John Longtain - English

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John Longtain - English



Now we edit the second part of this 57 pages script. This is a Star Wars tale I wrote a year or two ago, because I was/am not satisfied with what I've been delivered this past few years.

We're getting to know the characters a little better, and discovering things about them that they want to keep to themselves. Unfortunately, secrets are there to jump out whenever we least want them to.

We finally begin our journey into the actual story of this tale we've been working on. Today, we're proofreading and editing the first 11 pages of a 57 pages script or teleplay. Tell me what you think in the comments. I'll be more than glad to read each and everyone of them.

Today, we talk about the last character we needed to talk about in order to get to the meat and potatoes of the matter. Hilen is a Mandalorian that had to flee his home planet with his family, and later detached from them in order to join Indi and Aro.

Today, I'm introducing the crew's astromech: L1-R1. And yes, the name IS a reference to video game controllers. L1 is a mysterious droid with a mysterious past, and not even he knows it's entirety. That's fine, though. If ever I write more than one story with this characters, it'll be funto discover it.

Since I can't create playlists, yet, here's a linklist for the rest of the videos in this series:


Aro, a soldier turned rogue who, novertheless, has a very strict personal code of honor that guides him more truly than a compass could lead him to the magnetic north of any planet.

Since I can't create playlists, yet, here's a linklist to the past videos in this series:

Today, I talk a little about Eni, an orphaned Twi'lek who was taken in by Aro and his crew after preventing her from being taken from the human family that was taking care of her in Tatooine.

Since I can't make playlists yet, here's a list of links to the other videos in this series:

Thumbnail Image: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License by SvenjaLiv on DeviantArt

Song: Grace by Hayden Folker |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

In this video, I tell you about Alia, the protagonist for a Star Wars Tale I'm developing. If you please, make sure to leave your comments with your thoughts after listening to this little development log.

Since I can't create playlists in Bitchute yet, here's the links to the other videos in this series:

If you, like me, were unsatisfied by The Force Awakens when it came out, then this video might be for you. I took all the ideas that I thought were good of the entire Disney trilogy (which isn't to say there were many), married them with EU concepts, and voila! I think I came up with a good revision that would have made TFA a good movie.

My wife asked me for a Werewolf story based on a dream she had. Now I have to create a whole world where said story takes place.
Let's chroncle the creation of said world in videos, why don't we?

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The Star Wars universe is amazing, and I couldn't help but write a story set in it. This is the begining, or the prelude, of said tale. The origing of the protagonist I created for a Star Wars tale. What do you think of it?

With all these retellings and modern interpretations being produced, I wanted to know what the "original" version was like. I liked it very, very much. Listen along and tell me what you think of it.

Image Attribution: "Snow White" by Ирина Хуторная is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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I've read and analyzed Little Snow-White. As a writer, however, I NEEDED to see what I could do to Snow White.

Not to adapt it, mind you. Not to give it a different message or to "make it relevant" to today.

I respect the story I read. And so, I'm only adding to it. Not subtracting, not changing, and not "bringing it to the modern era".

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After reading Little Snow-White, I had a long while of thinking and reflection. I wanted to share thouse thoughts with you.

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And if you wanna help me out with a tip:


Created 4 years ago.

14 videos

Category Entertainment

This is a channel mostly dedicated to stories; both the ones I can share, and the ones I create. I love stories, I think they matter, and I want to prove that they do.