Last Leaf Studio

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Last Leaf Studio



This is a reedit of a previous video considerably shortened to fit people's attention spans. If you like this jeep and want to make one there is a link to the files in my Etsy store.

An easy stocking post that holds 5 stockings.

Buy the parts and tools you need here. Amazon Links:
Roman Ogee bit :
Round Over bits :
Hooks :
Router :
Self Centering Drill Bit :

In this video I finish framing the small cabin and put a roof on.

I made this live edge bar top out of ambrosia maple and real arrow heads found by the client. She gathered these arrow heads with her dad and asked me to set them into the bar top so she can cherish them forever. I was a little reluctant to encase these beautiful arrow heads in epoxy at first but she assured me that's what she wanted. This was one of my first big epoxy projects and I am very happy with how it turned out.

I've always wanted to try my hand at log cabin building. In this video I give it a shot.

Trophy for local fantasy football team.

You ever wondered if you could cast solder? I am trying my hand at some sand casting. With both solder and pewter. I 3d printed the pattern i got from thingiverse. I also use some sounds from I think the solder would work if I remelted it because I think most of the rosin poured out the first time. After watching the video back you can clearly see it says rosin core and that's the nasty brown goo.

Here I use my Shapeoko 3 CNC router to carve this Mandalorian art piece. After it was all carved out I poured pewter into the letters and visor to give it a shiny Mandalorian feel. Some of the letter deformed a little bit but i think this only added to the whole Star Wars scavenger feel. I hope you enjoy don't forget to like and subscribe and feel free to ask questions in the comment section below or on Instagram.

Stocking holder made from scrap wood with five sides.

Bird house from old log. I found this chunk of apple tree in the woods. It was perfect for a birdhouse i thought. So i took it home and made it into a birdhouse. I had some old license plates laying around i decided to use for the roof. What kind of bird will live in here? I have no idea. We will see in the spring.

I rescue some logs from the firewood pile and take them to the sawmill. I am using a Hud-Son Hunter sawmill which meets my needs nicely.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

12 videos

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