation lays a solid scientific and experimental foundation towards the running of a fusion reactor."

Gong was in charge of the latest experiment at EAST, located at the Hefei Institute of Physical Science in the eastern province of Anhui.

More than 10,000 Chinese and foreign scientific researchers have worked together to bring to life the "artificial sun".
The EAST harnesses extremely high temperatures to boil hydrogen isotopes into a plasma, fusing them together and releasing energy.

China has already spent around £701 million on the project.

The latest experiment, which started in early December, will last until June.
Institute of Plasma Physics director Song Yuntao said:

This was shared at the end of the Hal Turner radio program tonight. I didn't hear who the original author was of this statement.
It reminds me of the sacrifices our founding fathers faced after those that signed the Declaration of Independence were hunted down by the British government - which still exists today as a monarchy. Many were killed, lost homes and land, lived in caves and lost everything they had including their wives and children.
Freedom isn't free.

This is not about politics. This is about our very lives and our very future.

The Canadian truckers have inspired the entire world to rise up against the New World Order.

The failed COVID-19 policies were written by drug companies who stand to benefit financially from these policies says Pierre Kory, MD speaking at Senator Ron Johnson's 5-hour hearing on Jan 24, 2022 titled "COVID-19: A Second Opinion".

Pierre Kory, MD also says that ivermectin could have and still can solve the pandemic and gives examples of this all around the world, and yet he says that this information has been suppressed.
Source: Fat News.

Harvey Risch, MD, PhD from Yale University speaking at Senator Ron Johnson's 5-hour hearing on Jan 24, 2022 titled "COVID-19: A Second Opinion".
Source: Fat News


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

184 videos

Category Education