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A group of sheep bleat after hearing the Truth while three masktards assault courageous veteran

"There's A LOT of quiet deals between Russia and Israel that you know nothing about." I am now convinced that the most accurate description of 911 is that chabad lubavich did 911.

Backstabbing jews that did 911 also killed our military.

mirrored from: MWT247

original vid would not "process" with overt title

The EXPLOSIVES went off at a point high enough...
George Bush
JVC Handicam footage posted on twitter 8/25/2021
mirrored from

The EXPLOSIVES went off at a point high enough...
George Bush
JVC Handicam footage posted on twitter 8/25/2021
mirrored from

what you've all been waiting for

I say what needs to be said. Wish I could get this out sooner. I've been seeing videos of people waiting for this. As a King I serve the people.

Ireland for the Irish. Europe for Europeans.

Sean Reyes of LongIslandAudit on youtube organized this rally for the 1st Amendment. Once he heard "Israel Did 911" he quickly moved his camera and ignored me the entire time. His comment section is full of people calling for my identity, calling me a fed, a plant, a cop, etc... Topics include, why doesn't NYPD investigate the corona murders, the cult of freemasonry, and Irish Genocide. There was a jewish-troll that agitated me and I got aggressively defensive when he defamed my character. It's amazing how these so-called freedom-lovers were deaf to my words. I asked where a couple of people were from because they were mean-mugging me, but they were cowards and refused to answer. I PROUDLY STATE THAT I AM IRISH! I will risk being beheaded for claiming to be the King of the Irish. I called for Ireland for the Irish, and Europe for the Europeans. The jewish-troll said that I was ruining what they were trying to do (circle-jerking each other). I did this for my people, and any people that want to live in peace, free from jewish-supremacists. I did this to inspire men to stand up and TAKE NO BULLSHIT from people that will not even acknowledge the genocide taking place. I hope you find this motivating. I am ready for constructive criticism as well. I forgot one thing... an image of my shirt. I drew an israeli flag above FDNY style 911 with two syringes going into the two 11s instead of planes.

Proof Jews Declared War on Germany
Audio : Brown Noise

Slideshow of graphics and quotes documenting white genocide.

Putin is a Jew, and Jews control Russia, the United States, and the World through secret societies.

I do not take credit for compiling this list. I found the document, unauthorized, and merely recorded it in scroll mode. I've seen this referenced many times, and the video that stands out to me is the one of a man reading them off directly from newspapers. Many thanks to whoever put these all together. My assessment is that these newspaper entries were not so much a call to action, but a donation drive to support the funding and migration of jews into Palestine.

A-Z List of International Patrons Including Organizations.

The Scroll continues

Continuing the scrolling list of Jewish names

This symbol is not new, and they all know it. I found examples of these symbols merged 2 years ago, and I just re-opened the folder two days ago. can someone say "intel-inside?"

Brief overview of the first 750 pages highlighting names, places and dates.

Scrolling pages of the patrons of The Jewish Encyclopedia

Inspired by Michael Rapoport


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

44 videos

Category News & Politics

In May, 1919 at Dusseldorf, Germany, Allied forces captured a very significant document: "Communist Rules For Revolution." As you read these "Rules" now 50 years later (now over 100 year) keep in mind what you are reading and hearing every day via news media.
A. Corrupt the young: get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.
B. Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:
1. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, and plays and trivialities.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
3. Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule, obloquy.
4. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
5. By encouraging governmental extravagance, destroy the credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
6. Promote unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward such disorders.
7. By specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues, honesty and sobriety.
C. Cause registration of all fire arms on some pretext with a view to confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.