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This has implications for the spike protein being permanently produced in the human gut.

Detailed panel discussion on vaccine safety and various issues.
This is a re-upload, the other one on this channel was sabota...... I mean, stopped working. -Again.
I also uploaded it to my Odysee channel, you can find it here: https://odysee.com/@lees_box:7/vaccine-panel-conscious-life-2016:8?r=8MZZbaG4Lgbb1nymfznjYkZoCqC8gooC

Sometimes in a room you have open to the public in 3DX Chat you still want to have some place in the build where others don't go and can't easily find, and this is the perfect solution. In this video you will learn how to make an invisible secret doorway that no-one can find (unless you let them see you use it lol).

Sometimes a builder in 3DX Chat wants to use objects which other players have already made rather than making them from scratch themselves, here I show you how to integrate these into your existing build.

Sites mentioned in this video:

I needed to make some sort of beach shack in 3DX Chat so I thought I'd video it at the same time.

For higher res version go here: https://youtu.be/RV_LQlbyXi0

Building in 3DX Chat Ep4 June 15th 2022
Working on Auto Club, installing plants and pots and pier lighting at the pier house.

For a higher res version go here: https://youtu.be/BKgTHdodJ2w

Building in 3DX Chat Ep3 June 13th 2022
Working on Auto Club, putting-in a jacuzzi and dancefloor at the pier house.

For a higher res version go here: https://youtu.be/75qvLqbn_xo

The last interview with Brandy Vaughan, September 2020

Mirror from here: https://youtu.be/Jq4y0VbWswQ

Detailed panel discussion on vaccine safety and various issues.
This is a re-upload, the other one on this channel was sabota...... I mean, stopped working.
I also uploaded it to my Odysee channel, you can find it here: https://odysee.com/@lees_box:7/vaccine-panel-conscious-life-2016:8?r=8MZZbaG4Lgbb1nymfznjYkZoCqC8gooC

I don't know if they still do it, but back in the day, at the end of year Christmas party, they used to make and play one of these at each television station just to entertain the staff while they all stood around drinking. This one is from Channel 9 (GTV 9), Melbourne, Australia, 1981.

I don't know if they still do it, but back in the day, at the end of year Christmas party, they used to make and play one of these at each television station just to entertain the staff while they all stood around drinking. This one is from Channel 7 (HSV 7), Melbourne, Australia, 1981.

Building in 3DX Chat Ep2 June 6th 2022
Working on Auto Club, replacing lost island, working with rocks and checking-out a Jacuzzi.
For a slightly higher res version go here: https://youtu.be/pVFu7ftirn0

Building in 3DX Chat Ep1 June 5th 2022
Working on Auto Club, intro, tour and installing lighting

Chapters -
00:00 Intro and tour
54:37 Setting time of day
1:17:20 Installing dynamic club lighting

I recently returned to 3DX Chat after a long long absence and I had a few builds in there which were not finished and thought while I'm working on them, why not record it and whack them up, might help someone who likes building in VR. For what it's worth, as far as I know 3DX uses a Unity-based builder.

I've uploaded a lower res version of this video to here and also my Odysee channel because it helps the streams avoid buffering if it's on 720p and a lower bitrate, but if you want a higher res version I put one up on Youtube. Find it here: https://youtu.be/Nxldx5o4kac I haven't been uploading to Youtube for a very long time now because I was getting so many strikes for content (just expert opinions from world renowned professionals but who cares if they disagree with the WHO right?) and it just wasn't worth the headache, but for this type of thing I decided I can use that channel again so if you're ever looking for better res versions of these building vids, I'll be putting them over there on the reg as well. Hopefully anyone who is new to 3DX or building in VR might find stumble across these vids and find them helpful.

Jen Psaki being an Israeli apologist circa 2015.

Covid vax mRNA intentionally engineered to be more long-lived.
Source: The Highwire EPISODE 264: FORCE OF NATURE https://thehighwire.com/watch/

***Re-upload to BitChute, OG vid (29th October 2020) no longer plays/loads, Youtube copy deleted by Youtube June 2021.***

This video was originally recorded and uploaded to Youtube on 29th October 2020, then deleted by Youtube on 4th June 2021. It discusses the concern I had at the time that the spike protein which the covid "vaccine" forces your cells to make might not have an 'off switch' and what that may mean to your health.

At the time of making this video I had not yet learned that all you needed to turn RNA into DNA was a simple enzyme and we already have the genes to write this enzyme anyway ('Reverse Transcriptase'). That only made it worse because it became more likely that my concerns were well-founded. At the time all I wanted to do was to find out for sure that the protein-writing process stopped (and how), and to alert people to the possibility it may keep going (assume it does until they prove it doesn't type of thing) and make themselves aware and on guard. Currently at the time of uploading this now (April 2022) reports are beginning to come out that the RNA is in fact turning itself into DNA and becoming a permanent part of the cell, so it's as important as ever that this discussion here is had and people are able to try to protect themselves even at this late stage because it looks like the more of them you have, the worse it will get, meaning even if you have had one or two, you can still try to mitigate the damage. I more or less just wanted it back up online without being deleted/censored so people can find it and may find it helpful, I explain how if indeed the spike keeps getting written permanently, it is vital that further mRNA injections are avoided at all costs because the more someone has, the worse it will get for the immune system. Hopefully it will help someone, that's all I ever wanted.

Source: The Highwire Episode 260: WINNERS, SINNERS, & THE DEATH OF A GENERATION

The truth about life in a Ukrainian town under Russian control

Mirror from here: https://youtu.be/q0B1kxT57c0

Ukraine - Interesting commentary on the Zelensky regime.

Mirror from here: https://youtu.be/sWowLKjIo5s

Ukrainian forces using civilians as human shields.

Mirror from here: https://youtu.be/2xhs-VhKenw


Created 4 years ago.

73 videos

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