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In this video I seek to find the answer to a question that mankind has been debating since the 90s, and that question is...

"Is Starship Troopers a bad film?"

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Joe and Frank have to track down two missing girls in this classic episode of the 1950s police drama Dragnet.

Scumbag Shepard returns to ruin people's day.

I take a look at What if... Volume Two, Issue One Hundred and five in this episode.

We see a day in the life of Mary Jane as a superhero in this issue

Scumbag Shepard is back in this video!

I take a look at the first issue of Super Sons in this episode.

The third part of my renegade play through of the Mass Effect series.

I take a look at the first regular issue of the Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows.

The second part of this Mass Effect Let's Play is here.

I take a look at the first regular issue of Spider-Girl.

This is part one of my renegade play through of the Mass Effect series.

I give my thoughts on the video game Crackdown 3 in this video.

I review the 4K Bluray release of Alita Battle Angel.

I unbox a copy of Wing Commander Prophecy in this video.

I take a look at issue zero of the comic book series Spider-Girl

A play through of the Mass Effect series with Ashley Williams as the love interest.

I take a look at issue number 124 of Electronic gaming monthly.

Some world war 2 planes flew over the town I grew up in, here is some footage I captured of them.

This is a play through of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 with Jack as the romance option.

I take a a look at the game "Australian Road Trains", or at least that is what the game is called on the box, could this be the next "Big Rigs"?

Black tie is required for this episode.

The time has come for the final push to take back earth and defeat the Reapers once and for all.

The battle for earth begin in this episode

The Normandy crew has one last party before the final push to end the war.


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

117 videos

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