Homo Interruptis, with Len Ber MD

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Homo Interruptis, with Len Ber MD



Opinions expressed by the guest of the show are not necessarily opinions of Targeted Justice.

Brandon Iglesias is a Photoelectrochemical engineer with cybersecurity, genetics, materials science, neurotechnology and cognitive science background. You can find him on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-i-183998273/

Brandon is prolific on Substack https://electrostasis.substack.com
Here is a link to the pie chart Brandon promised us during the interview https://drive.proton.me/urls/7NHTK781R8#P97OpkFANcSJ

Looking forward to your feedback!

In order to continue our legal fight, we need your support. Please donate to Targeted Justice via https://pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice or https://www.bonfire.com/store/targeted-justice-products/

What an important episode. It should answer most of your questions about figuring out what these lawsuits are about, and give a clear picture of our legal strategy.

For the information about how to register for the Colorado event, go to

And last but not least, in order to continue our legal fight, we need your support. Please donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice or https://www.bonfire.com/store/targeted-justice-products/

Gogi holds weekly meetings for the Targeted Justice community every Tuesday at 8:30 ET. For more information, please visit and subscribe her channel https://www.youtube.com/@UCYSxzxTeCbeuoROWBO2bSVw

Len Ber MD is a Board Member of Targeted Justice, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit Targeted Justice v. Garland, and a host of the podcast "TJ v. Garland", a Podcast about an extraordinary lawsuit. This is an edited version of the interview that for your convenience contains just the interview and the Q&Fs.

We, at Targeted Justice continue to rely on your donation in order to keep up with the legal fights that are highly beneficial for the Targeted Community.
You may donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice or https://www.bonfire.com/store/targeted-justice-products/

"Truth doesn't mind to be questioned. Propaganda doesn't allow to be questioned." (David. A. Hughes, during this interview)

David Hughes talked about his latest work, a life-changing book that illuminate you in the ways you might not expect "Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy" Volume 1.

He is best known for his landmark article "What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity" (published in September 2022) https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/52

David's new book can be dowloaded and distributed for free from https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-41850-1 or https://ulincoln.academia.edu/DavidHughes/Books

Following publication of the new book, David's job is in jeopardy, and he needs your support to continue his important work and to deliver Volume 2.

To learn about various ways to support David's work please see https://www.academia.edu/118269356/Support
and/or donate via https://buymeacoffee.com/dahughes

David's Substack address is dhughes.substack.com
He will become active on substack shortly, and you are invited to become a paid subscriber.

Finally, his new website www.omniwar.com is coming online soon.
As for TargetedJustice.com, in order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice or https://www.bonfire.com/store/targeted-justice-products/

Congressional Homeland Committee Hearing "Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland" took place on May 8, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/live/LCYH_K850Lw

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

5th Circuit denied Oral Arguments in "Targeted Justice v. Garland" on procedural reasons rather than on the merit. Next stop is Supreme Court. This is the first time these TSDB-related questions connected to Targeted Individuals will be reaching the Supreme Court!

All the legal documents are available on TargetedJustice.com

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Armin Krishnan is an associate professor and director of security studies at East Carolina University, U.S.A, where he teaches U.S. foreign policy, international Security, and intelligence studies.

His most recent book (March, 2024) outlines the concept of fifth generation warfare and demonstrates its relevance for understanding contemporary conflicts. https://www.routledge.com/Fifth-Generation-Warfare-Dominating-the-Human-Domain/Krishnan/p/book/9781003396963

I had the privilege to interview Prof. Krishnan about one of his previous books, Military Neuroscience and the Coming Age of Neurowarfare (2019).
Link to the book: https://www.routledge.com/Military-Neuroscience-and-the-Coming-Age-of-Neurowarfare/Krishnan/p/book/9781138361447
Link to the 2022 interview: https://youtu.be/pWvuhrgZU4U?si=lMsp59_pp1a7yLJW

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Supreme Court Decision in FBI v. Fire made it crystal clear: Due Process is Above FBI Shenenigans with TSDB! https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-1178_p8k0.pdf

Here is a link to the recording of Oral Arguments in Kovac v. Wray that took place in the 5th Circuit on April 11, 2024 https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/OralArgRecordings/23/23-10284_3-11-2024.mp3

