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This statue is in The Hague. Made possible by Voorpost.
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, a Communist and a murderer.

The Aryan/Caucasian genocide throughout the years.

Someone on 4chan found a vid from the mother of a girl who was auditioning for a kid's talent agency in London called Alphabet Kidz.
It seems pretty normal for an audition tape or "self tape" as they are known, except for...
Listen to the woman's final line and how the kid is coached to reply. Keep in mind this video was uploaded in May, over a month before the items named after missing kids with exorbitant prices were discovered.

Woman "A fine example of true opulence but surely the price on this regency style sofa cannot be correct"

Kid "With wayfair it can"

Irish nationalists holding an anti paedophile rally today in Dublin were interrupted by Antifa scum, fair to say it didn't end well for them.

Taken from Smithsonian Channel.






There are English translations.

Had to share this. Share this with the people you care about.

A white man when to Israel to interview Jews and they treated him and the cameraman like shit, yet thanks to them we live surrounded by diversity trash countries.

Said by a rabbi.

They want to normalize us being androgynous.

Source: The Conspiracy Hole on Telegram.


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

17 videos

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