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(Important & relevant links in full description) Here's my story, one of the MANY stories cataloged by the COVID Humanity Betrayal Memory Project. This is a large part of the reason I fell off of bitchute and rumble for so long.

If you or a loved one has undergone this, please add those stories to their system here; https://chbmp.org/

You can find their Twitter here; https://twitter.com/CHBMPorg

It's very important to catalog as many of these stories as possible. They're still enacting these same protocols today. Hell... I recently had a violent car accident, and I had a damn panic attack when they had to give me an IV in the hospital. I've developed a hellish fear of needles and IVs that I didn't used to have.

These stories are censored, silenced, slandered, laughed at, and dismissed. All the while, we're losing people all around us to this, and sometimes, we almost die ourselves.

But who cares, right?

Fuck it... go watch TV.

This show used to be so good, man.

The mainstream media brings out the worst in us, don't it? Please show me some support here; https://www.amazon.com/author/gingersbooksandcomics

Yeah, it's partly a funny-moments compilation, but listen to what he says. This is for anyone wondering why establishment-funded medias are trying to take him down with false allegations now.

He's been outspoken against the establishment for a long time, always having a laugh, and making a hell of an impact while he does.

Me personally, I've followed him since he was mainstream, and for a long time thereafter. I found him extremely helpful and supportive when I faced a battle with addiction in 2021, an issue which he funds rehabs and support groups for, and his videos on the topic are extremely helpful, insightful, and compassionate for anyone struggling with it. Unlike most of the people slandering him online now, I've actually known a lot of him for a very long time, and call me crazy, but he doesn't seem the type who's capable of doing what he's being accused of.

It's also interesting to me that people who speak against the establishment are always the ones who have a bunch of sudden vicious allegations pop up all over the place, always through all those blackrock-funded medias he mentions in this compilation. Character assassination is a very real method of controlling and hindering the following of an influential person, and you can read all about it on wikipedia.

In his latest video addressing the allegations, he also mentions that he's been contacted by medias saying he shouldn't be allowed to say what he says, his loved ones have been bombarded by those people, and he has witnesses who directly contradict the narrative of the false allegations.

Don't look at the allegations and react with emotion, because that's exactly what they're banking on. Look at the facts, look at all these things that don't add up, look at him putting these very real issues on blast for so long, and take it from someone who's followed him for a damn long time.

He's being targeted because he's a rogue element who's causing good change that contradicts what the establishment wants, and that is all this is.

But, like I say on every video of mine that could be considered controversial, you're totally free to disagree. Just uploading what I want.

Show Russell Brand support on his channel if you're not subbed already; https://www.youtube.com/@RussellBrand

And, if any of you like what I do, check out my books and comics here, all of which are currently half-price, and many of them are now free with kindle unlimited; https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ginger/author/B09LHTH557?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Yea, I know most freedom-fighter types don't like Amazon, but me and Free State West don't have a big old bag of other options right now. Hopefully we will later.

Hope you enjoy. Auf wedershen.

Nobody changes his mind. Lol. Also, my newest video was too big for bitchute, so you can see it here; https://rumble.com/v3eiqgj-rants-and-insight-brought-to-you-by-twitter-x.html
And, if you'd like to keep me alive, all my works are half-price right now. You can find them here; https://www.amazon.com/author/gingersbooksandcomics

I've added some edits and updates to this AGAIN, thrown in in some modern themes to this old Adam Freeland classic.

You can find the original (unofficial) video on bitchute as well, or on youtube here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WTBkj8gFfI&ab_channel=MOJIITO%27SEARGASM

And, if you like any of the content I make, then please consider grabbing one of my works, all half price right now from Free State West Publishing; https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ginger/author/B09LHTH557?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

A very informative one from Greg Reese, reupload from banned.video.

Reupload from banned.video. "Don't be afraid to leave Babylon."

Trying to get out to a safe place and finally have a home, and I could REALLY use your support if any of my books, e-books, or comics might interest you; https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B09LHTH557/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=5e41b997-7961-4d4c-9397-717a563a34ea&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr

Here's another installment (finally) of Infowar Wasteland, which I call Rawofni Wasteland on the mainstream platforms. It's a pain to edit and chop them up so they'll fit on bitchute, but lemme know if you'd like to see more.

And, if you choose to support me through the purchasing of my stories, I'd just like you to know that I carry the information war into my works as well, whether I'm even trying to or not.

Doomsday by Design details an adventure following an apocalypse that happens due to corrupt elites and more, which will be noted a little more in books 2 and 3 later on.

Supernaturally is a supernatural nostalgia story that takes place in the 90s, and the evil demons turn out to be influencing the people in power, which comes into play more later in the series.

Viator is the time-travel story, and it's usually fun and lighthearted, but the post-apocalyptic faction called the Order are the government remnants who are responsible for the end of the world, and they are the villains in the story.

Heart of a Hunter has small bits of important info scattered throughout it, like explaining how broken the justice system is, or explaining how character assassination works in the media.

Hell is Hollander is a crime story that takes place in the 80s, wherein the main characters come together against a child-trafficking operation that caters to the elites.

Godkiller is another 80s story, a shorter one with a mild Stranger Things feel to it, but without the woke propaganda shoved in. It's about a sect of elites attempting to isolate and kill the God gene inside of people.

And Partner in Crime is a coming-of-age story, which depicts a young man slowly discovering his own strength and fighting for what's right, finding positive power in his resolve rather than depicting masculinity as toxic.

The information war is all around - and it's important to depict things how they are and should be, like pedophilia being bad, masculinity being good, governments being unfriendly, and wholesome values actually mattering. We need real and feeling situations in our stories and entertainment rather than bloated Hollywood pieces filled to the brim with propaganda.

