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India uses it and it simply works.

Uitgebreid interview waarin uitgelegd wordt hoe schadelijk mRNA vaccins kunnen zijn. Er is teveel onbekend en daarom is het onverantwoord om mensen op de enorme schaal te vaccineren waarop dat nu gebeurd. Kinderen vaccineren is volstrekt zinloos, schadelijk en daarmee onverantwoord.

Interview with professor Dolores Cahill, molecular biologist and immunologist from Ireland and Alexandra Henrion Caude, geneticist and scientist from France. They tried to vaccinate for SARS before but that eventually killed more people due to cytokine storm

The New World Order in the making. What's in store for us? Will we go back to (the real) normal? How bad are gings going to be? Why COVID-19? Why the vaccines? Why the suppression?


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

4 videos

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