Link to Targeted Doctors Symposium April 12, 2024 in its entirety https://clouthub.com/p/ukN3ju8zin

My lecture at said Symposium is https://youtu.be/LN-YfjOA9T0?si=EI1b70l-6Hx4n7RE

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

The episode contains my presentation at the First Targeted Doctors Symposium held on April 12, courtesy of @vaxxchoiceIn on CloutHub

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Targeted Justice v. FBI is a FOIA lawsuit filed on March 1, 2024

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJusticeStore:https://www.targetedjustice.store

The participants discussed the topic of non-kinetic brain injury, also known as Havana Syndrome. The conversation highlighted the growing concerns about targeted individuals, including children as young as 3, who are experiencing voices in their heads.

It was mentioned that the United States armed forces admitted to deploying a patented torture method that involves broadcasting voices, known as the microwave auditory effect.The potential long-term damage to the developing brains of children was a cause of concern.The meeting focused on the growing issue of non-kinetic brain injury, also known as Havana Syndrome, particularly affecting children. The meeting also discussed potential sources of these pulsations, including cell towers, drones, satellites, and HAARP, and the ethical implications of using such technology.

References for Children and V2K interview.
1 .Justesen, D. R. (1975). Microwaves and behavior. American Psychologist, 30(3), 391. - First published evidence of successful transmission of words using MW energy I people https://drive.proton.me/urls/S7KPSPH2WW#kbw3ahs6FgFj

2. Lin, J. (1917). The Mystery of "Sonic Health Attacks" on Havana-Based Diplomats. No 362. - First mention that Havana Syndrome is linked to pulsed microwaves

3. Foster KR, Garrett DC, Ziskin MC. Can the Microwave Auditory Effect Be "Weaponized"? Front Public Health. 2021 Dec 23;9:788613. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.788613. PMID: 35004589; PMCID: PMC8733248.https://drive.proton.me/urls/S7KPSPH2WW#kbw3ahs6FgFj

“We conclude that acoustic waves induced in the brain at the “reasonable upper limit” exposures described by Dagro et al. are likely to fall short of thresholds for damaging the brain, although they conceivably could produce unpleasant audiovestibular disturbances and/or auditory responses, depending on the RF pulse duration and repetition rate. In any event, the capabilities of high-powered microwave sources remain shrouded in classified research programs and thresholds for adverse effects are poorly defined. There are easier ways to harass or harm an adversary and using directed energy weapons against people might be ill-advised for a variety of other reasons as well.”

Targeted Justice: https://www.targetedjustice.comTargeted Justice

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJusticeStore:https://www.targetedj

I Promise You Have Not Heard This Kind of Analysis of These Two Bills Anywhere Else. Plus, I am Saying Good Bye... But Not To The Podcast!

Colorado Bill:
New Hampshire Bill: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/billinfo.aspx?id=1641&inflect=2
Targeted Justice is not a medical or legal firm. We do not provide medical or legal advice. Please consult a medical doctor or attorney as appropriate. Please visit the bottom of our HOME page at TargetedJustice.com, for our complete disclaimer.

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Targeted Justice is not a medical or legal firm. We do not provide medical or legal advice. Please consult a medical doctor or attorney as appropriate. The FDA has not evaluated our statements or the content of our publications and videos, as they do not constitute medical advice. Please visit the bottom of our HOME page at TargetedJustice.com, for our complete disclaimer.

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

This episode is dedicated to Targeted Justice Substack Newsletter article "4 Myths About Targeting" that stirred up a lot of emotions in the community: https://open.substack.com/pub/targetedjustice/p/4-myths-about-targeting

Other relevant links:

Symposium Announcement: "Reality of The Targeting Program"

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

This episode is dedicated to Targeted Justice Substack Newsletter article "4 Myths About Targeting" that stirred up a lot of emotions in the community: https://open.substack.com/pub/targetedjustice/p/4-myths-about-targeting

Other relevant links:

Symposium Announcement: "Reality of The Targeting Program"

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

This week marked the Oral Arguments in a TSDB-related case that reached the Supreme Court. The charade that the executive branch has been running without a shred of of embarrassment is about to collapse under its own weight. More and more cases are coming down the pike, including Targeted Justice v. Garland (which was a subject of the Press Conference that took place on one-year anniversary since filing this historic lawsuit.)

