Hambone Littletail

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Hambone Littletail



In this video, I just want to send out a shout-out to my old Doomer buddy, Seemorerocks. Love you, Brother!

This is the salacious, malicious video that was banned by the "Youtube Community" today after being ignored for more than five years.

In this anecdote, I tell the story of how I miraculously avoided prison time in Peru when this entitled little Gringo did not want to follow the rules on getting his visa extended another six months. I do not necessarily suggest you try this.

In the final chapter of "Drip Irrigation For Dummies," I show you what your system SHOULD look like if you followed my instructions in Parts 1 and 2.

In Part Two of "Drip Irrigation For Dummies," I show you how to lay out and install the simplest version of a drip irrigation system.

In Part One of "Drip Irrigation For Dummies," I show you how to install your drip irrigation system to your garden faucet, which is where most folks screw things up.

If you would like a private tour of the place, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you!
-- Hambone

In this video, I show you how to get rid of pesky invasive weeds such as Bermudagrass without using herbicides.

In this video, I attempt to explain how to plant a small cornfield in your organic garden.

In this pathetic video, your old minimal asshole scrapes the crusty crud off his dirty dishes while he desperately howls into the Universe for Spirit to send him a soulmate who isn't a total bitch, or at least no more of a bitch than he is an asshole.

In this video, I show you how I have been making raised-bed gardens for 30 years.

This is the story of the haunted house I bought in Oregon, then sold to a big tough Mormon.

This is the story of what happened when I visited a psychic and two hypnotists to convince myself that I was not being abducted by space aliens.

Hi, Guys: This is just a short video clip introducing myself for those who do not know me (or do know me from Youtube, but do not realize there is more to me than my grumpy old evil twin). At any rate, this channel will just be me talking about whatever crazy shit is on my mind, for whoever wants to listen to it. Enjoy!


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

17 videos

Category Vlogging

Welcome to the Hambone Littletail Channel. This site is the new sister site to my evil twin over there on Youtube, called Humptydumptytribe. The guy who runs that channel is one of those irritating Doom n' Gloomers, so if that's your bag, you can go over there to listen to his ranting and raving about the collapse of this planet.On this channel, I will just be telling crazy stories about my "interesting life," and sharing my thoughts and insights about subjects that do not have anything to do with the Doomosphere. That's really all I have to say about it at this point. Welcome to the Funny Farm, and hope you enjoy the ride! Onward through the fog, amigos!
-- Hambone