Luke Ford

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Luke Ford



Join me on a transformative journey as I recount the impactful moment when Rabbi Landy asked me, "How is your soul?" This encounter led me to seek spiritual fulfillment in Israel and ultimately embrace Orthodox Judaism. Explore the profound significance of soul-searching on the path to self-discovery. #SpiritualJourney #FindingMeaning #OrthodoxConversion #SelfDiscovery #SoulSearching #IsraelExperience #ReligiousTransformation #JewishFaith #EmbracingOrthodoxy #DivineConnection

Learn how to handle feedback that may not be enjoyable and turn it into an opportunity for personal and professional development. This video offers insights on managing feedback and improving your reputation in Orthodox Jewish community, specifically addressing concerns about engaging with non-Jews on YouTube. #NavigatingFeedback #PersonalGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #OrthodoxJewishCommunity #FeedbackManagement #ReputationBuilding #EngagementTips #CriticismToGrowth #YouTubeStrategies #CommunityBuilding

Unlock your path to inner peace, clarity, and freedom from destructive impulses. Join us as we explore how to gauge someone's recovery level through their voice, and why clarity and joy are key indicators. Tune in for inspiration and insights on personal growth and transformation. #InnerPeace #FreedomFromImpulses #PersonalGrowth #Transformation #Clarity #Joy #Recovery #SelfImprovement #PositiveVibes #Happiness

Going it alone in spiritual matters is not a good idea. In this video, we explore the importance of community support in overcoming challenges related to addiction, co-dependent relationships, and more. Discover the power of embracing a collective journey towards growth and healing. #CommunitySupport #OvercomingChallenges #SpiritualGrowth #AddictionRecovery #HealingJourney #SupportNetwork #CollectiveHealing #CommunityEmpowerment #FindingStrengthTogether #HolisticWellness

Do you struggle with staying focused at work due to thoughts of live streaming? Learn how to manage distractions without compromising your performance. Join us as we discuss the impact of live streaming on work productivity. #WorkProductivity #LiveStreamingBalance #DistractionManagement #FocusAtWork #WorkLifeBalance #MinimizingDistractions #MaximizingPerformance #DigitalWorkplace #StayingProductive #WorkFocus

Discover the impact of message and dress code on the type of people attracted to livesteams. Learn from Jared Taylor's strategy of attracting higher quality individuals by enforcing formal attire. Explore how this approach filters out undesirable elements and shapes the community. #QualityPeople #LivestreamStrategy #FormalAttire #MessageImpact #CommunityBuilding #OnlineInteraction #JaredTaylorInspiration #FilteringCriteria #OnlineCommunity #EngagementMatters

Discover the dilemma of expressing personal beliefs that may clash with social norms or jeopardize well-being. Explore the parallel example of Jews and Christianity to understand the consequences of being outspoken. Join the debate now! #TruthVsSocialAcceptance #AltRightDebate #ExpressingBeliefs #SocialNorms #DilemmaOfHonesty #ClashingWithSociety #PersonalBeliefs #ControversialTopics #OpenDiscussion #DebateCommunity

Discover the dynamic perspectives within Orthodox Judaism regarding political correctness, controversial topics, and community engagement. Explore the varying views from modern to ultra-Orthodox and understanding the thriving social bonds within the Orthodox Jewish community. Join the conversation now! #OrthodoxJudaism #CulturalDiversity #ControversialTopics #CommunityEngagement #OrthodoxPerspectives #SocialBonds #JewishCommunity #ReligiousDiversity #OrthodoxJewishViews #ModernOrthodoxy

Discover the key to delivering impactful messages without crossing the line. Learn how to effectively engage with your audience and use your platform to bring about positive change. Join us as we explore the power of being outspoken and responsible in the world of public speaking. #PublicSpeakingMastery #PositiveImpact #EngagingAudience #ResponsibleCommunication #PowerOfSpeech #SpeakWithIntegrity #InfluentialMessaging #EffectiveCommunication #SocialResponsibility #PublicSpeakingTips

Join Luke as he shares his personal journey of embracing reality and overcoming humiliation. Learn valuable insights on staying in your lane and building confidence in social situations. Don't miss this empowering video! #EmbracingReality #OvercomingHumiliation #BuildingConfidence #SelfImprovement #StayingInYourLane #SocialInteractions #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment #ConfidenceBooster #SelfAcceptance

In this insightful video, we explore effective ways to overcome lust and prioritize personal growth. Discover how to redirect your focus and build healthier relationships. #OvercomingLust #PersonalGrowthJourney #EmotionalWellness #InnerStrength #HealthyRelationships #SelfImprovement #Mindfulness #SelfControl #PositiveChange #SelfDevelopment

Join me as I share the ups and downs of content creation and the emotional impact it can have. From feeling inadequate to the relief of not regretting my words, discover the journey of self-understanding and growth. #ContentCreationJourney #EmotionalImpact #PersonalExperience #ContentCreatorsLife #SelfUnderstanding #GrowthJourney #ContentCreationStruggles #BloggingDays #EmotionalRollercoaster #ContentCreationTips

Discover the impact of online personas on social status and self-esteem. Learn how your virtual presence can enhance or reflect your psychological and spiritual well-being. #OnlineIdentity #SocialStatus #VirtualPersona #PsychologicalWellbeing #SpiritualHealth #SelfEsteem #VirtualPresence #DigitalHappiness #OnlineInfluence #VirtualCommunity

