Know thy Enemy

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Know thy Enemy

Know thy Enemy


Biden and the new zionist government, raped a 1000 times - pedofiles in high places, The history of the white men, tabula rasa the deleting of all past memories and the light after death, an retrospect of the 20`s oil cartels and agreements to manipulate the markets,
black cube 2010 company Mossad Isreali related agency, Savior programs, and a new vision of our coming future.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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Thomas comes with a reflective story of the self of people in general, people of the awakened communities. Most wont ponder on this self-reflecting topic, most people are not self-aware, it will be an eye opener for those with a healthy self-reflection.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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2020 was a crazy year for all of us, and back to normal is far gone as it seems, looking back and what we possibly have learned is different for each person. But one thing is sure, there never was such a division between the bot people and those who have common sense.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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The "chosen" peoples are also manipulated by religion and devide and conquer tactics. Untill they awaken from their conditioning and religious indoctrinations, they will be played and setup against one another.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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Another episode of the Journey in to ancient history to our modern days of distortions of reality, this time we will understand more of manipulations of our recent history.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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How Law put humanity in bondage, law works not for us but against us, we became certificates numbers and property ownership. The slave system started early in history and with a purpose that only serve them not us.

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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Just like in the former video "The Hidden Wound", we dive deep again in to the knowledge that will resonate with people who are developed enough spiritually, it is made to connect with your core being... read, watch and let it resonate.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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This time we follow the journey into the more present centuries and the Jews, Zionism and the Egyptian Cult..The programs that are spread to deceive humanity.

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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Words in history have been made for a reason and during time those words had gone trough some changes, this is done to keep the truth from us normal people. so only they understand the real meaning of words.

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
To keep me going and support me:

Biden and the new Zionist government, raped a 1000 times - pedofiles in high places, The history of the white men, tabula rasa the deleting of all past memories and the light after death, an retrospect of the 20`s oil cartels and agreements to manipulate the markets,
black cube 2010 company Mossad Israeli related agency, Savior programs, and a new vision of our coming future.

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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Many times before this channel and Thomas Williams tried to show how the Alt Media is divided by agency infiltrators and disinfo agents, the other problem is the clickbait channels and the money making profiteers or all of the above. It is very difficult for people to recognize those who divide and mislead the honest people looking for answers, because they target your emotions and hope sensors, the hope for a better world.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
To keep me going and support me:

2020 was a crazy year for all of us, and back to normal is far gone as it seems, looking back and what we possibly have learned is different for each person. But one thing is sure, there never was such a division between the bot people and those who have common sense.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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Like the tittle is saying, who can we believe in de alt media, when we are bombarded with an overload on information. while maybe what is happening
is buying time and is it another layer of manipulation a big distraction, so they can push forward their plans on us.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
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Our ancient Trauma, forgotten but deep inside we all feel this longing. Subconsciously we know something is wrong in the collective human consciousness, and just some of us are facing this hidden wound.

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Episode four of theories that go into the topic of a "Matrix construct" to capture souls in a closed system and to recycle the souls over and over without any escape. The chance for a soul to develop and grow and experience the real Universe is lost forever, or is it possible to escape this closed system?.

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This time we going to understand who the Israelite`s were and where they came from, who were these people who distorted every single story of History and the Bible, their connection to the Draco and how this cult is connected to Egypt, Rome and the Catholic Church. This episode will explain why the RUS and Aryan race was targeted by the Zionist and Germany and the surrounding countries were setup for a War together with Russia.

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The UR`s who were they and what was their purpose in our ancient history.
Genetic engineering, and genetic manipulations have changed the course in ancient history. Earth`s past had a multicultural mixture of civilizations from different parts of our galaxy, with some very heavy wars for control.

The Construct or The Matrix, our reality or believed to be our reality is one big Illusion. And is all created to keep us prisoner inside a closed loop, life after life time, Our memories are erased, recycled and put back into this system.
There is a way out of this, and it all depends on your own development as a Soul.

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.

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Many idea`s of our reality are around this concept of a constructed reality like The Matrix movie. And this is what we are going to explore in this series.
This is the first idea of this concept.. the Matrix AI.

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What is going on in the world in this day and age. Are we living in a movie or
is the capitalistic western society falling apart?

The concept of the East and West Gate, is the concept that all Souls have to leave this 3 dimensional plane through the Gate. East is for the developed Souls, West is for the ignorant and the people who followed a life of dark influences. West the Lower Astral and East the Mental planes..

Links to find THI and members, Thomas Williams.
Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

Notice: This is my channel "Know thy Enemy" not Thomas Williams channel
I am sharing, because I support him. But it`s much appreciated if you support me, I`ll do my best to keep sharing the knowledge.
To keep me going and support me:

A new series with an "Eye on History"... Topics: Who are the RUS, Lumaria, lost continents, How Russia was taken over and how communism was implemented and by whom.
Evolutionary advanced human beings, ET help and the teachers, ET destruction and how modern civilization didn`t come from Africa
but came from the Slavic Aryan RUS regions. How religions distorted original teachings, where those teachings came from. Ancient wars,
ancient people, dead destruction and reseeding of life, and the ongoing battle of humanity`s spiritual evolution.

Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

To keep me going and support me:

What is going on in the world in this day and age. Are we living in a movie or
is the capitalistic western society falling apart?

Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

To keep me going and support me:

A new series with an "Eye on History"... Topics: Who are the RUS, Lumaria, lost continents, How Russia was taken over and how communism was implemented and by whom.
Evolutionary advanced human beings, ET help and the teachers, ET destruction and how modern civilization didn`t come from Africa
but came from the Slavic Aryan RUS regions. How religions distorted original teachings, where those teachings came from. Ancient wars,
ancient people, dead destruction and reseeding of life, and the ongoing battle of humanity`s spiritual evolution.

Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

To keep me going and support me:

What is going on in the world in this day and age. Are we living in a movie or
is the capitalistic western society falling apart?

Truth Honor & Integrity is on the MeWe social media platform:
Articles & Media website:

To keep me going and support me:


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

142 videos

Category Education

Deep insider knowledge of our human existence and the history of the control structure that is dominating our entire human life here on earth. Who are those in control, who are those that create so much fear and destruction. And when are we going to do something about it. Edited from Thomas Williams THI show for your consideration.

In a world where chaos has become the norm
Where reality is no longer something we can rely on
We need to search for answers
We have to understand the chaos

The forces that rule our world
Are ancient
The occult knowledge
Shared among their inner circles
The secret societies, who control our reality
for thousands of years

They know the science of manipulation
How to control a world
Yet we need to learn who we are
We have to learn their secrets
Only then we will free our souls
Who have been the victim throughout the ancient world

Yet slowly we are getting ahead
Slowly we understand what they have done
How this ancient force of control imprisoned
our minds and made us blind to see
The time has come to break free from this system.