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#17: We take a closer look at Genesis 3:16 and 3:17 for its psychological and Buddhist leanings.

#16: We take another look at line 1 of the Kolbrin bible and how our senses can lead us to disbelief and madness. In this video we look at the two American flags, does one lead to human thriving and the other disbelief and madness?

#15: The sensory of our sensors, our senses, why our understanding of these is so important, so much so, that they are discussed in line one of the Kolbrin bible.

#14: Why do we allow the defending of bullies ...

#13: What do the professions of Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and Seth mean? Let's explore from the Meek perspective.

#12: We take a look at the meaning of the Beatitudes. I make the Meek case that they are more Buddhist than they are Judeo-Christian. Listen and find out why :)

In this video, we take a look at two world views of the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve, how the serpent has been used to separate us, and how it represents a great gift and a great warning in the meek world view.

In this 10th video, we discuss the implications of the Adam and Eve story on relationships.

In this 9 video, we step a bit away from meek and apply this philosophy to a real-world issue, the border.

In this video we look at the implications of the story of Adam and Eve and the eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, do we belong or is humanity... not worthy?

A short talk on the meek concept of heaven and hell, the path that leads to each, and how they relate to good and evil.

A bit of a ramble trying to explain what is good and evil from the meek perspective.

We look at Matthew 5:5, what it means, and why I chose this as the foundation of my philosophy/ belief.

In this video, we close out this first series of foundational thoughts (4 videos) exploring what is God, who we are, where we are, and why we are here.

We take a look at where we exist in the meek philosophy/belief.

We continue to explore "God" in the meek philosophy/belief system

getting the ball moving again, this world is not what we believe it to be.


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

17 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Here I talk about finding, defining and becoming meek. It is not what most folks think it is. Meek is a powerful, capable and willing being that strives to show grace and reverence while obeying our one and only true master, God. This is very much an ongoing journey and am looking for folks to help define and build the new meek fellowship.