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Steve Kirsch Testifies In Pennsylvania Senate:

“If you are a parent and you did not vaccinate your kids, you should be applauded because you did your research and you found out that vaccines are causing chronic disease.”


Hey! Wait just a dad-burned minute here, something isn’t adding up!

International Covid Summit, European Parliament, Brussels.

Dr David Martin;
“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.”

This is a documentary that outlines the march from freedom to tyranny in the form of Marxist communism.

In 1994, two gas chamber deniers, Bradley Smith and David Cole went on a talk show. A critical review of the show with commentary and updated photos and agreed upon historical facts.

Original title: Final Days

It is clear that the masters of this world, has invented technology to create 'trans-humans' that are subjected to slavery as non-human animals, dependent on the machines, the technology to survive, to be nothing more than slaves to the masters that created them.

Evil is not very creative. It uses the same tricks over and over again. Vaccines have been used as bioweapons in the past just like they are being used now.

“Very soon there will be no more 'sidelines' in the political, cultural and spiritual battle being waged. If it's not already at your doorstep, it will be, shortly.

Consider how culture has shifted over the recent decades, and picture the pace of this change continuing over the coming decades. Now picture your children growing up in this environment. Paralyzed with guilt and shame, not allowed to meaningfully disagree or speak their minds... roundly despised in a nation their fathers built. Taught to devote their lives to the pursuit of money by a ruling class of small men utterly devoid of spirit.

This is the future the foremost power brokers seek to create. These are parasitic personalities, men who've hijacked the products of truly lofty minds like that of Tesla only to misuse their creative energy to their own corrupt ends.

As their power begins to wane, they've chosen to double down, dragging nearly half of our nation into their twilight zone reality of illusion and indoctrination, and setting the stage for something akin to civil war, whether we like it or not.

There's still time to reach those who have ears to hear, before that chasm between the factions grows to the extent that we can't hear one another anymore, and the inevitable occurs.

Changing hearts and minds now may very well save lives in the future... and hasten our untangling of this Gordian knot. Our restoring order and justice, creating systems and structures that are in accordance with our nature and time-tested, that reward merit over ambitious parasitism, honesty and genuineness over shrewdness and deceit.

We live in unprecedented times.
Let's rise to the challenge”

Commissary to the Gentiles: A Jew Answers Anti-Semitism: Is the basis of Christian Culture Jewish and are Christian Anti-Semites Hypocrites?

Vera Oredsson is a German-Swedish National Socialist and currently with the Nordic Resistance Movement in Sweden. Here, she describes her experience during the Third Reich as a member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel.


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

59 videos

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