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So, the left is panicking about Generation Z's evident conservatism.

I've heard people on the right criticize right-wing outlets for reposting leftist content, because it "gives them a platform", and all I can say in response is: "Don't discourage them. Keep sharing it."

If the popular leftist monoculture is rapidly becoming more extreme, why in the world would you want to censor it? Give them all the platforms in the world. Put it up on the largest public pedestal you can find. Why? Because they are -defeating themselves- with their idiocy. Sharing it isn't going to spread it to such a degree that it'll prevail. It's going to expose it, and it's going to crush it. Their own moronic stupidity is the water that'll put out their own fire.

It's going to shake the core of the standard, sane individual to such a degree that any logical person in society is forced, finally, at -some- point, to recognize and acknowledge just how neurotically stupid leftist ideology is. Trust me, the average individual can only tolerate so much inarticulate screaming and outrage, leveraged at the very fabric of traditional culture, society, and biological 'normalism', before they outright reject it, for the pure depth of it's obvious insanity.

It isn't a surprise to me that Generation Z is increasingly being recognized as a predominantly right-wing generation. They've had leftist garbage shoved so far down their throats that they're practically drowning in it. It's forced upon them everywhere they look. It's forced upon them in school, it's forced upon them in pop culture, it's forced upon them in guidelines, it's even forced by social media platforms and payment processors, and sometimes even gaming communities.

Marxism demands the indoctrination of subsequent generations and culture via the abject hijacking of every facet of society imaginable: Music, education, law, media, you name it. And while that might work on the feeble-minded, and while it may work on the gullible, it will -not- work on intelligent people who think for themselves, and whom observe the honest course of history. It will not work on people who question what they're told, and whom question the reason that it's told to them.

I was privileged enough to learn early on about the old adage: "Question everything." And it's a modicum of advice that has served me well. It wouldn't surprise me if the Socratic method taught by Socrates, and the Dialectic method taught by Plato, are soon stripped from the educational system entirely; because both are lethal to the spread of leftism, and the vitriolic stupidity that it's founded upon.

Both the Socratic and Dialectic methods are founded upon individualism, free-thinking, appeal to logic, and the pursuit of objective truth, while leftism is founded upon both fallacies and strict appeals to emotion, rather than reason. Logical and intelligent adherence to either one of those methods directly results in the complete deconstruction of everything the left stands for, and their pitiful reasons for standing for it.

Generation Z is the mere product of force-fed extremism. It's the justified result of intelligent inquiry, in the wandering minds of people who think for themselves, and refuse to have their thoughts chained.

"Wisdom begins in wonder." - Socrates, 469-399 BC.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

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