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Solidarity Forever is the national anthem of the fictitious Union of American People's Republics (UAPR) from the Red World mod for Hearts of Iron IV, which imagines a world where the Soviet Union emerged victorious in the Cold War, and what was once the United States has collapsed into several new countries. The UAPR is the most internationally recognized out of the four unions that claim themselves to be the successor to the old United States, though it is not necessarily a continuation of the former U.S. government. Shortly after the collapse of the United States in September 1987, a revolution began in California that rapidly spread to the rest of the Pacific coast and parts of Nevada, and the UAPR was soon established with its government headquartered in Los Angeles. A rather substantial amount of blood was spilled in both the revolutionary and post-revolutionary times, and the government's paranoid totalitarianism culminated in numerous purges and the 1993 Sacramento massacre which the central government continues to deny ever happened, and their latest crisis as of 2010 is the ongoing insurgency in Cascadia which constantly threatens to escalate into all-out war. The 30th Party Congress is beginning soon which will shape the government's new trajectory and their future vision of a reunited America.

Music performed by Pete Seeger.

Howdy, it's been a while.

America the Beautiful is the national anthem of the fictitious American Republic from the Red World mod for Hearts of Iron IV, which imagines a world where the Soviet Union emerged victorious in the Cold War, and what was once the United States has collapsed into several new countries. Though unrecognized by much of the world's governments and is certainly a poorer nation than the America in our world as of 2010, the American Republic is still seen by most as the logical continuation of the old United States government that fell in 1987, earning it the derogatory nickname of the "Remnants" by their socialist political rivals in the northeast and the west coast. Though the Republic has maintained control of Washington, D.C., the city is enclaved by the rival American People's Commonwealth, and as such the capital has since been moved to Atlanta. As the 2010 presidential election nears, and as each rival Union prepares their campaigns to restore America in their own image, the American Republic must get back on their feet before either the northeastern Commonwealth or the Pacific communist Union of American People's Republics take it all away.

Music performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

2 videos

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