I hope you'll support my efforts to see that through.

Reupload from banned.video, please watch & share.

Reupload from banned.video, please watch & share.

The hysteria of the past few years drove people into insanity, and they reacted so they'd feel safe again.
How bout you? Do you feel safe now?

I will be updating all five segments of the film, and once they're all done, the old version will be taken down from my platforms. Large files have to be compressed to fit on bitchute, but you can watch a better quality version of this here; https://rumble.com/v2gways-democide-by-design-redux-part-1-the-reality-and-side-effects-of-the-covid-1.html

Had to downsize the file to fit the video on bitchute. Quality is garbage, but this video is just commentary anyway. Still, you can see a slightly better version on rumble; https://rumble.com/v2dn0kw-guy-yells-at-low-level-conspiracy-influencers-on-youtube.html

My current youtube channel is here; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmxaLObbPbA63dtI_MimcoQ

Other dude's channel is here; https://www.youtube.com/@nirv

Lemme know what you think in the comments below.

Figured I'd upload something lighthearted to my bitchute channel for once.

Reupload from banned.video, please watch & share.

Full film. Please watch, share, and reupload wherever you can. You can download the film for free here; https://www.mediafire.com/file/cheihx3px5lrs7q/world-premiere-died-suddenly.mp4/file

Vaccine deaths & side-effects, hospitals killing people with covid protocols, and countless real stories from those affected. I FINALLY got the file size small enough to fit the entire film on bitchute. (IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND LINKS BELOW)

The quality of the film on bitchute isn't great, but you can see the slightly higher-quality version of the documentary here https://rumble.com/v1ftfbl-democide-by-design-a-konspiracy-documentary-final-and-updated-version.html if you so choose.

If you'd like to download & share this documentary around, please feel free. You can download it from mediafire here; https://www.mediafire.com/file/onusokfvdcz3enm/Democide_by_Design.mp4/file

If you need help finding a job that does not require a vax, you can use Clay Clark's system for no-jab jobs here; https://timetofreeamerica.com/no-jab-jobs/

VAERS shows that the number of deaths from the covid-19 vax is now TRIPLE the deaths of every other vax COMBINED since 1990.

You can also see where VAERs has deleted a bunch of their own data here; https://www.bitchute.com/video/7gIzcftC6RQX/

Also note that COVID-19 shots are often a mixed batch. Some are harmless saline, some are mRNA, and some are mRNA with added components. You can see where most bad batches were distributed, and presumably guess how dangerous your own region is, by looking through the info gathered on this website; http://howbadismybatch.com/ Please note that the deaths and side-effects seem to be happening more often in red states in general.

The doctors who have refused to be part of this system any longer (the only trustworthy ones left in my opinion) can be found here; https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/

And the good doctors from this organization are starting a new healthcare program, which will be expanding farther in the near future, and this will hopefully allow all of us to have trustworthy healthcare again. They say "We don't take insurance - we take care of you." It's called Goldcare, and you can keep up with them & become a part of them by visiting here; https://goldcare.com/

I'm regularly tweeting & retweeting relevant news on this, more vax deaths & side-effects I find, and plenty of other caveats of censored information. The death stats of the covid-19 vax jumped up again right after I updated this film, and those kind of updates are the types of things I tweet or retweet whenever I can. If you wanna follow me on twitter, here's my profile while it lasts; https://twitter.com/KonxSpiracy

For more information, don't forget to watch AND DOWNLOAD all the info on https://banned.video/ ... it's entirely possible that the site won't stay there forever, so catalog all you can now. A big thanks to infowars, as much of their gathered information made this film possible.

Please spread all of this information as much as you possibly can for the health and safety of you & everyone around you.

Right is wrong, good is bad, only cherry-picked tragedies actually matter, it's evil to question literally anything - and we're all supposed to act like this is normal.

Fuckin blow me.

But I'm sure it's just another big-ass mountain of coincidences. Reupload from banned.video, please watch & share.

The method that the reality of global warming was explained cohesively to me was actually on a Joe Rogan/Alex Jones podcast, which you can listen to here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZPCp8SPfOM&ab_channel=PowerfulJRE

I can only really make half-decent and edited videos like this on weekends once in a while... but if you'd like to see more like this, lemme know.

Watch the video and understand my point before you go ape-shit, please.

See full documentary on vax deaths & side-effects here; https://rumble.com/v1ftfbl-democide-by-design-a-konspiracy-documentary-final-and-updated-version.html

And keep up to date on more concerning and censored news as it develops here; https://banned.video/

Reupload from banned.video, just after Clay Clark's Myrtle Beach tour - which was a blast to attend and interview people at. Please watch & share.

Reupload from banned.video, please watch and share.

My story is far from the only one, and Infowars honestly saves lives, but they're about to go under. Save them by following the link here; https://www.infowars2022.com/

If you're not convinced by my story alone, then see countless more of them in my documentary, Democide by Design, right here; https://rumble.com/vttnyc-demoicide-by-design-a-konspiracy-documentary-final-version.html

And if you wanna support an author who's being penalized for speaking out, then buy my book, Heart of a Hunter, here; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09M7KHPW2?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860

Don't comment with Jew-reptoid propaganda, especially if you're only commenting on the video title without bothering to listen to my points. Don't lecture me on your theories, because I've heard it all before, and I am frankly tired of shooting them down. I don't care. Support or don't.

But it's never been more important than it is right now.

EDIT; I meant ventilator when I said respirator, my bad


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

41 videos

Category None

Uploading what I want.