Max Wang

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Max Wang



“We have a Christian school in our church, and I got this from public health, and it is a quite amazing thing. I’m not throwing my mail out anymore because we got asked to support vaccine confidence as a church with a non-profit, and the government was going to give us $50,000 for it… It was only $50,000. You could actually get another $100,000 for promoting vaccine (confidence) out of a non-profit… So, the government, they were actually joining forces with non-profit(s).”

Please watch this footage and thank God for what he has delivered us from. I thank God that neither myself nor my family members have submitted to the government's coercion and for God's supernatural protection over his elect. Amen.

The Jesuits created the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, and the secret rapture doctrine. Dispensationalism, pre-trib rapture, secret rapture, futurism, preterism, left behind theology, are all false doctrines. Jesuits are the armed militia of the Roman Catholic Church. They were originally sanctioned in 1540 by Pope Paul III with one mandate: to defeat Protestantism and regain worldwide Papal rule, but since then, their tentacles have spread far and wide. The current Pope, Pope Francis, is a Jesuit. Those pastors that teach these doctrines are helping the Roman Catholic Church in deceiving many.

It was all they making it happen. This shows the power of few elites in the world trying to control the world and de-populate it.

Externalization of the Hierarchy

Dr. McCullough: "If this is true, this means people who have taken the vaccine now actually have a permanent alteration in their genes, that they themselves have the code for this dangerous Wuhan spike protein... that they themselves, years later, could potentially produce the spike protein either on a chronic low level to cause disease, or on an inducible level... This is far and away the most worrisome paper that has been published since the release of the vaccines. And if it's true, we could be in real trouble because parent cells would pass it on to daughter cells. That means gametocytes, that is sperm and egg [cells], will contain some of this and pass it down to the baby, and we'll never be able to get this spike protein out of the human species."

A New World Order has been a long time in the making, its pieces fitting into place from divergent realms and with many different players. Believing what they are doing is for the benefit of mankind and suffering a form of Stockholm Syndrome, many of the players are compartmentalized and do not necessarily understand their role in developing a system that will ultimately enslave a large part of the population and condemn them to eternal suffering.

Our message to you… WAKE UP and understand what is happening all around you. Open your eyes… get educated. Separate and apart from the majority of people, acting largely behind the scenes and outside of public view is a small group of satanic inspired elites secretly manipulating world events to advance the nefarious agenda the Antichrist will use for his own wicked purposes.

To keep the masses blissfully unaware of this evil agenda, they are made happy with a steady flow of entertainment and sophisticated false propaganda while being chemically dumbed down with drugs and GMO foods. Today’s 21st Century serfs have been basically “conditioned” to comply and “taught” to embrace their slavery.

While the message of the elite is that, “Resistance is futile,” there is thankfully a remnant of Christian Believers and freedom fighters exposing the evil Antichrist agenda and giving hope to those few people that choose to be awake. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

– Ephesians 5:11

If you are to survive the coming holocaust, it’s important you better understand the agenda of the enemy and have some resources to resist the lies of the Antichrist. This page is dedicated to exposing this destructive New World Order agenda and empowering you with knowledge to overcome this monumental deception.


Man in Malaysian accent showing light bulb light up after his vaccination. Sinovac

How did this happen? Wait for more videos and scientific explanation.

—> Tag: Graphene Oxide, Transhumanism, Magnetism, Radiation

Did you hear what he just said? Listen carefully...

Ukraine has put into practice the digital id system linked to your vaccination status and even in times of war the government will NOT help you unless you are vaccinated.

It looks like conspiracy theorists were right once more when they said COVID was an acronym for ‘Certificate Of Vaccination ID’

This is truly horrific. Thank God globalist puppet Zelensky will not remain in power for very long. His days are numbered.

Partial transcript:

"Now, in the past, may tyrants and governments wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people, neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it but soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people. We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls. We are now hackable animals. Data might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships. By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to reengineer the future of life itself. because once you can hack something, you can also usually engineer it. And if indeed, we succeed in hacking and engineering life, this will be not just the greatest revolution in the history of humanity. This will be the greatest greatest revolution in biology since the beginning of life 4 billion years ago. For 4 billion years, nothing from the mental changed in the basic rules of the game of life. All of lives for 4 billion years, dinosaurs, amoebas, tomatoes, humans were subject to the laws of natural selection and to the law of organic biochemistry, but this is now about to change. Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design, not intelligent design by some god above the cloud, but our intelligent design and the intelligent design of our clouds - the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud, these are the new driving forces of evolution, and at the same time, science may enable life, after being confined to 4 billion years to the limited realm of organic compounds, science may enable life to breakout into the inorganic realm. So after 4 billion years of organic life shaped by natural selection, we are entering the era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design. So, that's my data about my DNA, my brain, my body, my life, does it belong to me or some corporation or to the government or perhaps to the human collective?"


"Malaysia's former Prime Minister Dr Mahatir Mohamed said that the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP is a New World Order strategy by a powerful pact of people led by the US to dominate the world economy. Speaking at the international conference titled "New World Order - A recipe for War or Peace" organized by the Padana Global Peace Foundation, Dr Mahathir said globalization and borderless trade are being used to establish a one world government. Basically, it is about having a world government. We should abolish all states, all nations, all borders but instead have fully One World Government and that world government is to be by certain people, elites, people who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful in many ways. They are the ones who will govern the world. There was not much talk about democracy or choice of leaders. Instead, there was to be a government by these elites who will impose their rules on everyone in this world, and for those who are unwilling to submit to them, there will be punishments, and the peace that we will get from these is the peace of the graveyard, because the intention is also to reduce the number of people in this world. At the time when the New World Order was enunciated, the population of this world was only 3 billion. The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There will be a need to kill many billions of people, or to starve them to death, or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world."

