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A look into all the ways Harpazo is used in the Bible. Who does the Harpazo-ing? What is the church NOT looking at?

What is so important to YHWH that we guard, protect and keep? A deep dive from Exodus to Revelations on guard, protect & keep.

YHWH helped us make the sell of our house giving us time to find a house, pack etc. He found us a lovely place. I show the outside of our lovely home. I share prayer secrets.

I discuss different things people have heard from the father and scriptures I feel are pointing to a gathering of the set apart ones.

What does the Bible say about a world wide Earthquake? What would it look like? If the devil has a mark does Yahweh have a mark? What is it?

A Little look into the book of Baruk. Interesting details about the End Times!

Part 2 a little look at the book of Baruk, and what it says about the End Times.

A testimony of what we went through this year.

Over 78 times Keep, Guard, what are we supposed to be guarding?

Exploring the name of God....

A testimony of hearing from Yahweh, and of His protection.

In this video we are diving into the apostle Paul, and why his theology is double minded. We are only scratching the surface, but these are things we really must confront ourselves with.

Who is entitled to the blessings of the covenants? The covenant keepers. Throw out the covenant, throw out the blessings, or if you demand the blessings, does it make you a thief?

Three stories about the return of Yeshua our messiah.

A wonderful story of Jeremiah and Zerubbabel.

As Ecclesiastes states there is nothing new under the sun. The devil has used the rulers of this world to punish Yahweh's people by making them wear his symbols in order to participate in social activities, even buying and selling. So it is in this story. This story also reminds me of the holocaust. And now we see it happening across the world now with the so called passports.

Here we learn the story of Judith. A woman of great courage whom Yahweh chose to use to save a Hebrew out post in the mountains. This book was in the 1611 King James Bible. It very much deserves a read. We need the old books so we can know just how Yahweh feels about us as women!

In this video we take a look at Suzanna and how Yahweh rescued her from being raped and murdered. We also look at the story of Jael, how Yahweh used he to take a a really bad guy.

In this video we explore how much it must have meant to Yeshua/Jesus to have John and the 2 Mary's stay with him while he suffered the cross. We look at how the disciples died. Are we made of tough stuff like them?

Is the White Horse of Revelation and the Corona Virus related???

This is part 1 or a 2 part series on Chapter Six of Revelation and how the Corona Virus may play a role.

A dive into the REAL name of our deity....

Why were names taken out of scripture, did they think we were to stupid to sound them out? Or was there something darker behind it?


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

26 videos

Category None

Time to ReThink all we have been told. All we have believed in. Lets look for truth together, and hang on tight! It's gonna be a a bumpy ride.