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La serie Utopia publicada en el 2013, plantea interesantes argumentos para justificar la despoblación. Se resumen en cinco minutos de los capítulos 1x05 y 2x01, "Despoblación o Extinción". Estos son esos cinco minutos.


1. Para el año 2050 se agotarán las reservas pesqueras.
2. Para el 2080 el gas natural.
3. Para el 2090, el petróleo.
4. Si la demanda sigue aumentando a este ritmo, los fosfatos se acabarán y por lo tanto la comida.
5. La humanidad morirá de hambre y los hombres se aniquilarán unos a otros por su supervivencia.


1. Liberar un virus de la gripe rusa, el más mortal de la historia. La gente entrará en pánico y se pondrá la vacuna de Jano voluntariamente.

2. Jano es una proteína y un aminoácido que por separado son inocuos, pero cuando se juntan impide la reproducción celular. Las células objetivo son las que intervienen en la reproducción y es hereditario.

3. El objetivo son 500 millones de personas en menos de 100 años. Exactamente la cantidad que plantean las piedras guía de Georgia.

4. Aplicar un placebo de 5 al 8% para impedir la extinción de la humanidad. De nuevo cuadra con las piedras guía de Georgia.

5. Aplicar el placebo al grupo racial con menos desperfectos genéticos para crear una humanidad homogénea, sin problemas raciales y con pocos problemas de salud.

The best-illustrated explanation of why and how the mRNA injections can get you killed.

El Dr. Robert Malone afirma que este es el mejor video disponible para explicar la farsa de las "vacunas". Producido por la Canadian Covid Care Alliance, es un documento con evidencias factuales que puede ser usado en un juicio contra las farmacéuticas. Es también la razón por la cual el Dr. Malone fue expulsado de Twitter.

Sitio Web de la Canadian Covid Care Alliance:

PDF anunciado en el video:

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Trump says he is the chosen one. Chosen by whom? By Baphomet? Trump is lying and people are dying. They are creating a captive market of billions of drug addicts who will depend on Big-Pharma to compensate for the erosion of their immune system, AND TRUMP IS HELPING THEM.

From the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank & Big Pharma to the Great Reset. America stands at the crossroads.

Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

SOMBREROS BLANCOS: Si no lo sabías, hay fuerzas ultra-especializadas luchando a favor de la humanidad. Riccardo Bosi, líder del partido australiano "One Australia", y ex coronel de los cuerpos especiales, habla abiertamente de los "Sombreros Blancos". #Resistance #Resistencia

Un médico responsable y valiente, que no será juzgado en Nuremberg 2.0. Se vistió de gloria y pasará a la historia como un héroe. Compártelo.

Síguenos en Twitter: @jluciusflorez

Pfizer had to pay the highest criminal fine in US history, $2.3 billion "for misbranding the painkiller Bextra, promoting the it for not approved uses, and for paying kickbacks to complaint doctors." People cannot trust their lives to a criminal corporation?

This video will show you what has been the past, present, and future of the science hidden in the world. You will find out they have technical capabilities attributed to extraterrestrials.

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Alex Jones' COVIDLAND, part 1.

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Like always we only publish very relevant content. There are too many unanswered questions regarding this injection. It is crazy to be the lab of greedy and immoral corporations. There are only two reasons to take that jab: To be very ignorant or to have extremely low self-esteem. In many cases both are true. Please take a listen.

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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich finally explains the real reason for the pandemic hoax. The elites are afraid because they have stolen all the pension funds. "If people found out that there is nothing left, that it's all stolen, then they'll have a real problem."

WAKE UP. The forced vaccination and threat to your freedom is because they do not want you to know this. The Yellow Vests movement was the beginning of this. They immediately invented the COVID terror, close down, broke the economies, masking and forced vaccination.

If you are more than 50 and have a pension fund, you are eligible to be injected with Remdesivir. Your kidneys collapse. Your lungs are flooded with the fluids your kidneys cannot discharge. You cannot breathe. Then they put in a ventilator and start injecting Midazoline to reduce your respiratory capacity. In a matter of hours, you die of COVID. Mission accomplished.

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A thorough study of the contents of the mRNA vaccine shows its lethal components: Parasites, Stainless Steel and Graphene Oxide. We had empirical evidence of the danger of these mRNA vaccines, but now we have scientific proof.

