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Oracle News


The only reason that this FAKE government is rescheduling "marijuana" from a schedule 1 to a schedule 3 is to make money from and for GW Pharma who claims to own CBD from the hemp plant. GW Pharma isolated CBD and calls it a drug, Epidiolex. This ""drug would be prescription only and expensive.
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter, drug czar Elisha Figueroa, and Dr. Robert Wechsler conspired to keep real, inexpensive CBD hemp oil out of the state and took money from GW Pharma to do it. Idaho is still ignoring federal law that states that hemp is legal, and that up to .3% THC in any hemp product is legal. According to Idaho's FAKE government, no amount of THC is legal in Idaho, regardless of federal law. Big Pharma OWNS Idaho. This "mandate" is all that Idaho has. It is not a law and has no actual authority over anyone. It's all a show. They only have the power that you give them.
To see what all of the fuss is about, try some of my Amazing CBD Oil, Victory Oil, Holy Oil, or any of my other fine products to help you feel well. Thank you for your support! Enjoy the show!

I have done several videos about the causes of cancer, but I will touch on some information concerning the endocannabinoid system in your body and the importance of the PH of your body as it relates to cancer. There were so many reasons that the Kazarian Jewish Mafia that calls itself "our government" made ALL cannabis illegal in 1938. Their lies are catching up to them now. There are no evil plants, only evil people. For excellent cannabis products made from legal hemp with no THC, see:

This article is a Notice from Anna Von Reich, Fiduciary of the United States UNINCORPORATED, advising the rogue "government" that they have no authority to declare war and to use the Military (mercenaries) to fight in other countries for profit.
These subcontractors, operating as the "United States Inc" only have the power to defend the physical States and nothing more.
For more information, see: or
To support my work and to get yourself well in the process, see:

I took this photo from my back yard this morning, April 8th, 2024. I made a Video on April 6th, 2024, called "April 8th Eclipse-A Prayer In 528 Frequency to Defeat Evil."
Do you believe in coincidences?

I made this video in response to the plans that the evil ones have made for us during or after the April 8th, 2024, eclipse.
If so few of them can have so much power and control over this world, then a few of us praying and spreading light over this world can defeat them and send them back to their dark realms.
Share this video with everyone.

There are a lot of videos about what the Satanists have planned for us during the April 8th eclipse.
CERN is firing up to open portals for yet more demons to enter our realm.
The red heifer is to be sacrificed openly in IsraHELL.
The Satanists are planning on splitting two continents in half-the United States and Africa. The earthquakes will be monumental if this happens. Death, chaos and destruction is their goal like always.
But we can stop this with a collective NO. We are powerful spiritual beings, and we can change this world with our thoughts and that is why they fear us.
If you want to support my work and heal yourself from pain and disease by raising your physical frequency at the same time, see:

This video was made due to a call I received from a doctor who wanted to know what my opinion is on how he can defeat his leukemia. My last video "Cancer Deception-The Most Toxic Medications on Earth" was the one that he watched before he called me.
I spoke of too low of a frequency being the cause of all cancers, which it is, but left out the part about parasites (microparasites) that are inside of the cells as well. People don't want to hear about's not an easy topic.
These microparasites ultimately destroy the cells from the inside out and thrive in the lowest frequencies in the body. If you don't raise your body's frequency fast, then you may die. Cancer occurs at the lowest frequency before death and these parasites are the cause.
You can check out my other videos about parasites as well. We have all been kept in the dark about the causes of disease and pain for far too long.
To purchase my high frequency products and to support my work, see:

NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS AND DOCTORS: This notice is to inform you that you are committing crimes against real people and are taking part in human trafficking and crimes against humanity.
If anyone wants to know why this country is operating under MARITIME LAW (the law of the sea) instead of God's Common Law, this video will explain how Maritime Law is used by The United States Incorporated (under British rule) to enslave us since birth.
We have ALL BEEN TRAFFICED and our birth certificates are for sale on Wallstreet. We are "goyim" as the Kazarian Jewish Mafia calls us, and we have no rights as cattle.
The real United States Government (NOT incorporated) is fighting behind the scenes to get this country back, but they are having a hard time since many people think that this is "their government" and that they are "free". This government is ran by the Luciferian Masons and the Kazarian Jewish Mafia.
They have taken over every church, every school, and have all rights to your property.
In other words, the lies that we are taught in school are that we won the American-British war, that we live in times of peace, that we are free-born, that we were never anything more than we are now. Everything that we ever learned in school besides ABC and 1,2,3 are lies.
This current government is a MOVIE, and all government agents at the top are ACTORS including Trump and Biden. They are dividing us further with the same old right-left paradigm.
If we don't band together and get past our differences, we will all be dead in a real civil war staged by the enemy designed to turn us against each other.
And the enemy will laugh and laugh at how they pulled one over on us again. How about we have a civil war against THEM instead? It could even be peaceful. Quit cooperating with your own demise.
Here is a link to the video that I used:
If you wish to support my work and get yourself well in the process, see:

