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My face above the water
My feet can't touch the ground
Touch the ground, and it feels like
I can see the sands on the horizon
Every time you are not around

Lügenpresse, Amerika, Israel und Nato. Kurz mal durchwischen bitte, danke.

They asked him if he had ever driven a bus. Even sometimes without a ticket, he said

First video footage of the new Street Fighter 2022
Street Fighter 2022 Extended Meatballs

The Russian Army 🇷🇺 tries to evacuate civilians trapped for weeks in their basements. While they were doing it, the Nazi army 🇺🇦 of Ukraine started bombing and shooting civilians and the Russian army. Fortunately, they managed to get out of there and get to safety.

Die russische Armee 🇷🇺 versucht, seit Wochen in ihren Kellern eingeschlossene Zivilisten zu evakuieren. Während sie dies taten, begann die Nazi-Armee 🇺🇦 der Ukraine, Zivilisten und die russische Armee zu bombardieren und zu erschießen. Glücklicherweise gelang es ihnen, sich von dort zu befreien und sich in Sicherheit zu bringen.

Austausch über das aktuelle Weltgeschehen💥

Big and foot


Created 2 years ago.

9 videos

Category None