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The Winds of Change are upon us as the Sun and Uranus join forces in the grounded, practical and stable sign of Taurus. While Uranus represents innovation and originality, bringing these two together brings opportunity for creative breakthroughs and thinking outside the box.
Let your authenticity shine! 💜

Attention All Creatives!
Mars & Neptune are currently mixing their energies to create a bit of creative genius! Dream Big and Create Boldly! 💜

Understanding your birth chart through astrology is like having a cosmic roadmap to life. It empowers you with insights into your personality, life’s ups and downs and even your connections with others. It’s a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, providing guidance on how to make the most of gifts that are uniquely your own. It’s a beautiful bridge between the Mystical and the practical. A perfect match for those who seek to blend spirituality and self-awareness for a richer and more meaningful life.

Open the secret door to the cosmos and explore the mystical tapestry of your existence through your “one of a kind” birth chart.

You’ll find it a journey well worth taking.


The Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful time for deep reflection and transformation. This intense lunar phase encourages us to dive into our emotional depths, where we can uncover hidden truths and release what is no longer serving us. It's a time of profound self-discovery and empowerment where we can harness Scorpio's transformative energy to break free from old patterns and embrace change. For those of you doing Shadow work, this moon can help you clear a lot of past hurts. We let them come up so they can be released, yes?

This is a Moon for a mystical journey into your inner realms, your inner sanctuary. Embrace its transformative energy and release emotional burdens while choosing to invite peace and balance into your life. Full Moons are a time of letting go, a time of something coming full circle. There is peace on the other side of releasing what no longer serves you. Trust in the process.

Some powerful crystals to help keep you grounded during this full moon are black tourmaline, black obsidian or smoky quartz crystals. It’s always good to have grounding stones and crystals around you during a full moon, and this one is no exception.

Once the Full Moon passes tonight feel free to step away from anything you’re releasing and move into a much lighter and brighter tomorrow.

Happy Full Moon Adventuring!


Struggling with Christmas gift ideas? Let astrology be your guide! Explore the unique preferences of each zodiac sign to find the perfect, personalized gift for your loved ones. 🌟🎁

Pisces - As the Sun graces your 10th house it will direct your attention to your career, public image, and life's ambitions. Now is the time to set and achieve significant goals, earning recognition for all your efforts. Enjoy! ♓️☀️

LEO - Brace yourself for a wave of creativity, joy, and self-expression as the Sun lights up your 5th house. This is your time to let your inner light shine brightly and spread some of that contagious enthusiasm you have for life.
This fabulous transit happens ever year for you between November 22 and December 21st. Mark it in your calendar, it's your GO Time! Enjoy! ♌️☀️

ARIES - Experience an annual celestial event as the transit occurs in your 9th house of Adventure, higher education, travel, and foreign places from November 22nd to December 21. Make a note in your calendar to seize this opportunity each year! Utilize this period for enrolling in courses, exploring new destinations, or engaging in activities that broaden your perspectives and enhance your understanding of the world. ♈️☀️

As the Sun lights up your first house it's time to embrace your true self and individuality as your self-confidence and charisma peak. This period signals personal renewal and self-discover. Happy Birthday Sagittarius! 🎉♐️☀️

Libra - Your communication skills and intellectual pursuits at are coming to the forefront now. Embrace a time of learning, idea-sharing, and meaningful conversations. ♎️☀️

Taurus, the radiant Sun illuminates your 8th house, guiding you into the realms of transformation and shared resources. This transit happens for you every year from November 22nd thru December 21st. It's a great opportunity to go over your shared resources and make choices on what you truly need. ♉️☀️

As the Sun journeys through your 6th house Cancer it will shift your focus to daily routines, health, and work. Explore the importance of details in your life and discover how positive changes can enhance your well-being.
The Sun really brings this area into focus for you every year between November 22nd and December 21st. It's a perfect time to revamp this area for the year ahead. Enjoy! ♋️☀️ https://youtu.be/nVSYg1MX9ZM

Gemini - as the Sun illuminates your 7th house, your focus will shift to partnerships and relationships. Explore the importance of communication and collaboration in both personal and professional realms while the Sun lights up this area for you and notice how much you're able to work through.
This happens for you every year for you, from November 22 - December 21.
Enjoy! ♊️☀️

Virgo - As the Sun moves through your 4th house, your attention will turn to home, family, and your inner sanctuary. Discover the art of creating a harmonious and secure environment that nurtures your well-being. The Sun shifts your focus to home and family every year between November 22nd - December 21st so you can reevalutate how things are going, and what you may, or may not, want to change for the coming year. Enjoy! ♍️☀️

As the Sun moves through your 12th house of the subconscious it invites a phase of introspection. This period involves delving into hidden depths, spirituality, and inner exploration. Meditation is a wonderful tool to use during this time, to help cleanse the cobwebs of the past. Ommmmm 🧘‍♂️ ♑️☀️

Scorpio - The Sun is bringing your focus to matters of personal finances, values, and self-worth. Seize the ideal opportunity to assess your monetary situation and fortify your financial security.
This happens every year for you between November 22nd and December 21st so you can give everything a good going over and make any changes you feel necessary. Enjoy! ♏️☀️

Aquarius - Now is the time to center on friendships, social networks, and your role in the broader community. Embrace your innovative and humanitarian spirit, finding joy in group activities as your social circle expands. During this yearly transit (between November 22nd and December 21st) the Universe lights up this area for you to expand and play with. It's all about friendship, networking and community. Enjoy! ♒️☀️

I affectionately call Jupiter "Uncle Jupe" because he's like a big rolly polly Uncle that walks in the front door and says "Whatcha Needin darlin! Let me get it for ya! Uncle Jupe Is In The Building!"
Everyone loves it when Jupiter transits their Sun sign.
Right now he's living it up in Taurus (how's that going for you Taureans out there? Anyone care to share?)
For the rest of us however, he's sprinkled throughout the charts. Do you know where he is in yours?

Aries (March 21 - April 19):
Aries individuals love adventure and challenges. Consider gifts that cater to their active lifestyle, like outdoor gear or experiences like skydiving. Opt for bold, energetic colors. 🎄♈️

Leo (July 23 - August 22):
Leos love to be in the spotlight. Opt for bold and glamorous gifts, like statement accessories or tickets to a show. Personalized items or anything that showcases their uniqueness will be a hit. ♌️🎄

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):
Aquarians are innovative and open-minded. Consider gifts that reflect their eclectic tastes, such as unique gadgets, unconventional art, or tickets to a futuristic event.♒️🎄

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):
Scorpios are drawn to mystery and depth. Select gifts that appeal to their passionate nature, such as intense fragrances, dark-colored clothing, or intriguing books. ♏️🎄

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces are dreamy and creative. Choose gifts that tap into their artistic side, like art supplies, music, or items that promote relaxation and self-care. ♓️🎄

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):
Capricorns appreciate practicality and ambition. Opt for gifts that align with their goals, like professional accessories, high-quality tools, or books on personal development.♑️🎄


Created 3 years ago.

79 videos

Category Entertainment

Astrology enthusiast passionate about bringing Spirituality, Mysticism and Astrology together. Exploring the cosmos and its influence on our well-being. 🌙✨