C.O.P.D., asthma, bronchitis, and other inflammatory conditions can be healed. My high frequency products have healed them since 2016 when I extracted the pure frequency of the hemp plant and made Miracle Tincture Spray and Gel from it.
When applied to the skin, the high frequency of these products penetrates through your body and raise your body's frequency to above that of your disease and pain. This high frequency kills the microparasites that get into individual cells and cause them to swell which is what causes these diseases.
Big Pharma makes billions on medications for these lung problems, so what incentive do they have to actually heal you? They have an empire to protect, and they know exactly what causes these problems and how to heal and prevent them. Raise your body's frequency and heal yourself.
This is one of the reasons that the hemp plant was made illegal in 1938. This plant has one of the highest frequencies of any plant on earth and has been used in medications for thousands of years. Hemp has no THC and is now federally legal. See my products, photos and testimonies at:

This video relates to my last video " Nanotechnology in People-How to Interrupt and Remove This Technology".
I touched on the fact that nanoparticles can use natural elements in your body to build more nanos, then I saw information about zeolite being used in this technology as well. The enemy always pushes what they want you to have in your body including zeolite.
Keep in mind that the "vitamins" that they push "for your health" are toxic chemical waste as well. God didn't make us good enough, so keep taking the toxic waste "vitamins". See my other videos about these "vitamins". You may never buy vitamins from these corporations again.
If you want natural, REAL, organic nutrients that also contain high frequencies that heal you, you can go to my site
When you go to the site, scroll down the first page to the article about how I removed magnetic nanoparticles from my body using the high frequency extract of the hemp plant.
My products have healed cancers, COPD, arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel syndrome, eczema, and a lot of other diseases and pain. Maybe that's why all cannabis was made illegal for so long including hemp. There are no evil plants, only evil people.

This is a basic tutorial about the nanotechnology that has been placed in our bodies by chemtrails, vaccines, food, and water. We all have it in us. What are the plans of the enemy to connect us all to the cloud? To rewrite our RNA and DNA? To manipulate and kill us through frequencies, magnetism, parasites and more? Better yet, what can we do to interrupt this technology in our bodies and remove the transportation system of all of it...magnetic nanoparticles? The solution is easier than you think. To see the products that can remove magnetic nanoparticles in your body, raise your body's physical frequency, and heal diseases and pain, see:
My products are banned on Ebay, Etsy, Amazon, and any other platforms. It is up to me to get the word out about the high frequency of the hemp plant that can heal almost any disease and pain. Please support my efforts and get some great products in return.
To see my years of research on the CORONA "vaccine" bioweapon including the spiritual connections and gematria decodes, see:

Did you know that prior to the plandemic, the World Bank cashed in on BILLIONS of dollars for Pandemic Bonds?
The boldness of the Kazarian Jewish Mafia still surprises me at times. Satan rules the world through them after all.
Now, according to Anna Von Reitz (Fiduciary of the real United States Government) they owe 1 TRILLION DOLLARS to every person injured or killed by the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon. They have been put on notice.
To support my work and to get yourself well by using the frequency extracts of the hemp plant, visit
These products are legal and contain no THC. Hemp has been legal since 2017. Raise your body's frequency naturally and heal yourself of nearly every disease and pain.
To see my years of research into the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon including the spiritual connections and gematria decodes, see:

They use the most toxic medications on earth for cancer patients. Why? Because when you die from the level 4 deadly chemicals that they give you they can blame your death on cancer. Big Pharma alone makes a rising FORTUNE on cancer "treatments" every year so why cure anything? This is the Satanic cult. They mean exactly the opposite of what they say. If they say that this drug will help your cancer, it sure will help poison you with the side effect of causing more cancer then or at a later date. If one doesn't kill you, the other one will. You will just be another sacrifice to Satan or Lucifer. I share my own theory on what actually causes cancer and I have proof that it's true so watch until the end. By the way, if your doctor warns you against taking CBD for your cancer, please note that CBD is an anti-cancer agent and more. I have extracted the very best CBD that you will find. If you wish to support my work and heal yourself in the process, visit If you want to see my years of research on the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon, see:

When are people going to wake up and realize that the Kazarian Jewish Mafia that calls itself "our government" is trying to KILL ALL OF US? Babies are the best sacrifices to Satan after all since it blasphemes God the most. Quit letting them inject these POISONS into your children, yourself, your pets and farm animals. To see my years of information about the "vaccine" bioweapon, see: To raise your body's frequency physically and heal yourself, see: To see the rest of my videos, go to Rumble under Kim Paddock or Bitchute under Oracle News or Kim Paddock. Please like and subscribe to my channel.

