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Another pandemic is on the horizon according to reports. How are they are able to predict these and others in advance? Questions we must ask.

A powerful antiinflammatory that reduces pain and discomfort, made from Turmeric, Black Pepper, Coconut oil and Water.

A reflection on who we really are. What our body is actually made of and how this relates to our divine being.

A reflection on the many wildfires across the world. How many of these are arson even though reported as climate change. How land is being taken of the general population and kept by the wealthy.

Fires in Maui, the devastation to all this has caused and human's response to looking after the environment.

A reflection on some of the choices we make. Identifying Karma as being the consequences for cause and effect and the impact these have on day to day life and one lifetime to another.

Samhain, the time of year when we remember those that has passed from us, those we have lost, the situations we have lost and sacrificed. What we learn from this loss. Knowing the all things come to pass, even the dark passes to light.

Spring 2023. A look at what is growing and checking out which of my gorgeous herbs survived our year long monsoon!!!

Overview on the Therapeutic Products Bill and what this will mean from health professionals, small businesses and the community. August 2023.

A walk to the waterfall off Cherry Bay at McLaren Falls arboretum park had a massive landslip. Reflections on climate, looking after the Earth and what we can all do.

A reflection on Yule. The passage of light to dark in the world of duality and ways we can interact with this process.

Blessed Yule (21st June 2023 in NZ). A remembering of the light that follows the dark. A wonderful walk around Hamilton Gardens which have a huge array of beautiful gardens. My favourite, the Herbal, Kitchen and Sustainable. If you are ever at Hamilton NZ a worthwhile visit.

Reflection on what it means to be civilised and how that fits in with the human races current presentation.

A reflection on who we really are. Do you know yet?

Brief video on growing Chia seed in New Zealand. This awesome wee plant is loaded with nutrition and so easy to grow.

Use of herbicides on medicinal herbs on Mauao, Mount Maunganui.

A not so happy clip where I explain why I am upset because someone attempted to kidnap my son.

Overview on the meaning of Mabon the other name of the Autumn Equinox and how that related to what is going on in the world around us.

Impacts of weather systems locally and nationally. Human impact on the health of the world and recognising that the Earth is a sentient living being. Please see also see landslip video for pictures

Flooding from the heavy rains - monsoon in rural Tauranga, here local swim hole at Wairoa river Poripori road is heaving it's banks. Woldn't be taking a dip during this weather!!!

Massive landslip on my land in February 2023. The year it didn't stop raining - monsoon season now seems a thing in many places.

Learn about the herb Artemisia annua or Chinese Wormwood. How to make a tincture and what this tincture will treat and support.

How to identify and harvest from the Willow tree

Really simple winter recipe to help keep away those coughs and colds. All ingredients can easily be bought or better so grown in your garden, certain here in NZ this is a home grown recipe.

Some information about Galangal, a relative of the ginger plant which can be used in culinary and medicinal ways.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

48 videos

Category None

This channel is sharing perspectives about healing and health, it is a holistic in that it embraces the physical, mental, emotional, environmental and spiritual aspects of our being. It covers both orthodox and natural aspects that impact on our health and well-being. I hope you find the content interesting and a help on your own journey. Blessed Be.