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Fishing up the Runescale Koi schools in Suramar for the three rare baits and fish.

Fishing up the Black Barracuda schools in Suramar City for the three rare baits and fish.

Acquiring and Activating the Underlight Angler. Use this run code to activate your new fishing rod! Remember, you need to have Artifact Points collected first (even just 50 should do), then click on the Pearl to look at the skill tree, then hit enter to paste in this code: /run for i,powerid in pairs(C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()) do C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(powerid) end

Have fun all!

Fishing up the Mossgill schools in Val'Sharah for the three rare baits and fish.

Fishing up the Stormray schools in Stormheim for the three rare baits and fish.

Longform walkthrough to getting the Underlight Angler; start in Dalaran and head to Margoss and collect a bunch of Drowned Mana to trade for Arcane Lures to complete his quest and prepare ourselves for the rest of our fishing experience.

Fishing up the Queenfish schools in Azsuna for the three rare baits and fish.

Longform walkthrough to getting the Underlight Angler; fishing in Highmountain for the rare bait in the Salmon pools.

Just a quick video on killing the Reaper. You can probably use any combination of weapons for this method, but it's important to keep Ice Lance and Laurel for survivability.

Hey guys! This is basically an overview of the game; I played for about 7-8 hours I think (don't really remember). Overall, I kind of liked the game, but thought it was a little too time consuming and came down to doing the same thing over in each biome (I don't know that for sure, just my opinion based on what I saw). So I don't think I'll be playing it anymore, but I did enjoy several aspects of it while I played.

Part Three: Under Monkey Island. Doing a quick run-through of Monkey Island; this is more of a reference guide in case anyone gets stuck as opposed to a slow play through. :)

Part Four: Guybrush Kicks Butt. Doing a quick run-through of Monkey Island; this is more of a reference guide in case anyone gets stuck as opposed to a slow play through. :)

Part Two: The Journey. Doing a quick run-through of Monkey Island; this is more of a reference guide in case anyone gets stuck as opposed to a slow play through. :)

First video of Part One: Melee Island. Doing a quick run-through of Monkey Island; this is more of a reference guide in case anyone gets stuck as opposed to a slow play through. :)

Second video of Part One: Melee Island. Doing a quick run-through of Monkey Island; this is more of a reference guide in case anyone gets stuck as opposed to a slow play through. :)

Thanks for watching this first installment of DBH! :)

Book of Matthew



Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

18 videos

Category Entertainment

Good day everybody!

I want to create a friendly and mature community who is supportive of others being Christians and have Biblical views than what are normally taught in society.

This primary channel is intended to be a gaming channel with Play Along/Let's Play and Review videos of comics, anime and movies with clean commentary. But most importantly, I also want to create videos that address questions about the Bible, giving clear and concise answers to these questions, and hopefully make friends with many of you for eternity! :)

Be warned! Although I am not political and try to stay away from politics in general, sometimes politics doesn't stay away from us as people, so we unwittingly enter the fray. I am a Christian and try to stick to Biblical teachings of Christ - no putting words in His mouth or reinterpreting what He teaches; with that in mind, most people would want to brand me as far-right or something (I'm not), I'm simply a Christian, and I vote my conscience.