In March of 2023 Victor's father contacted me and asked if I could help his son with low functioning autism? It was caused by vaccines. I said "yes" of course. He had seen my website and decided that I may be able to help.
I began studying nutrition and natural healing in 1976. In 2016 I extracted a formula from the hemp plant and found out that it is the pure frequency of the plant and can heal a multitude of diseases and pain including arthritis, tendonitis, cancer, C.O.P.D. and many other diseases that doctors can't heal. I put this high frequency extract into many of my products (NO THC). See the testimonies and pictures on the site.
We recently had a breakthrough. Victor couldn't speak, and now he said "mommy" and "daddy" twice.
If you want to see the years of research that I did on the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon, see:
If you wish to support my work and research, try my products at

Anna Von Reitz is the Fiduciary of the REAL United States government (NOT INCORPORATED). In this battle with the Kazarian Jewish Mafia who is running this FAKE government that they call "yours", a real battle is happening. I like reading Anna's newsletters to keep up on all of the actual rights that have been stolen from us and current events that are not reported in ANY news sources. The ley lines are an important power grid that was partly destroyed and taken over by the Kazarian Jewish Mafia when they took over this world. See: If you wish to support me and my efforts, please visit My business has been banned from Ebay, Amazon, Etsy and every major platform. I use a high frequency extract of the hemp plant in many of my products. These products can be used on your skin or internally for arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel syndrome, C.O.P.D., CANCER, eczema, neuropathy, acne, PAIN and swelling, fungal infections, sleep disorders and much more. See the testimonies and pictures on the site. Raise your frequency and heal yourself!

Anything that is spoken of like the QFS and is not censored or banned is suspect. They use the same old tricks on us over and over again, and many people fall for it. If you wish to support my work, it's a two-way street. I don't ask for money; I propose an exchange. You can buy products that will heal you of many diseases and pain, and I get money to continue my research into healing such problems as low functioning autism, ridding us of the parasites that have been given to us in vaccines, food, water, chemtrails etc. that cause nearly every disease and pain, and giving my products to the needy. Miracle Products contain a high frequency extract of the hemp plant, CBD hemp bud, all-natural high frequency oils and other natural ingredients. There are products to use on your skin over problem areas that heal arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel, cancers, COPD, eczema, kills parasites and more. Also available are products that are taken internally such as Holy Oil, Victory Oil, and Frequency Tea that heal from the inside and are antiparasitic. See: For information on the "vaccine" bioweapon that I have compiled for years including the spiritual connections and gematria decodes, see:

I thank the following contributors: Anna Von Reitz, Paul Stramer, and Benjamin Fulford. See their websites for further information.
If you wish to support my efforts and heal yourself in the process, please visit In 2016 I extracted the pure frequency of the hemp plant and discovered that, when used on the skin, it healed arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel syndrome, COPD, eczema, skin diseases, swollen joints, severe pain and much more. Raise your frequency and heal yourself! You may also visit to see the years of research that I have done on the "vaccine" bioweapon including the spiritual connections and gematria decodes.

Anna Von Reitz recently wrote some excellent articles on how the Kazarian Jewish Mafia is planning to collapse their banking system on December 14-15 and gives some tips on how to prepare for it.
Anna is part of the REAL government, not the fake "government" that is operating under the pretense of being "our" government. For more information on the authentic government, see:
To support my channel and get great high frequency products that actually heal diseases and pain, see:
To see the years of research that I did on the COVID "vaccine" bioweapon including gematria decodes and the spiritual aspects, see:

This is my third video that covers the dangerous chemical waste given to people in the form of synthetic "vitamins" and medications. One form of lithium is given to manic depressive and bipolar patients and it's deadly. The most toxic medications and fake "vitamins" are given to the most gravely ill. That's so the Kazarian Jewish Mafia make the most money and can cause us the most pain while killing us as a sacrifice to Satan.
Watch my first two videos and you'll see the depth of the deception given to the public under synthetic "vitamins" and Pharmaceuticals. You will be shocked at how long this genocide has been actually going on.
To support my work and to get yourself some of God's natural healing agents, see:
To see my years of research on the COVID-DIVOC "vaccine" bioweapon including the spiritual aspects and gematria decodes, see:

