James The Traveller

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James The Traveller

James The Traveller


OK. I don't literally mean tik tok was built by sesame street.

I mean that the short cuts, scrolling, sound effects and video effects are all to train you to be out of focus and unable to concentrate as effectively as you should.

Thanks Harry.

Cut from the full video

The first part of this video I read a small article I wrote about how humble people are paradoxically arrogant.
The second part of the video I share a demonstration of this via a FB message conversation.

Humility is to behave inferiorly to your actuality and arrogance is to behave superiorly to your actuality.

Paradoxically, humility makes one arrogant.

When the humble faithfully behave as less than what they are (as one cannot reasonably behave as less, it must be via faith) and whenever another exposes this truth, they attack the idea that reason can ever supercede faith and abuse the messenger of rationality.

Faith leads to humility and humility is synonymous with self deprecation.

When one treats themself with such little respect, they become fractured.

Any attempt to enlighten them to their true power and potential is seen as a threat to their original choice, which was to abandon their pride and embrace subservience to higher powers, whether secular or supernatural.

Are you good if you don't know you are good, accidentally good?
Who's more good, the man who accidentally, unintentionally, unknowingly does good, or the man who deliberately, consciously, volitionaly, knowingly by choice does good? .
Is the excuse of having good intentions but yet still causing harm through ones actions good enough to excuse one from not learning right from wrong?
If you ask most people, they would probably say that most people are decent enough, that they are good, its only the few bad guys at the top who ruin it for the rest.
Is this even a good thought, to excuse peoples accountability of allowing the bad guys to cause such trouble?
Because how can a few bad eggs cause such harm and cause such destruction if the majority of "good" people allow it?
Do good people stay silent when they see tyranny?
Do good people ignore tyranny and wilfully choose not to see it?
Do good people throw up their hands in defeat and say "I'm only 1 man, what can i do about it"?
Do good people avoid deep conversations about morality?
Do good people shy away from confrontations that their actions may be immoral?
Do truly good people think it's good enough to think they are good without actually knowing?

The Freedom Credit is a concept digital currency.

The idea is for it to be a truly decentralised currency, unlike fiat and crypto currencies which are centralised, either by central banks or by their blockchain protocols.

The Freedom Credit aspires to be a real P2P (peer to peer) currency without having to require any kind of 3rd party verification to process transactions.

The Freedom Credit will be self custodial, meaning you and you alone control your funds.

Link to the page below.

The fictional character of Jesus, which was created by evil jews as an instrument to enslave humanity, was a liar and the epitome of a bad role model.

The worst thing that can happen to children when growing up is not to become a police officer, communism professor or even a central banker, but to emulate the worlds worst villain, in fiction and non-fiction reality, jesus.

2,000 years is a hell of a long time and is in no sane persons definition of a "soon return", which was promised by said villainous character, AKA "The Shepard Of Men".....

Jesus was a liar, encouraged children to thank their bullies, deceived women into loving their rapists, brainwashed men into allowing other men to dominate them and indoctrinated whole civilisations into believing that it's aspirational to live a humiliating life in deference to make believe aliens.

For what is this hypothetical, extra dimensional creature, but an alien to humankind?

In this video I explain point by point how exactly jesus is the most malevolent flesh sack to have never walked the earth and how you are better than him/it.

Faith is the desire to believe something to be true, absent a valid reason.

Reason is proper, sensible thought.
Faith is not.

This video explains the difference between faith and reason.

View more info about reason from my suggested playlists.

Below is the extract from Ayn Rands Work.

"Rationality is man’s basic virtue, the source of all his other virtues. Man’s basic vice, the source of all his evils, is the act of unfocusing his mind, the suspension of his consciousness, which is not blindness, but the refusal to see, not ignorance, but the refusal to know. Irrationality is the rejection of man’s means of survival and, therefore, a commitment to a course of blind destruction; that which is anti-mind, is anti-life.

