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So... here it is, Player.

Play those slots and wish for luck tonight!

In the mean time, have a laugh (or a cry) at my bad acting and piss-poor non-editing lack of skills. Har har.

NOTE: The following interactions are typical. They are not hyperbole. This is just three of many scenarios people partake in every single day to make me slowly die a little more inside each day.


You done barked up entirely the WRONG tree, you trailer park stuffed hippo! I don’t ever want to hear tell of you going after Amadnha with such stupidity, ever again.
Do your research and quit being a phucktard.

To my personal friends in the analog world: DON’T BUY AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE!! This news byte illustrates why not.

Hello, my spirtually-cowardly comrade, BOOM SHAKKA. You actions today left me so speechless, that... well, I had to make a SPEECH about it. So this one is specifcally for you.
Since you are a coward and mute people you disagree with, rather than talk about things, I guess I have to hope you’ll have enough fervor to eventually find this video.
Your unwillingness to tell me what you believe in tells me everything. You believe in NOTHING.
That’s a terrible place to be. But since I now have no outlet to speak to your directly, this is the only way I’ll ever get a message to you. Hopefully, you watch this to the end. Only children run away, BOOM SHAKKA. Only cowards refuse to face what they have started, BOOM SHAKKA. You started some shit with me. Why not finish it? Or are you afraid that you HAVE no answer at all?!

You might want to reconsider before placing them there. What you do with this information is entirely up to you. But uh... I’d say this is MAJOR.
What realms of autism have I just opened up with this one, I do not know. But we’ll see if this helps anyone.

Right after you posted that video about the guy who gave the warning about an imminent attack... this came on the Black Mirror scrying device I was exposed to in public. I don’t really think that’s a coincidence. I definitely think you have something, OMG. I think you’re right. This time I think they actually ARE going to do it. When? Probably soon. It would make sense. They definitely are going to try to stop the next US election… Well in advance as to not raise any red flags right before election day. And seeing that January‘s in the middle of the winter, it’s the perfect time to throw everybody off; Helter skelter.

I am SO over this crap. But now is the time to get on the offensive. React, don’t proact.
Sue them. Screw them over. Do whatever it takes. Stop this at all costs. This cannot be allowed to happen again. Please, God. Don’t fall for it the genocidal crap again.

Source: Fake news media Channel CBS-19 out of Cleveland, Ohio. 12/01/2023. The 6PM “news” that day.

Hello, all!!

This is an impromptu one-take video recorded from the heart for my real-world friends that know me.... and know me well.
If you have come across this and do not know me, well........... uh, I’m a bit of a different flavor;small to say the least.

In this short story, I narrate what I feel is the condition of the world right now as it stands. Too many people won’t see it for what it is. They are mesmerized by their Black Mirror scrying devices, I would say. But what do we do? I am so beyond fed up and annoyed at this point.
I cannot continue like this. Without telling the world how I think. The moronic, retard ways of thinking of people.
One lie leads to another lie.... over and over again until the world is just one giant LIE.
We are lying to OURSELVES.
Stop the lying.


So, did you?

Seriously, this guy is the BOMB!
You should totally listen to what he has to say about your rights.
(Easily offended and people stuck in cognitive dissonace trances can preemptively fuck off.)

I couldn’t help myself. This dude is frikkin’ nuclear and it couldn’t be funnier! XD

So... to my peoples in the real world that I know personally... can you add anything? I’m SO phucking done with the stupid bullshit. Nothing is going to change. I feel like we are utterly phucked. More so than we already have realized. My God... how can people be so damned DUMB? Please help me understand how people can still be asleep after 3 years?

O-M-F-G. Dude, that is sick.
Hell to the NO. I can’t believe they’re so blatantly obvious.

So... Ya know how The Simpsons freakily and accurately portrayed things that have come to pass..... sometimes many YEARS in advance of the actual events happening? Well, you might want to pay attention to this one... and perhaps get right with God if you haven’t already.
I am of the belief that our time is almost up. Don’t take tomorrow for granted.
Re-upload/mirrored from Blow the Trumpet channel; here on BitChute. With only one slight mod to the music at the beginning. Thanks for the share!

First off:

1. I don’t like Infowars or the Infoschill controlled-opposition network. SO lets get that out of the way.
2. I know some of what they say is crap, crap and more crap.
3. So don’t stupid shit like I’m a Jew or working for blah blah blah...... yadda yadda yadda. I;m just a guy.

And NO, not Richard Comito-type guy, either. I just listen to what people have to say and make my own conclusions.

But anyway, this shit right here is SO dark, I simply am compelled to mirror it.

