A Bard of Kek

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A Bard of Kek

A Bard of Kek


God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay,
Remember Christ our savior was born on Christmas Day,
To save us all from Satan’s power when we were led astray,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy.

The War on Christmas has begun on this fine Winter Day,
The puppets of the media are looking for their prey,
They pick and scratch and dig and hatch their plots to bring Christ down,
And they subvert the spirit of the law, spirit of law,
While Christian men and women celebrate.

They hate that Christian men and women celebrate this day,
They champ and froth like braying ponies rabid for their hay,
They think they triumph when they use the law to stop a prayer,
But God is much stronger than they know, than they know,
God is much stronger than they can know.

Even if they ban these songs from all the state airways,
Even if they boycott and mob malls and schools and squares,
This catchy tune will stay with them and even while they sleep,
They’ll be humming along to the beat, to the beat,
They’ll be humming along to the Christian beat.

The Christian secret is no secret it’s just common sense,
When you look toward Heaven you will forget your ills,
And when you work you’ll think of Christ and what He did for you,
And you’ll work harder, build your country and your family too,
And you’ll build your country and your family too.


Many thanks to all the wonderful Gab users who regabbed, commented and liked my post asking for help with the lyrics! Your suggestions were very inspiring. Thank you to: Big_Photo_Mojo, L’yra Starfire, Jenn Cox, Rance Arnold, X, Magatism, Chris P. Bacon, Politically Incorrect Bear, Bill and Nick S.


Lyrics and poetry, A Bard of Kek (adapted from the Christmas carol); Music: Garageband, my memory and my QWERTY keyboard; Video: Shotcut; Christmas avatar for A Bard of Kek: Eis Augen

Laocoon, follow'd by a num'rous crowd,
Ran from the fort, and cried, from far, aloud:
'O wretched countrymen! what fury reigns?
What more than madness has possess'd your brains?

A Kekthian warrior told me a story. This tale was of a gigantic wooden horse, filled with mercenaries, who deceived a city. The city dwellers took the poisoned gift because of their vanity and suffered the gravest consequences - the fall of their Empire.

First published June 11, 2017 on YouTube. Creative Commons license. Reuse and rework just tell people about me!

Read the Aeneid, by Virgil:

Modified Image:
By English: Hagesandros, Athenedoros, and Polydoros - LivioAndronico (2014), CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36412978

Made with Garageband, Shotcut, Audacity and VLC. Images edited with GIMP.

Keyboard Melodies: Standard QWERTY input device. (This time I played throughout the entire song and uses as few loops as I could.)

This song was written while I languished in Twitter jail on Friday June 2nd 2017 for three hours, while I was unable to take part in discussions. The Bard was unjustly placed in prison for talking to the wrong people and listening to the wrong things. No explanation was given and when the world went dark the Bard was alone.

Then came Marduk bringing her Consolation. She reminded me that the fire is within and no matter how small the flame is it cannot be extinguished. Her Consolation is like a shining city on the hill; a beacon into the darkness of the universe. She turns the wheel and princes rise and fall. The wheel goes ever on and on.

Read The Consolation of Philosophy at Gutenberg Project:

Read the Enuma Elish Online at Sacred Texts:

Made with Garageband, Shotcut, Audacity and VLC. Images edited with GIMP.

Keyboard Melodies: Standard QWERTY input device.

This haunting melody was sung to me by a Kekistani maiden. The words spoke to my heart and I immediately set about making my own arrangement.

First published May 6, 2017 on YouTube. Creative Commons license. Reuse and remixing - go ahead and have fun just mention my name!

All sound samples used under presumption of “Fair Use”. Made with Garageband, Shotcut, Audacity and VLC. Images edited with GIMP.

Keyboard Melodies: Standard QWERTY input device.

Singing: Sent to me by a Twitter user. Source unknown!

This song is dedicated to Dr Jordan B Peterson, whose lectures have been very inspiring. From the Chaos of Abzu and Tiamat and their intertwined coil-like, DNA melding arose the great serpent Marduk, also known as Pepe the Chaos God. We are living in the time of Pepe. This story was told to me by a Kekistani philosopher when explaining why people believe and do crazy things.

First published May 13, 2017 on YouTube. Creative Commons license. Reuse and remix and have fun just mention me!

Jordan B Peterson’s “Maps of Meaning” Lecture Series

Jordan B Peterson’s YouTube Channel with many instructive lectures on psychology, myths and genetics:

Sound sample: “Abzu and Tiamat” from Maps of Meaning: 5 Mythology: Enuma Elish / Part 2

All sound samples used under presumption of “Fair Use”. Made with Garageband, Shotcut, Audacity and VLC. Images edited with GIMP.

Keyboard Melodies: Standard QWERTY input device.

Read the Enuma Elish Online at Sacred Texts:

Pleased to introduce my first track, called Russian Propaganda! Originally published May 6, 2017 on YouTube. Creative Commons Attribution license. Reuse and mixes allowed so go ahead!

The melody is a famous Russian folk song that you've undoubtedly heard before.

If you like this song and want to hear more, subscribe to my channel and follow me on Twitter (@A_Bard_of_Kek) and also support me by visiting my website!

All sound samples used under presumption of “Fair Use”. Made with Garageband, Shotcut, Audacity and VLC. Images edited with GIMP.

Keyboard Melodies: Standard QWERTY input device.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

6 videos

Category Music

Once upon a time there was a frogling spawned to a lowly hedge-frog-knight that lived on the fringes of the Great Dank Forest.

He loved to play the lute and the flute and the drums but one day he found a computer and fell in love.

It's harder to play a computer than a lute a flute and drums but that's not going to stop this bard!

Follow my journey as I tour through Kekistan and beyond!


Gab: https://gab.ai/A_Bard_of_Kek