Catch an Oscar-worthy performance by Ana Toledo as her Columbia class-mate Justice Gorsuch. And more.

Important Links for this week's show:
1) Transcript of Oral Arguments in FBI v. FIKRE https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2023/22-1178_7lhn.pdf
2) The NYT 2021 Article about an FBI whistleblower who worked in the guts of TSDB, Terry Albury https://archive.is/rwcM2

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

A clip from Episode 47 of "Targeted Justice v. Garland", A Podcast About an Extraordinary Lawsuit.

Follow me on X at PSardonicus
Follow Ana Toledo on X at AnaToledoDavila
Follow Targeted Justice on X at TargetedJustice

My Substack is lenbermd.substack.com

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Ana and I are continuing reviewing TSDB-related cases. CAIR (Counsel of Arab-American Relations) is paving the way to challenge the constitutionality of the way TSDB has been operated and affecting lives of law-abiding Americans. Both affected Muslim-Americans and Targeted Americans have several things in common - we are all Listed Individuals who have been denied due process and extrajudicially sentenced to lifetime second-class citizenship.

On a personal note, I have received approval of my disability due to NKBI (Non-Kinetic Brain Injury). Expect more information to appear on the page already dedicated to this novel type of brain injury https://www.targetedjustice.com/dr-len-ber-md.html

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and the channel of Targeted Justice https://www.youtube.com/@TargetedJustice

Follow me on X at PSardonicus
Follow Ana Toledo on X at AnaToledoDavila
Follow Targeted Justice on X at TargetedJustice

My Substack is lenbermd.substack.com

In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

In the legal segment, we reviewed letters written to people in charge of the Watchlisting Enterprise by US senators in the Fallout from the Peters Report "Mislabeled As a Threat"

Also, Top 5 Top Moments of 2023 from Ana's and Len's Perspective, and a very special New Year Message.

We kindly ask you to contribute to our legal efforts by donating via https://pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, MD, Ph.D is an Advisory Board Member for Targeted Justice.com

We kindly ask you to contribute to our legal efforts by donating via https://pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

The data presented was obtained from an exhibit in "Elhady v. Kable" (EXHIBIT B - Compilation of Public Watchlisting Statistics) https://www.targetedjustice.com/uploads/1/1/6/3/116323993/joint_appendix-49mb.pdf

Total number of TSDB listees for the year 2023 was obtained from the CBS Report (December 2023) https://youtu.be/GeUnmgwHbgQ?si=I9gzzO_XH1btR7Lz

We kindly ask you to contribute to our legal efforts by donating via https://pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Full Senate Report can be found here https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/Mislabeled-as-a-Threat_Public_Report-2.pdf

To write to the Senators involved in the investigation, see https://targetedjustice.substack.com/p/please-write-to-senators-more-contact

We kindly ask you to contribute to our legal efforts by donating via https://pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice

Per numerous requests, I am starting to post Episodes of "Targeted Justice v. Garland", A Podcast About an Extraordinary Lawsuit on ButChute.

This year, our Christmas gift arrived on December 16, 2023 in the form of a Senate Report
Also, join us while we are looking at how WatchlIsting Enterprise appears in graphs and charts.
Finally, our Christmas wishes and hopes.

We kindly ask you to contribute to our legal efforts by donating via https://pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice
or https://www.patreon.com/TargetedJustice

You can also create a paid subscription to Targetedjustice.substack.com newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update!

Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TargetedJustice


Created 5 months, 3 weeks ago.

25 videos

Category Health & Medical

Retired Medical Doctor. Civilian officially diagnosed with"Havana Syndrome" correctly called Non-Kinetic Brain Injury.

Targeted Individual. Board Member of Targeted Justice.com non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. A Plaintif in the historic lawsuit "Targeted Justice v. Garland" destined to go to the Supreme Court.

Podcast host of "Targeted Justice v. Garland", a Podcast about an Extraordinary lawsuit.

Member of the group of international researches studying the presence of nanotechnology in blood and pharmaceutical products, and the MAC Address Emitting Phenomenon. I was a part of the study in which I was shown to emit MAC address (https://www.academia.edu/104978525/MAC_Address_Finding_Study_Among_Residents_of_IL_A_Pilot_Study_Includes_Addendum_How_To_Detect_Mac_Address_Emission_in_a_person_see_PDF_added_December_2023_)