Joe Murray

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Joe Murray



This was my talk at the 'Shattering The Illusion' conference on 9/24/22, organized by myself and James Cordiner. In this talk, I get into the core fundamental principles that act as the cement that the foundation of freedom stands upon, and how these objective truths MUST be understood first and foremost, to be the premise on which we are united in this battle for our freedom.

Videos of all presenters at the conference will be posted here:
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Freedom For All Podcast - Episode #26 - Mark Passio
'Occult Knowledge, Shadow Work & Natural Law'

Topics Discussed;
The 'One Great Work Network' of content creators, Beginning the great work, The dark occult preist class that runs the world, The knowledge of the occult, How people have been dissuaded through mind control and religion to not look into occult teachings, Doing the shadow work upon the self, Developing true self love and care, Understanding true objective morality, Moral relativism and atheism in the "freedom community", The existence of inherent rights in nature, The observable science of Natural Law, How we collectively create our reality through the gift of free will in conjunction with the behavioral Laws of consequence

Mark Passio's Website -
One Great Work Network -
How to Become the TRUE Media Online Course -

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Saturday, September 24th 2022 at 11am est. Join us for the 'Shattering the Illusion' conference. A one day online event about Natural Law, TRUE anarchy, consciousness, mind control & the occult. This will be an information packed conference aimed at destroying all of the false and dogmatic belief systems that have been holding back the consciousness of humanity from achieving true and lasting freedom. For more information, visit

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Clip from the 'Sanitizing The Insanity' podcast, Episode #10, 4/1/22

From Covaids to WW3, the insanity continues… Joe and Ivan give their take on the current shit storm of events while getting at the state of consciousness of the general population, which acts as the driving force perpetuating and worsening humanity’s condition of slavery, while also offering empowering solutions.

Full Episode Here -

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Merchandise -

On episode 9 Joe and Ivan welcome guest Mark Passio to the show. Topics covered include the current state of people in the truth and freedom movements, how much do they actually comprehend the causal factors of humanities current condition of slavery, the reality of content creation, how ego fits into the global condition, and more...

Full Episode -

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One Great Work Network -
Odysee -
MeWe -
Minds -
Flote -
Gab -
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Merchandise -

Freedom For All Podcast Season 2 - Episode #25
'Atheism In The "Anarchist" Community'

Topics Discussed;
How and why an atheist can not be a true Anarchist, Moral relativism being based in atheism, How prevalent the atheist mindset truly is in the "freedom" community, How freedom is a spiritual concept which is based in morality, How Natural Law principles are the very foundation from which the philosophy of anarchism stems from, How misleading and dangerous an atheist in the "Anarchist" community actually is, The role cultural religions played in driving people towards atheism, How most atheists are still devout religionists, The proof of an intelligent design being everywhere in nature, The observable science of Natural Law, Consciousness and the metaphysical nature of reality

Ivan Oyola Jr. -
Francesco Sani -
James Cordiner -
Sean McCann -
Gino Volante -

Freedom For All Podcast - Season 2 - Episode #24
'Holistic Health' (pt.1) Denouncing The Religion Of Carnism

Topics Discussed;
Taking a holistic approach to optimize health, Basing your diet on that which is moral, The dark religious practice of carnism, How meat is NOT necessary for our survival, Dispelling the myths surrounding carnism, How I transitioned to a vegetarian diet, The negative metaphysical affect that the death and consumption of animals has on human beings and our world, How many innocent sentient beings are murdered each year for human consumption, The law of assimilation, Occult writings from the practice of carnism, The influence we can have on the consciousness of the animal kingdom, My take on the "vegan new world order agenda"

The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception -

Vegetarianism & Occultism -

Freedom For All Podcast - Season 2 - Episode #23
'The Right To Bear Arms'

Topics Discussed;

Understanding the non aggression principle AND the self defense principle, The right to use deadly force against aggressors, The inherent right to bear arms of any kind, How background checks and permits constitute infringements on our right to bear arms, The publics level of consciousness pertaining to self defense and bearing arms, The real cost of “gun control”, The true meaning of the second amendment, The actual definition of a “Well regulated militia”, Firearm statistics by state, How restrictions on firearms of any capacity consequently leads to an untold amount of violence and death in society, The dismantling of the family structure in society being essential for the control system, How people abdicating their personal responsibility to defend themselves and their communities to the state inevitably leads to totalitarianism, The REAL enemy of humanity and why the populace should never surrender their right to bear arms

Ivan Oyola Jr. -
Francesco Sani -
James Cordiner -

Freedom For All Podcast - Season 2 - Episode #22
'Freedom Will Ring!'

Topics Discussed;

What I’ve been up to during my hiatus, Why my album has been put on hold, What’s to come from me, The total new world order takeover underway, Agenda 21/2030, The technocracy, Transhumanism, What’s going on with the jab, The digital passports, Mandated injections, The pure bread slaves that are creating our prison, How rights do not waver under any emergency or “health crisis”, The torture being imposed onto children, How the official narrative is crumbling by the day, How people are getting sick and dying from the shot, How the control system will fail, playing your role in the great work to end human slavery

BOUNCE - DISL Automatic ft. Joe Murray
Produced by VeCity & Joe Murray

DISL Automatic -

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"VICTOR OR VICTIM" (Lyric Video) by DISL Automatic ft. Joe Murray

Beat Produced by DISL Automatic -
Mixed & Mastered by Joe Murray -
Video by Polar Tha White -

Clip from episode #3 of the 'Sanitizing The Insanity' podcast

Check out the full episode exclusively on Odysee
Also check out my brother Ivan Oyola's channel

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Clip from episode #3 of the 'Sanitizing The Insanity' podcast

Watch the full episode here exclusively at Odysee
Also check out my brother Ivan Oyola's channel

Sign up to my email list

Clip from episode #1 of the 'Sanitizing The Insanity' podcast.

