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18 hands of Luohan

This is where we need to get back to.

I once read Time mag front to back. Mueller sounded like a Marvel hero. The media never shared videos like this. He is as feeble as Brandon. What a joke. The media are criminals

How can the US stand by when she talks like this

Jeremy's demo



DOMINION.Police cars revolving light


"At this very moment at a polling location in the county, *NOT ONLY* do we now have access through the devices to the POLL PAD, to the system, but *WE ARE IN.*"

Georgia hearing reveals LIVE, real-time hacking of Dominion Voting Systems. *Bombshell.*Down-pointing red triangle

Release the Kraken

The world knows what is happening here in the 2020 US Election. Ignoring this fraud will be like saying the Holocaust never happened.

The analysis of the vote totals of 4 counties in Michigan showing that the deviation from the natural variability of the votes can be easily calculated to show that 138,000 votes were switch from Trump to Biden


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

12 videos

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