This is my second video on chemical toxic waste that is being made into "vitamins" and pharmaceutical drugs.
I began by looking up the Safety Data Sheet on "vitamin B3". The Kazarian Jews are name stealers and name changers. In 1928 the owners of factories didn't want to pay for the proper disposal of the chemical waste from their factories, so they began marketing these poisons as "vitamins" and convinced an unsuspecting public that they needed these toxic "vitamins". So, when you get sick because they made you sick, the doctors will tell you that you need more poisons (vitamins) to get you well. If they can write a prescription for it, it is a chemical drug.
The Vitamin D3 test actually tests you to see if you have enough "vitamin D3" poison in your body. If your D3 poison levels are too low, then you can take MORE vitamin D3 and get back on the genocide schedule.
To help support my videos and to get yourself well the way that you should, see:
To see my years of research into the COVID vaccine bioweapon, including the spiritual aspects and gematria decodes, see:
To get the best natural body deodorants see:

I looked into vitamin D3 after I heard that it was used for rat poison only to find out that all synthetic vitamins are chemical toxic waste. Flintstones Vitamins has "vitamin" B12 which is CYANIDE. To find a list of toxic chemicals made into vitamins I only had to look at a cereal box.

I've been doing researching ingredients for a new toothpaste for my company Miracle Products. If any ingredient has negative side effects, I don't use it in my products.
I received an advertisement from someone who many people trust, and who sells a lot of products based on this trust. He is selling a toothcare product that contains neem oil.
So I did some research on neem oil and was shocked at what I found. I will never use neem oil in any products. The powers that be are feigning ignorance about the side effects in humans. Where is the FDA on this? (Nowhere considering who owns them and that this entire government is fake.)

To help support my work and to get products that are truly good for you, see Miracle Products at

To order the best and most natural body deodorant products around from Only Goodness Inside,

To see my years of research into the "vaccine" bioweapon, see:

I've been telling a young man that Big Pharma was using medications and vaccines to genocide us , and I don't think he believed me until he looked up the side effects of a recent prescription that his doctor gave him.
Many prescriptions have the same effects on fertility and sperm count for men. Check everything that your doctor prescribes for you for the side effects. Look for natural treatments for your own good.
Raise your body's frequency to above that of your pain and disease and heal yourself! The lower your body's frequency gets, the more diseases can plague you. Cancer happens at the lowest frequency before death, so it is very important to physically raise your frequency and heal or prevent cancer and many serious diseases and pain. Miracle Products all have the high frequency extract of the hemp plant plus other important ingredients to help you get well and stay well. See:
For the best natural body deodorants around, see Only Goodness Inside
For my years of research on the "vaccine" bioweapon, see:

This "government" has NO AUTHORITY. None of them, including the fake Kazarian Jew, Donald J. Trump, has taken a legal oath of office. Therefore, any "draft" to get our children into their staged war crimes, including war crimes against the Palestinian CHILDREN, cannot be enforced.
DO NOT listen to them. They will try to shame you, threaten to lock you up, and get you to be a mercenary in any way that they can. SAY NO. They cannot start WW3 if we don't cooperate. They cannot GENOCIDE Palestine as easily, even though Israel has SHUT OFF THEIR WATER supply and the only exit from Gaza strip. They are trapped in there.
The average age of a Palestinian is SEVENTEEN. This is another mass genocide, and Lahaina, Maui was a warmup ritual. Now the Kazarian Jews, backed by Trump, will slaughter the remaining Palestinians in a mass ritual sacrifice to Satan and steal their remaining land.
Donald J. Trump became a Kazarian fake Jew in 2017 when he visited Israel. It's in the Israeli newspapers. These are the Jews that the Bible warned us about. "Beware of those who say that they are jews and are not; for they are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN". The 9th circle child sacrifice cult in other words. The fake Jews call him "messiah". He is the antichrist. He blasphemes God at every chance. "I am the chosen one" he said. Trump told the sold-out news not to report the fact that he joined the 9th circle child sacrifice cult because he didn't want to lose his Christian base. He wants that Christian base so that he can behead them. I'll make a video about that later.
Here's a link to Only Goodness Inside for the best deodorants around:
To see Anna Von Reitz website,
To support my work and get the best high frequency health care products, see:
These products use a high frequency extract that raises your body's frequency to above that of your pain and disease and heals you. Miracle Products have worked on arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel, C.O.P.D., cancers above and below the skin, eczema and much more. Read the testimonials on the website.
To see my other videos on Bitchute, type in "Kim Paddock" in the search bar and then "newest videos". To find me on Rumble, type in "Kim Paddock".


Created 1 year, 6 months ago.

56 videos

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For the latest news on the "vaccine" agenda, the Kazarian Jewish Mafia and their fake governments including the one in the USA, spiritual decodes of the symbolism that the "elites" use in pictures, colors, movies and music, and the Satanic Mafia's constant blasphemy against the Holy Bible.