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Russian amour is being destroyed by drones, one to stop it, one to destroy it.

Curruption being exposed and dealt with in Russia. Where did they go after 2019.

Krista Ford was at odds with her Father's Covid agenda.

Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt had the balls to force a vote on getting Patriot Missle systems for Ukraine before approval of the budget.

Those who live by the sword will die by the sword, said Jesus. That includes Vladimir Putin.

Trudeau accuses everybody else of spreading disinformation, but he is the chief instigator of it.

The Russians effectively destroyed ISIS in Syria, hammering them with their jet fighters and cruise missles.

The Russians were on the right side in Syria

Trudeau Is investing $8.4 million studying the relationship between the decline of democracy and climate change. BS maximus.

In 2020, Trudeau gave $200 million to a failing casino whose stock had even been delisted it was so far down the toilet.

He only gives bad advise.

It's a wonder Trudeau doesn't tax the air we breathe; he certainly taxes the CO2 that plants breathe.

The Trudeau Liberal carbon tax scam is set to cost us $4,078/year in the next 5 years.

Justin Trudeau should have never become Prime Minister with a math disability. He has bankrupted Canada


Where's the funds!

Not all is bliss in Russia. There is widespread poverty.

The violence in Gaza can end today if the hostages are released. Pierre Poilievre lays it on the line about the hostages Hamas holds.

Prime Minister Trudeau says that Consevative Leader Pierre Poilievre wants to make Canada great again. What a stunning recommendation.

The Russians will perish like flies perishing in a room sprayed with fly spray.

Chirldren in Russia are being tarined from an early age to be cannon fodder for the Kremlin's wars.

Ukraine sent sea drones to Lake Donaslov in Crimea to sink a the Ivanovets. Now it sits at the bottom along with the Moskva. It is a new habitat for the fish.

Australia was a totalitarian madhouse during the COVID pandemic.

David Menzies of Rebel News was brutaly arrested and handcuffed for asking Minister Freeland a question, using assault for a reason. He was later released without charge


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

79 videos

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