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Cover of Antti Railio's song

Message me through social media!

Musical.ly: JannaJonna
Twitter: JannaJonna_
IG: JannaJonna
SC: JannaJonnaJJ
Photography IG: joennaephotography

Also check out my doge <3
IG: karuthetervueren

Intro/Outro music:
Music: Brave Pirates - fri.events orchestra

Message me through social media!

Musical.ly: JannaJonna
Twitter: JannaJonna_
IG: JannaJonna
SC: JannaJonnaJJ
Photography IG: joennaephotography

Also check out my doge <3
IG: karuthetervueren

Music: Brave Pirates - fri.events orchestra

Going to do a proper introduction soon!

Message me through social media!

Musical.ly: JannaJonna
Twitter: JannaJonna_
IG: JannaJonna
SC: JannaJonnaJJ
Photography IG: joennaephotography

Also check out my doge <3
IG: karuthetervueren

Music: Brave Pirates - fri.events orchestra


Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

3 videos

Category Vlogging

Ex-Vidizen fed up with Youtube trying to find my community from these world.

Message me through social media!

Musical.ly: JannaJonna
Twitter: JannaJonna_
IG: JannaJonna
SC: JannaJonnaJJ
Photography IG: joennaephotography

Also check out my doge <3
IG: karuthetervueren

Intro/Outro music:
Music: Brave Pirates - fri.events orchestra