A truly deadly cocktail that must be stopped and its creators and pushers incarcerated.

American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid Injections


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The authorities are doing "EXACTLY" the opposite of what should be done:

1. Locking down infected people with healthy people so everybody gets infected. The virus transmits mainly indoors.

2. Using masks that do not prevent the infection but sicken and debilitate people, making everybody breathe their own carbon anhydride, and reducing the concentration of oxygen in their blood and brains.

3. Forbidding the effective treatments that can heal COVID close to 100% of the time even with the punishment of jail for the doctors who use them. This is being done in Queensland, Australia.

It is an evil and very well-orchestrated plan.

Dr. Brian M. Tyson explains exactly what to do to prevent and cure COVID, after treating more than six thousand patients successfully.

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This interesting theory makes you think there might not be any virus related to the COVID-19. The theory of the EXOSOMES is very interesting and convincing. Take a look.

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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said: "If I was organizing this, I would come to a world leader like Bibi and say listen: Here is 500 million dollars. I will put it in an account that no one can trace. Just listen to us. If you don't, we're gonna kill you."

His thought might be exactly what is happening in the world. Several country leaders who have rejected the vaccine for their people have been assassinated. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and Dr. Jane Ruby expose with great clarity the COVID/VACCINE hoax perpetrated by the trillionaires of the world.

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This is one of the most educational videos I have seen regarding the risks of vaccines.

Please share it.

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This is your red pill to go all the way through the rabbit hole.

On April the 25th 2003 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Filed for a Patent on the Coronavirus Transmitted to Humans

"Under 35 U.S.C.101 Nature is Prohibited from Being Patented.
Either the SARS COVID Virus was manufactured therefore making a patent on it legal or it was natural therefore making a patent on it illegal.

If it was manufactured it was a violation of chemical and biological weapons treaties and laws. If it was natural filing a patent on it was illegal. In either outcome, both are illegal. In the spring of 2007, the CDC filed a petition with the patent office to keep their patent application confidential and private. They actually filed patents not only on the virus but on its detection and a kit to measure it." - Dr. David Martin


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Outstanding speech by Neil Oliver about Coronavirus tyranny, listen and share.

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A dangerous agenda is being pushed globally to convert our children to pro-LGBT, pro-abortion, and pro Critical Race Theory. This courageous mother demands the school board to stop indoctrinating them.

Please like and share. The whole world needs to know what they are doing.

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Clear and self-explanatory: FRAUD PROOF IN THE 2020 ELECTION IN THE USA.

Please share everywhere.

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Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

Interviewed scientist:
Ricardo Delgado Martín
Quinta Columna, Spanish Research Team

Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research

Video Collection: Vaccines and Masks Risks

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Our Cuban brothers are fighting for their freedom. The new generations, that were born under the communist dictatorship, have wakened up. They know freedom is a basic human right that they have never enjoyed. Protesters are being killed and tortured. People are fed up and willing to give their lives so the next generations can live with dignity and freedom.

Song: El Pueblo Quiere Libertad (People want freedom)
Performer: Los Tres de la Habana

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Dr. Reiner Fuller presents Dr. David E. Martin in a revealing interview.

Relevant points:

1.- Moderna began the sequencing of a spike protein vaccine on November of 2019, a month before an outbreak ever happened.

2.- In the book "A World at Risk" September 2019, that is the scenario the was put together by the World Health Organization. The epiphany "What if there was an intentional or accidentally released of respiratory pathogen".

3.- The isolation and amplification of this Coronavirus are well known in publications dating back to 2008. and in the weaponization conferences in Slovenia and in the DARPA infrastructure. There is no variant, not novel, and no pandemic.

4.- This is all about money and about injecting everybody with a genetic code that will allow them to control people and reduce reproduction at the same time.

5.- This also means that Donald Trump was fooled by Big-pharma and Dr. Fauci unless he knew about it.

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Please check these resources:

Dr. David E. Martin Exposes Anthony Fauci & the CDC for Domestic Terrorism Under the Patriotic Act

David Martin presents hard evidence showing COVID-19 is a man-made bioweapon.

Quantum Report
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Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

52 videos

Category News & Politics

Politically incorrect news, for the sake of the people of the world.

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