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Bryan 396...Bio Nano Videos.


Long Hip Banding Polymer Backfill That held the bandings in and underneath

Polymers extracted from chicken meat after marinating and frying.

A Tissue fold polymer morph to crystal

These are some of the most colorful and developed nano nodes from the start of the nano loading over 50 years ago.

Wrist Tie and Fullerene Banding Rods start to surface from the tissue folds.

Big Toe Burly Bio Ball That was a thick polymer padding at the base of the bid toe.

Lower Lip Rub

Leg Polymer Back Fill Coating showing the tissue ridge from the folding,

Polymer Peel from a bio back fill

Soft Tissue Carbon Node

Soft Tissue Nodes

Soft Tissue Carbon Node

Crystalline Nostril Rod .. a very long pliable polymer crystalline fiber.

Mat Carbon Nano Node

Thigh Crystal Pocket with a very long rectangular polymer carbon graphene crystal

Toe Nail Scan as the bio film releases

Chest Tie Lines Roll Off from the chest lines and folds at the top of the rib cage
I used to stare at my dads chest while he was giving me shit for something....and wonder about the lines on his I know why and how.

Finger Nail Scraping and Bonds

Carbon Fullerene Rod Roll Out from a tissue fold.

My strong words at the end are basically saying...that if you are not agry enough to swear about having your genetics changed to make you no human...then you must be RETARDED !

Cheek Bone Polymer Backfill from the top of the cheek bone at the bottom of the bagging, under the eyes,
This wrapping release and shrinkage happens as the temple patch and scalp bandings are released.

Polymer Hang Nail

Cold Sore Polymer Node

Mouth Corner Clamp Node that causes the lip pursing wrinkles and houses the cold sore crystals.

Polymer Hip Backfill


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

232 videos

Category Health & Medical

This is a compilation site of the longer nano tech educational videos that give a detailed description of the nano tech in the body as it is being released with the detox protocols. I details the different nano quantum dot builds in the body and are supplemental to my many posting sites on the nano and related and connected topics. All of my 10 years of extensive and devoted research is substantiated with the links to the science, medical and university research papers and the latest public domain tech.

These are the links for the Detox Protocol

The Cost Effective Product Suppliers.

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