Watch the full episode here exclusively on Odysee
Also check out Imy brother van Oyola's channel

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Order Followers - Joe Murray ft. Polar Tha White

Produced by Joe Murray / 7'th Sense Productions
Instrumental by Rude Skillz Beats


“Yea, it’s time we talk about the real mother fuckin’ threat, cus when tyranny shows up at your door it’ll be wearing a badge with a gun. Murray, Polar Tha mother fuckin’ White”

Time to kick the harsh truth
What you can’t seem to comprehend mentally
When talkin’ about the bane of the twenty first century
Not the puppets on a string, the muppets up in office
Who get issued to dish the orders
But them punks who enforce em
And manifest in existence the tyranny we witness
The strong arm for the politicians
Jack boot enforcers for the system
Out to squash any resistance
Responsible for every form of totalitarianism that ever existed
Don’t get it twisted placing the blame on the deep state
Believing the alleged elites take your freedom
Cus it ain’t called a banker state,
Politician state or a judge state
Stupid ass it’s called a police state
The ones coming for your guns
Extorting you for revenue
Over victimless acts, yet you place them on a pedestal
As they subdue your rights, naturally and constitutionally
With qualified immunity
To murder with impunity
Still you believe they’re out to guard the freedom of your foolish ass?
To serve and protect?
Yea, you mean the ruling class
A costume and a badge don’t grant you extra rights
“Just following orders”, the excuse of all democide
Time to identify your real enemy
Before the day comes when the state begin sending their police force
Door to door, strapped like the marine corps
Then you’ll see just what the fuck you need an AR-15 for


Order followers
The ones comin’ for your rights
Threatening your life when they throw on them lights
Order followers
They be the boots on the ground
Enforcers of the new world order in your town
Order followers
The standing army for the system
Nothing more than attack dogs for the politicians
Order followers
Out to punish and enslave with no empathy
Time to know your enemy
Order followers

(Polar’s Verse)

OP: 911 What’s your emergency?
POLAR: These moths fuckas shootin’, they all tryna murder me
OP: Who’s trying to kill you?
POLAR: It’s these crooked ass cops, I got my piece loaded I’m about to bust a 2 pac
OP: Sir, please calm down, don’t resort to any violence
POLAR: What the heck you mean? This is self defense Im frightened
OP: Why are they shooting? Did you commit a crime?
POLAR: Nah, I made a bunch of songs that the government don’t like
OP: Well sir, the police are just doing their jobs and you sound like a criminal from the way that you talk
POLAR: Well in that case, anyone in America can be classified as domestic terrorists
OP: Yea, that’s true, it’s called the Patriot Act
POLAR: I know you fuckin’ asshole, I’m just stating the facts
OP: We can’t have people like you talking or protesting, thinking you have rights, you’re not an exception. Any law created they will enforce it any way, even if immoral, it’s followed to get paid


Order followers
The ones comin’ for your rights
Threatening your life when they throw on them lights
Order followers
They be the boots on the ground
Enforcers of the new world order in your town
Order followers
The standing army for the system
Nothing more than attack dogs for the politicians
Order followers
Out to punish and enslave with no empathy
Time to know your enemy
Order followers

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Polar's YouTube Channel -

New Album 'Ultima Ratio' Coming Summer 2021

Freedom For All Podcast - Episode #21 - Nathan Crabtree
'Nathan Is A Funny Fuck And A True Anarchist'

Topics Discussed;

Nathan’s recent crazy ass run in with the police, Becoming self sustainable and prepared, Possible scenarios for the near future, The psychological conditioning of the lockdowns, The number that has been done onto peoples minds through the scamdemic, Nathans anarchist only Peyote ceremonies

Nathan's Website -

My LBRY Channel
My Odysee Channel

To Stay Up To Date With My Podcast, Music And Interviews Subscribe To My Email List At

Freedom For All Podcast - Episode #20 - Polar Tha White
'Be Revolutionary'

Topics Discussed;

Polar’s background, Polar’s favorite Mc’s, How hiphop has been degraded, How music and movies are used to socially engineer the population, How we create our reality, The responsibility of musicians to serve the truth, How every person has a roll to play in this battle for our freedom, Internet censorship and the dangers of censoring speech, Projects Polar is currently working on

Find Polar Tha White At

Freedom For All Podcast - Episode #19
'True Anarchy Under Natural Law'

Topics Discussed;

Relentlessly hammering the truth of Natural Law into people’s minds, How we need to be united on Natural Law principles first and foremost as a movement and as a whole, Where most people’s minds are at in the so called “freedom movement”, The mindless shit heads who work in the “healthcare” profession, Making an example out of a fake ass libertarian, What true anarchy is yet again, The poisoned worldviews of most people in the alleged “freedom movement”, How there is only ONE true form of anarchy under Natural Law

Freedom For All Podcast - Episode #18 - John Litteral
'Many Hands Make Light Work'

Topics Discussed;

John’s awakening, John beginning to engage in the Great Work, About John’s new book “Handbook On The Powers That Should Not Be” and websites, How one individual can make an impact, People who have educated and inspired John, Internet censorship, How we need a loud voice of truth to over power the lie, People playing their part defending truth and freedom now while we still stand a chance

John Literals Website -


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

62 videos

Category News & Politics

Hip hop artist in service to truth and freedom.