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This is most likely the last video I upload from him.

Just wanna show incels how the cards were stacked against them from the get go. Realizing it's not your fault and surrendering to blackpill will set you free. A psychiatrist can NOT help you, just like PUAs it's a fake industry to SCAM incels. She will just stick to a general script. A psychiatrist never relate to you. We can. She has never gone through what you did. We have. Do NOT let normies make you think it's your fault.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

This video did not have any description, but the usual links.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Most parents are INCREDIBLY bluepilled when it comes to their child, this blindspot they have for their own offspring does more damage than good.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

“Why won’t you guys just go for women in your league ?” They said. You’d have easier time, they said. Juggernaut LAW strikes back. “Forever alone” women community in the spotline.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Jeremy Meeks’ heir is here ? Just a quick vid about Cameron Herrin. Forget about meeks, take the Cameronpill.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Another misguided cope in the incel community: DT theory. There's no dark triad for your face. Your looks = Your personality (in the dating market)

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

"But ITV, I'll money and status-maxx. Surely, that'll save me, right ?" Umm yeah, about that.....

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

The fable of a morally bankrupt individual and an important lesson to learn.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Addressing a common cope, unfortunately sometimes even in incel circles. "Online dating isn't real life, your studies are wrong". Looking at women's BEHAVIOUR behind closed doors is the most accurate indicator of what they are truly attracted to.

With the rampant use of dating apps/social media, women KNOW they can get Chad's attention any time. Which makes normie-tier males effective SMV plummet. One of the reasons why you see so many average looking men struggling in the dating scene and self-identifying as incel.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Don't let your limbic system dictate and ruin your life. Don't end up like EDP and Nathan Larson. Don't be a free agent in life.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Stay true or else. Don't let what we believe become redpill v2. They can't claim to be blackpilled if they don't agree with what it entails.

+ I know some of you guys have been waiting for the mena episode, that will be the next vid(if im still around). trust. Enjoy the holiday if you can.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Just the day after I recorded the commentary, edp’s story came out. His situation is prime example of what I was trying to say with ‘all limbic system’ theory These guys can’t think straight. They’ve suspended their frontal lobes and lost their touch with reality.

“Oh you dont have any experience, you don’t get to talk.” Looks like edp’s experience couldn’t take him far. Well, not further than a prison cell at least.

The truth has a price.. Keeping it 100% without any concern for who might get offended comes with a price tag.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Predicament of the modern subpar man. Important issue especially for younger people in our community. What you don't wanna be in life is this guy.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

“omg I cant believe you uploaded again within a week” neither can I tbh

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

You heard the lady, gotta work on those T E N D E N C I E S

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Looking into the Female SMV hierarchy. Does JBW also affect women ? Today’s case study: Cynthia G.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

Looking into how your appearance has a very crucial effect in other facets of life. The importance of looks unfortunately extends well beyond relationships. A very visual species, we are.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

But the debt is just too heavy.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

This video did not have any description, but the usual links.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

7 death sentences for your (non existent) dating life. With BRUTAL case examples from TakeMeOut. I was going to edit this down to 10 - 15 mins, but since I havent uploaded in a month I'll let this 30 min version go public. If you are a lonely male or have suicidal thoughts, watch it at your own risk.

The straw man fallacy is a type of argument in which a person misrepresents their opponent’s position and then attacks the misrepresentation instead of the actual position. This is done by distorting, exaggerating, or oversimplifying the opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack or refute. For example, if person A says “I think male self-improvement for getting a female looks-match is female supremacy.” and person B responds with “So you are encouraging men to give up”, then person B is committing a straw man fallacy by misrepresenting person A’s argument.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

A look into some of the brutal lookism experiences FtM transgender people go through after the transition.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

This video did not have any description, but the usual links.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

the what community ?? MSTOW community, no point in denying it.

He removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. Don't go around trying to blackpill normies.

10 rules to navigate through life. These advices apply to youngsters and truecels even more so. If you are a sub 5 male in the west, follow these rules and thank me later.
Their cope dies here.


Created 10 months ago.

31 videos

Category Education

ITV removed his videos on youtube most likely to avoid any problems that may arise from sensitive topics. You can also find:

"This is negative, this is evil and you shouldn't go in there." - some blue-pilled betabuxxer