Let me say this calmly:
You have crossed that bridge, elite phuckheads. This ends NOW. No more of this shit.

Whatever its reason to parade around like this, I do not know. I do not WANT to know. Gross, gross, gross!! You deserve all the shame that comes your way for melting our eyes and brains.

...And that’s saying a lot!

After the shitshow I’ve been watching for the past decade, this has GOT to be the diarrhea glazing that finishes the shit sundae.

Scaring dumb soy-infused beta cucks into getting the kill shot... because BONERS?!

Uh... if they didn’t do it for a free fast food “meal”, lottery entires, complimentary weed, $5 off CVS and Walgreen’s coupons, free beer at select pubs... what on God’s green Earth makes them think we’d be scared about never getting a boner again?

Why don’t they just tell the world, “HEY WORLD!!! I beat the ever-loving PHUCK out of my dick every night and am proud to be an open masturbator!!” - What idiots.

Clearly they are paid actors... very low budget actors; but nonetheless, actors. And this isn’t a parody, either. They’re being serious. What the actual phuck?

I have been hearing more and more about this stupid crap on fake news media Channel CBS-19 (out of Lakewood, Ohio).
RSV this...
RSV that...

I personally think that this is going to be Gill Bates’s “p(L)andemic 2”. This shit is ALREADY sounding like the beginning of the stupid lame Songbird movie. In that movie, they featured a disease called “COVID-23”. It apparently shut down the world again... this time, for GOOD (bad, though).
In that movie, it featured a grim dystopia where there were military checkpoints everywhere in every country.
The government controlled your every move. You were not allowed out anywhere unless you could “prove” that you were “immune”.

Anyway, this shit has gotten beyond OLD. I hate it. I really, REALLY hate it. They’re never going to stop unless WE stop them. We’ve got to summon the courage and go out and fight them as a HOARDE. The best way? Non-compliance. Full and total non-compliance.
Say, “no way, José!” If you don’t, it means “lights out” for you... in more ways than one! :(

I can’t believe I’M actually going there!
Three years ago, I would’ve called you nuts to even SUGGEST this was real... That people like this siq phuq actually exist to do this to children!

They are not even trying to hide it anymore. They are coming for your kids; make no mistake about it. They know a lot of the parents now know this. THAT is why they’re trying even harder for your kids’s souls.

This disturbed me in ways I cannot even begin to describe. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Kids do not do this. Literally no one at school talked like this in the ‘80’s.

How do you invent a fantastical story like that; if it were not by some external source? If it’s not Stephen and/or the parents coaxing these kids on... then WHO is? I say the demons.
There’s even a part where a paper chain comes down right as the one girl seems to be invoking an energy from her drawing; effectively bringing it to life. Tell that is not phucked up, because it 100% IS.

I don’t think the audience is laughing there in the background. I’m certain that’s canned laughter, by the way.

In any event, these THINGS are after your kids’s souls. These kids claim to have heard these dark messages in the “kids music” they listen to. So that means... Disney, Pixar, KidzBop, PBS crap. The ice cream truck??? I always wondered why the ice cream truck always seemed to give me an eerie feeling as a kid.

Just my normal low-effort stuff.

So, it’s getting pretty obvious that the SJW minds have infiltrated BITCHute. They have cross-pollinated and created an offspring with YouTube; which I lovingly call BITCH(yo)UT(ub)E.
Tell me I’m wrong.

Aye yi yi...

If stupid is as stupid does, then let’s crown this guy king of kings of that stimuli!

“Derpy derp derp derp... uh, doc Imma cant’s feel muhself anymore after yous poked me with that thar shot thinga ma jig...”

“”That’s because you need a second dose for it to be effective!””

“DEEEERRRRRRR, ok, doc! You duh boss uh me. Give it toooo meeeee!”


“Errrr, uh DERRRRRRRRRRPY DERPPPPPPPP uh derpppppp. I really don’t feel good now, doc!”

“”That’s cuz you have convid now. hehe. For reals!!”

*Epic facepalm*

A’int it grand?
They totally don’t censor like YouTube does. They’d never do the things THEY do!
Fast-forward to 2022...

Hi, guys!
If you’re new here, you have stumbled randomly onto a random video for my random IRL friends. While you are free to watch and share your thoughts, I just make these videos for my IRL circle of people. In other words, it’s intended for the people I’ve physically met at some point or another. If I don’t know you (or you, me), then welcome aboard!! :).
I have no itention to grow this channel or do anything out of the ordinary. It is just thoughts I wanted to convey to people that know in the real world.
If you’re interested in playing this ROM, you can find out all about it here:

Either way, I hope you can see the symbolism!


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

87 videos

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