Discover the connection between the alt-right movement, marginalization, and mental health. Learn how the movement's internal conflicts and lack of healthy social connections contribute to its decline. Find out why focusing on optics reflects the precarious state of the alt-right. #AltRightMovement #Marginalization #MentalHealth #InternalConflicts #OpticsDebate #DecliningAltRight #WhiteNationalism #SocialConnections #SpiralingDownward #ImpactofMarginalization

When I go live, I tap into a world where inhibitions fade away and I can truly express myself. Join me as I explore the joys and challenges of live streaming, revealing a side of me that is often hidden in real life. Get inspired and learn how to embrace the online world without regrets. #LiveStreamingSuccess #OnlineFreedom #EmbracingAuthenticity #DigitalExpression #SocialMediaInsights #UnfilteredSelf #StreamingCommunity #InternetEmpowerment #OnlineEngagement #EmbracingOnlineWorld

Discover the powerful link between past trauma and our tendency to recreate intense experiences. Join us as we explore the impact of emotional dependency and the journey to breaking the cycle. #HealingFromTrauma #BreakTheCycle #EmotionalDependency #SelfDiscovery #PersonalGrowth #HealingJourney #MentalWellness #EmotionalHealing #PsychologicalResilience #SelfReflection

Discover the powerful link between past trauma and our tendency to recreate intense experiences. Join us as we explore the impact of emotional dependency and the journey to breaking the cycle. #HealingFromTrauma #BreakTheCycle #EmotionalDependency #SelfDiscovery #PersonalGrowth #HealingJourney #MentalWellness #EmotionalHealing #PsychologicalResilience #SelfReflection

Discover the realities of conversion and observance within the Jewish community. Are all converts weird? What percentage actually continue to observe the Sabbath? Join the conversation as we unravel the statistics and shed light on the topic. #ConvertJourneys #JewishObservance #OrthodoxCommunity #DebunkingMyths #JewishConversion #SabbathObservance #CommunityReality #OrthodoxJudaism #ReligiousObservance #ConvertExperiences

If you're feeling trapped in an abusive work environment, it's crucial to understand the signs. In this video, learn how to identify abusive behaviors and take the necessary steps to protect yourself. Your well-being matters. #AbusiveBoss #WorkplaceToxicity #RecognizingAbuse #TakeAction #CreatingHealthyWorkplace #EmployeeRights #WorkplaceHarassment #EndAbuse #KnowYourWorth #CareerGrowth

Discover the emotional journey of converts to Judaism who face challenges in finding acceptance within the Jewish community. Explore heartfelt essays and personal experiences that shed light on the lack of acceptance and the painful emotions associated with it. #ConvertsToJudaism #FindingAcceptance #JewishCommunity #EmotionalJourney #StrugglesOfConversion #ConvertsExperience #JudaismCommunity #PersonalStories #Belonging #AcceptanceChallenges

Discover the fascinating dynamics behind female converts to Judaism and their relationship with their partners. Explore the impact of observance and commitment on conversion, along with intriguing anecdotes and personal experiences. #FemaleConverts #JudaismRelationships #ReligiousConversion #ObservanceAndCommitment #PersonalJourney #JudaismCommunity #InterfaithRelationships #ReligiousIdentity #JewishCulture #SpiritualTransformation

Explore the concept of personal impact and the importance of extending empathy towards others. Discover how genetics, imprinting, and environmental influences shape our reactions. Join us in spreading the power of the Torah and Jewish influence. #PersonalImpact #Empathy #GeneticsAndBehavior #SpreadingInfluence #TorahPower #JewishCommunity #EnvironmentalInfluences #CulturalInfluences #EmpathyMatters #UnderstandingOthers

Discover the power of self-acceptance and its profound impact on both yourself and others. Learn how accepting yourself can help build genuine connections and create a relaxed atmosphere around you. Embrace self-acceptance and experience the transformative effects. #SelfAcceptance #InnerPeace #RelaxedRelationships #PersonalGrowth #EmbracingYourself #PositiveVibes #SelfLove #AcceptanceMatters #BuildingConnections #TransformationJourney

Discover the untold story of men facing a sense of rejection within the Jewish community. Explore the complexities and societal pressures that prevent them from openly discussing their feelings. #AcceptanceMatters #MenInJudaism #OvercomingRejection #BreakingStereotypes #CommunityInclusion #EmotionalWellbeing #GenderNorms #InclusivityMatters #MentalHealthAwareness #CulturalAcceptance

Discover the truth about why certain Jews may hesitate to accept converts. Gain insights into the experiences and perspectives of meritorious individuals. Join me and my co-host Jenna Jamison as we delve into this thought-provoking topic. #ConversionChallenges #AcceptanceInJudaism #TruthSeekers #CommunityInclusion #CulturalUnderstanding #InterfaithDialogue #InclusiveCommunities #ReligiousJourney #ExploringBeliefs #DiversePerspectives


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

2547 videos

Category News & Politics

Jews, Judaism, Journalism, Politics, Religion, Culture, Addiction, Love, Marriage, Alexander Technique. See my website for more depth: I grew up in Cooranbong, Australia, the son of a Seventh-Day Adventist theologian, I graduated Placer High School in 1984, worked in radio news at KAHI/KHYL, studied Economics at UCLA, converted to Judaism in 1993, began blogging in 1997.,