The virtue of Rationality means the recognition and acceptance of reason as one’s only source of knowledge, one’s only judge of values and one’s only guide to action. It means one’s total commitment to a state of full, conscious awareness, to the maintenance of a full mental focus in all issues, in all choices, in all of one’s waking hours. It means a commitment to the fullest perception of reality within one’s power and to the constant, active expansion of one’s perception, i.e., of one’s knowledge. It means a commitment to the reality of one’s own existence, i.e., to the principle that all of one’s goals, values and actions take place in reality and, therefore, that one must never place any value or consideration whatsoever above one’s perception of reality. It means a commitment to the principle that all of one’s convictions, values, goals, desires and actions must be based on, derived from, chosen and validated by a process of thought—as precise and scrupulous a process of thought, directed by as ruthlessly strict an application of logic, as one’s fullest capacity permits. It means one’s acceptance of the responsibility of forming one’s own judgments and of living by the work of one’s own mind (which is the virtue of Independence). It means t..

Some people believe in the benevolent universe theory, that ultimately the world and reality is benevolent, naturally good, caring, compassionate, kind and loving. Sure they acknowledge that evil can and does happen, but the natural inclination and general identity of reality is categorically benevolent.

On the other hand, some people argue passionately that the universe is malevolent, that is is vile, cruel, rapacious and evil.

Another class of people believe that the world is neither, that it is neutral and its up to you how you subjectively view happenings in the world, that nothing is inherently benevolent or malevolent, it is purely neutral until you decide to judge and classify it.

I'm here to share that none of the above are correct, they are all individually wrong.

The purpose of this video is to demonstrate the worlds malevolent aspect and it's dominance.

The truth is, the world, the universe, reality, existence on earth as we know it is benevolent. It is neutral. And it is malevolent.

This world is all of these things.

I think those who are hyper focused on positivity, optimism and turning a blind eye away from things which cause them to feel uneasy, will benefit greatly from this reality sledgehammer.

I have many great minds who comment on my Facebook posts, challenging me about points of interest that they differ in opinion with.
This is great, because it allows each side to gain a deeper understanding and aids in clarifying inaccurate beliefs.
Much of the content is a deeper clarifying of what was in the previous video, which I just couldn't fit all into one video.
Much respect to the commenters, you have my thanks for your participation.

In this video, we'll be analysing a video from Mike Maloney about money vs currency. I point out many mistakes he and his team make about the concepts of money and currency, whilst also commending him for the more accurate information he does share and his honest intentions.

I cover subjective vs objective value, money as a medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value. Plus the 7 or 8 characteristics of money, ff you include liquidity.
I explain in detail why gold was used in the past because we had little choice, but as of today, it's a very bad money.
I continue to discuss bitcoin, sharing the pros and cons of the cabals latest centralised monetary system.
I explain the reasoning why a money with a physical backing is a limiting and vulnerable form of money.
I also tell you how it can be argued fiat currency has a higher intrinsic value than gold and silver!
I touch on other forms of money that have been used in the past, such as tally sticks, Fei stones, tobacco, mackerel, sea shells and cigarettes.
Most of this content is probably the first time you've ever heard anyone speak about money like this, so I ask you to keep an open mind, consider new possibilities and analyse the facts.

To watch Mikes video, click below.

Bitcoin is a centralised and intrinsically insecure system.
It operates from a 51% mining protocol, which means that if anyone can control more than 51% of the blockchain network, they can effectively control the entire network.
This is not a decentralising protocol in theory, let alone in practice!

If you're prepared to have your latest saviour bubble burst, view on, because bitcoin is not the hero you've been led to believe, but the very villain which you're determined to oppose.

Most of the history about money was learnt from the documentary Money Masters, presented by William T Still. You can watch it here.

0:00 Introduction
0:30 History Of Money
20:20 Monetary Dynamics & Bitcoin Failings
25:43 A Look Inside a Bitcoin Farm (Wired)
34:40 The Two Major Flaws Of Bitcoin

Upon further consideration, whether or not to "invest" in bitcoin....

"If you want to gamble, go to the casino, you'll have more fun and won't be fattening the next serpent that will further the monetary enstranglement of humanity." - Me

Is the best way to lower crime by torturing those who commit crime?
Or is it by treating criminals like mental health victims and taking them through a recovery system to get well?

Topics covered;
Recovery methods
Who pays for it
How prisons must be privatised
Lowering crime
Treated humanely

0:00 Intro
2:22 Prison Policy & Objective Morality Perspective
22:28 Norway & Finlands Rehab Centres
35:57 Video Break Down & Extra Points
50:09 Outro


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

64 videos

Category None

All things concious related.