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The sinful and degenerate lifestyle of sodomites and transgenders are being promoted by bolshevik jews in an attempt to corrupt Western civilisation.

A compilation of kikes pretending to be White. The song is Zionists Exist by Blink1488. Follow me on Gab: gab.com/WhiteNationalFascist

Pornography is a culturally Marxist tool utilised by Bolshevik Jews to brainwash Whites from early ages with harmful degeneracy like miscegenation and homosexuality in an attempt to depopulate us.

80% of homosexuals were molested or raped as children. Despite being only 2% of the population, homosexuals commit 45% of child sex abuse. Homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they recruit by molesting children. Thomas Jefferson wrote a bill to castrate homosexuals in Virginia. The Bible frequently states that homosexual acts are sinful and immoral. Countless civilisations have been opposed to homosexuality for thousands of years. Homosexuals have an average of over 100 total partners in their lifetime. Homosexuals have an 80% higher chance of contracting AIDS than heterosexuals. The 1972 LGBT platform demanded lowering the age of consent. Homosexuals are 6x more likely to be suicidal that heterosexuals, and almost half of them have severe mental health disorders.

God Bless the SSPX! Screw the Jews and the Second Vatican Council.


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

8 videos

Category News & Politics