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After realizing being a 24/7 Trump worshiper isn't bringing in a crowd, he finally notices he is no longer taken seriously.
Music used:
Sad Violin
Final Fantasy IV - Victory Fanfare

Ghost really wants Raiden back on the show from deep in his butter filled heart. That he broke out in song.
Song used: Electric Six - Gay Bar

It seems Ghost's memory must be fading since he had love for shrimp in 2011.
Music used:
Nicholas Fraser - Why You Always Lying
Also thanks for everyone who gave me another Ghosties award.

Ghost caught doing what he does on an average day.
Music used: Dixie

Who will win the election? Rumpold Trump or a half tard dyslexic man from Texas?

Ghost and his inner circle in action doing their ritual in their desolate town.

He never could really get past US history without failing to answer correctly.
Note: Since I've watched many Half a Tard Ghost videos in the past. Yet this type of splice barely was used during the return era in comparison to Satanic or Cartoon Ghost splices. So why not do one for old times sake.. Originally this was going to play on Episode 135's Radio Graffiti, but due to Ghost's greedy nature and his obsession with donations, it didn't happen.

Ghost should of never given his Granny the T-Virus.....
Music used: Resident Evil 2 - Police Station/Main Hall

Leaked audio footage of Ghost's real views on the 45th president.

Ghost like usual uses his "research" to persuade his neighbor.
Music used: Kenny Chou: Power Plant

This show is ASSSSS!
Thank you all for 100 subs. It's been good entertaining many with many splices and remixes to troll Ghost with.

An old intro splice that needs to come out of the splice stockpile. Since Ghost is being called a whore.
Music used:
Old 70's porn music
The Police - Roxanne

Can Ghost take on 「The World」?

As someone challenged Ghost to brawl at Wal-Mart. Ghost goes the extra mile!
Music used:
Half-Life - Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar

Unfortunately he sucks at flying.
Music used: Crash 3: Arabic death route

Now we know why Ghost never wanted to do a gaming stream.

Side note: sorry for the long delay, it's been hard to listen to The Ghost Show and not lose interest. Also Ghost is going on 5 days now (as I type this) of not doing an episode. Did YouTube do some ghostbusting?

Ghost lashes out on a caller and shows he is a "melting pot of friendship"..

Note: Once this splice was played on Episode 95 of TGS, Ghost's mic started malfunctioning throughout the show.

Leaked footage of how Ghost came home one day and had enough.
Music used: Brutal B
Note: I was originally going to play this on RG but unfortunately Ghost's stream got banned right away.

Collect donations from your trolls while praising Israel. As everyone's favorite mossad agent hambone.

Ghost may of not met Trump but he meets another well known POTUS.

After the years of abuse from Ghost, Engineer has finally had enough.

Going being so much of an egoist, has fun with himself

Ghost announces his vile list for his favorite president. As Heard on Episode 31 of The Ghost Show

I guess the whole tough guy persona falls when actually threatened

Note: was removed on YouTube for copyright BS


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

87 videos

Category None