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Darksiders 3 got a beating with critics upon initial release so months after I decide to give my analysis on this game. It's not as bad as the critics say, but is their some truth to it?

So short and sweet, like this video. (I think)

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Honestly I wasn't too into it until we got to the later half of the conference where I voiced my disdain for Todd Howard, hope you enjoy this more than I did.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/loyaltffan

It was a great conference for gamers, but xbox as a console is pretty much nonexistent. Xbox is a brand now, regardless, they showed a bunch of great stuff like Dying Light 2!!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/loyaltffan

I wanted to take my try at an abridged version of E3 conferences due to no one else is doing it or have stopped doing it. I will be doing the other conferences, except the PC show, but it will take time due to my part-time job, enjoy.

Matt Lees losing his gamer card: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY90symFHaY

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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/loyal_tf_fan

Twitter: https://twitter.com/loyaltffan

E3 is literally starting tomorrow with EA's conference so I got this video done as quick as possible to give my support for a pretty decent game, I already went past the first hour and the story is moving along very well, just remember to upgrade whenever possible otherwise you'll have to face the second boss under-leveled like I did :P

_Also Find me on_

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/loyal_tf_fan

Twitter: https://twitter.com/loyaltffan

This video took a while to gather my thoughts on this game, needless to say critics weren't kidding on how deep and well made this game is. Hopefully I can get my shit together and provide more than just one video a month, enjoy.

Also I forgot if you wear headphones, which is the best way to play the game, it causes the audio not to be captured on my Elgato so I had to work around nearly the entire game having no audio alongside it, so that was a challenging in editing

Here's my full analysis on the brilliant and classic game of Shadow of the Colossus. I played and reviewed the PS4 Pro version, its honestly my personal favorite games and I hope you enjoy the video.


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

8 videos

Category Gaming

I've been a gamer all my life and I aspire to describe why gaming is so amazing. On this channel I make detailed videos going over the pros and cons of many different gaming titles, but if your interested into the actual full playthrough of the game you can go to my secondary channel, Loyalsplaythrough.