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mass broadcast, psychological trauma, AGAIN. These guys are cute.

Leo Vradkar

All major events are used as a reset. If this is a scam, is too big a jump to say previous wars, famines and plagues were manipulated? Not for me.

Until we turn off the MSM & walk away, we will continue to be blown from pillar to post, getting lost in their narratives.

Trump believed bombs were used on 911, said it on the same day. Knowing the implications of that, the breach of security, msm lies etc etc, would you think he would come out and say a flu like illness is worse than 911 attacks? After announcing a national emergency on fri 13 @ 3:33? They have full faith in their rituals/god & are playing the long game..

Follow Grand Torino on YT while you can.


Fake Earth Footage: https://youtu.be/U5Hmjklmy6o

Like, share, sub 😘

Richard Aschcroft live on Chris Evan's show YT

Prof carl heneghan - on masks YT

.So if your3 in a hotspot this fall, sadly things wont be back to normal. I'm hopeful that by fall 21 I think well have everything under control enough.... BUT THE ENTIRE ACADEMIC YEAR HANGS IN THE BALANCE

Europe second wave coming

Christ whitty regurgitating.


Is this what they want? People learning at home. This way we ask them for what they want.. no/part time school + restrictions on freedoms

Is this another drawn out attack on the culture to get us begging for a vaccine?

For me, it's a bit of both. Reduced weeks combined with online learning + restrictions on freedims as the future for learning..

DJ Bill Gates is worth a watch




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Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

52 videos

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