This tells us something about the Masonic NWO mainstream media.

Ukrainian MP says the quiet part out loud. This is, as we suspected, is a fight against the NWO which she claims to support fighting on behalf of.


"This ingredient list has chromium, copper, graphene oxide, and iron. Graphene oxide makes up 99% of the vaccine composition. Graphene oxide, chromium, copper and various parasites... Only 0.7% is mRNA. Another thing to note is that Hydra vulgaris is also included in the composition. As Dr Lee Yeong Mo said earlier, if you get vaccinated, especially frequently in a long time, Hydra's DNA will be passed on to the baby's body, As a result, babies with several arms and legs like Hydra vulgaris have been born. Babies have been born, not just one or two babies. Many such babies have been born. In other words, with vaccination the DNA in the vaccine will bind to human DNA. But it will only show up in young pregnant women. For those who are not pregnant, it is only a matter of time. There are already "hydra' babies being born. Babies has also been born with no white eyes, just black pupils. Those babies have already given us a bright red alert. Ladies and gentlemen, with vaccination, human DNA will be changed. After the combination of hydra DNA and human DNA, then babies with several arms and legs, no white eyes and only a black pupil will be born. Another component I want to talk about is the Marburg virus. It was found in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. It will be discovered again and again. Because, I heard that a pandemic is planned for the future. It will cause hemorrhagic fever like Marburg virus (Hemorrhagic fever). It has already been transmitted to people through the vaccine. The vaccine contains demonic ingredients so it should never be administered. If a pregnant woman is vaccinated in the early 20 weeks of pregnancy, the rate of fetal miscarriage is 91%, which means 9 out of 10 will suffer from miscarriage. The WHO and our government, Korea are promoting vaccination during pregnancy. Such lies are unbelievable! Don't be fooled and tell the truth to everyone around you! For the sake of our country's continuity we hope that you will help us!"

More information in this article:

Video explains babies produced by parents who are jabbed seemed to have different characteristics.

Genesis 6:12 "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."

Matthew 24:37 "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

During question period, the Conservative Party upheld their parliamentary obligation to hold the Prime Minister accountable for enacting the Emergencies Act.

Instead of answering questions, he resorted to accusing Melissa Lantsman, a Jewish Member of Parliament and a descendant of Holocaust survivors, of supporting those waving swastikas. There were many on the opposition side of the House who immediately came to her defence. However, the Liberal benches were silent on the Prime Minister’s demeaning comments.

Prime Minister Trudeau should immediately apologize and focus on unifying the nation rather than stoking divisions for political gain.

#28yearsold #myocarditis #heartattack #permanentlydisabled #longtermmedication #pfizer #singapore

They first came for the elderlies, then they came for the adults, then young adults, then teenagers, and now they are coming for the children. This is a carefully devised "divide-and-conquer" strategy to push their experimental gene therapy on every living person on this planet.

The so-called "virus" is their excuse, but their real intention is the gene therapy falsely packaged under the name of "vaccine". They want to inject each and everyone with a toxic substance in our 46-chromosomes body. What does poison do to the body?

"POISON, in biochemistry, a substance, natural or synthetic, that causes damage to living tissues and has an injurious or fatal effect on the body, whether it is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed or injected through the skin." ~ Britannica

By definition, every poison is deem to cause damage to living tissues, and has an injurious or fatal effect on the body. This statement of fact (not opinion) already tells us what their experimental gene therapy marketed under the name of vaccine will do to the body.

Therefore, the question now is: what kind of damage will this experimental gene therapy (poison) do to the body?

According to the FDA, their list of possible adverse event outcomes, aka side effects from the "vaccine" includes: Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, Transverse Myelitis, Encephalitis, Myelitis, Encephalomyelitis, Meningoencephalitis, Meningitis, Encephalopathy, Convulsions, Seizures, etc.

People are having Cardiac Arrest, Respiratory Arrest, and other severe reactions. You can look up these reports for yourself. This is just a sampling. There are already tens of thousands. These deaths and injuries are already being reported on the VAERS database, but rarely by the mainstream media.

What about the ones that may kick in within a year, or five years, or 10 years down the road? And what about long-term effects that are passed from parents to children? No one knows.

Since these injections are making some people sick, it’s no wonder that the CEO’s making these experimental injections ran to Congress and got total indemnification from liability through something called the PREP Act. This means that if you get the shot and that shot injures or kills you, the company that made the injection cannot be held responsible.

Perhaps you have unwittingly gotten the "vaccine", but are you sure you are getting your kids injected with a poison falsely called a "vaccine"? Are you hardened against your own children, as an ostrich that is without understanding (Job 39:14-17)? My friends: vaxxed or vax-free, you are the only protection your kids have from a tyrant government. If you don't protect your own kids, they will be just as sheep counted for the slaughter.

Dr. Aaron Kheriarty explains doctors are told if they write mask and/or vaccine medical exemptions, they instantly come under investigation!

Have you ever come across testimonies from the jabbed claiming that the KOVID19 vexxine has somehow made them magnetic? There have been reports coming from both mrna and non-mrna types. Yes, even people who took Sinovac have reported that the vexxine made them magnetic. What is my take? I think the mrna/non-mrna argument is just a front, just like the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans - at the core, there is no difference because they both serve the same master. The idea is to give people an illusion of choice, but embedded in those vexxines is something more sinister. For those that have been doing your own independent research, you might have already come across the term "graphene oxide" many many times. This secret ingredient is present in both mrna and non-mrna type vexxines, and this is the real ingredient that they want to get into you.


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

70 videos

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