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MUST WATCH: Debunking the Narrative (With Prof. Dolores Cahill)

The 1960s social revolution was the greatest Psyop in human history. It was the culmination of 100 years of continuous agitation and cultural manipulation; and the prime movers within our modern, liberal socialist establishment are merely the offspring of its seductive creed...

Environmental Propaganda. Made by: Vertigo Politix

London,l crime, ethnocide.


Mark Collett
Published on 28 Jun 2019
Naming those within the American establishment who are pushing for war with Iran and exposing their links with foreign governments.

Wars for Israel Drive Mass Immigration into Europe

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My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous

Mark Collett
Published on 12 Apr 2018
The recent alleged ‘gas attack’ in Syria is being used by Western governments & the establishment media as a reason to go to war in the Middle East, however those beating the drums of war have failed to provide any evidence to show who was behind the incident. When analysing the situation in Syria, common sense dictates that the only people who stood to gain anything from carrying out such an attack would be those who wish to fan the flames of war and see Western powers attack the Syrian government forces.

Wars for Israel Drive Mass Immigration into Europe

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

Mark Collett
Published on 29 Mar 2018
This podcast explains how the police investigate so-called ‘hate crimes’ and how these investigations are totally subjective and based on feelings, not facts. But worse still, the British police are now building a database of people who have been accused of ‘hate incidents’ – non-criminal incidents where individuals are accused of being motivated by hate and the accused is considered guilty without their accuser having to present any-evidence what-so-ever! Please share this podcast and help draw attention to this insane legislation.

The British College of Policing’s Hate Crime Operational Guidance

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

Mark Collett
Published on 22 Mar 2018
Demonstrations have always been popular among nationalists and patriots. Large gatherings of people all united behind a common cause can be a powerful show of strength in numbers – but do they actually have any effect on the way politicians act? The answer is no. The only thing that makes politicians listen is threatening their political power and the only way to do that is by acting as a community and taking control of the political institutions that are being used against us.

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 15 Mar 2018
Freedom of speech and freedom of association in the UK has been under a long and sustained attack by the British state, the media and the far left groups. This long standing erosion of our liberties will only continue unless we can replace those in power who are seeking to take away our freedoms and ultimately wish to see those of European descent replaced in their own ancestral homelands.

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

Mark Collett
Published on 8 Mar 2018
Tolerance is an ideological sledgehammer that has been used to attack the fabric of our society. But the liberals pushing tolerance & telling traditionalists that they must be more ‘accepting’ do not follow those rules, in fact liberals are the most intolerant people imaginable. Just this week we have seen a young teacher in Florida, Tiana Dalichov, suspended from her job simply for saying things liberals disagree with.

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 15 Feb 2018
Slavery is something that every child in the West is taught about from a very early age, but slavery is always presented in a disingenuous fashion. The narrative on slavery that is taught in schools, presented by the media and even portrayed in museums is so completely twisted and rewritten that it bears little relation to the actual historical truth about the slave trade or the context in which slavery existed as a social phenomenon. Find out how the enemies of the West are using this twisted narrative to promote white guilt and then learn the real truth about slavery and how slavery is not a European crime, but something practiced by all racial and ethnic groups the world over since the beginning of recorded history.

The Holocaust: An Instrument of White Guilt

A Comparison of the Trans-Atlantic & Islamic Slave Trade

The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 8 Feb 2018
Feminists attack and picket beauty pageants and campaign against other women who uphold the ideals of beauty, femininity & traditional female roles. The latest victim in the feminists war against women are the grid girls. But this attack on beauty is also an attack on excellence – find out why those behind feminism wish to tear down excellence and why feminism and this attack on excellence are both part of the plot to destroy the West.

Statues, Heritage & Bad Role Models

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 1 Feb 2018
The holocaust has been elevated above all other historical occurrences and is treated as an unquestionable truth – movies, books and documentaries are churned out on an industrial basis and the holocaust even has a dedicated international day of remembrance. Yet communist mass killings and genocides are largely ignored or even unheard of in the West despite the fact that communism has killed over a 100 million people. I examine the political and social reasons for this and lay bare the hypocrisy and double standards employed by the establishment when it comes to genocide.

Communist Death Toll

The Black Book of Communism

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 18 Jan 2018
A damning expose of the way the British state has conspired to cover up widespread child sexual abuse and protect paedophiles from criminal prosecutions. From individual cases of paedophilia, to the widespread issue of Islamic grooming gangs, to the historic cases of child sexual abuse carried out by leading members of the establishment, the sordid history of the British state’s collusion to protect sex offenders is laid bare.

My video on the Rotherham Grooming Scandal

The website of the Independent Inquiry in Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 11 Jan 2018
A teardown of the broken liberal narrative on race, a narrative that can be best described as doublethink.

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 28 Dec 2017
A serious discussion on the state of the movement and the positives we can take from 2017, but more importantly where we need to go in 2018 if we want to effect real change. Our movement needs to emerge from the internet and mature in order to gain real power and influence and secure a future for our people.

YouTube’s new policies on combating ‘extremism’

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

The Official Website:

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Mark Collett
Published on 21 Dec 2017
Every year tens of thousands of British pensioners die over the winter months as they can’t afford to heat their own homes, but at the same time the British government gives away in excess of £12 billion in foreign aid. Discover the truth about where this foreign aid money is really going and how those who have paid into the system all their lives are being betrayed by overpaid politicians who care more about politically correct projects than they do about our elderly.

Christmas Markets & Diversity Barriers

Christmas Adverts: Multicultural Propaganda

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

The Official Website:

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Johnny Gat
Published on 18 Sep 2016

Johnny Gat
Published on 5 Apr 2017 or
Save pdf as well

Mark Collett
Published on 14 Dec 2017
A frank discussion on this year’s Christmas markets and the highly visible signs that multiculturalism simply isn’t working – diversity barriers, armed police and metal gates are all signs of a failed ideology. The transformation of our nations from cohesive, high trust societies into multicultural ones has not made us stronger, but has put us at great risk and compromised not only our safety, but the future of our very existence.

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

Mark Collett
Published on 10 Dec 2017
A frank discussion on the current events surrounding Lauren Southern and the issue of women in the Alt Right.

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

The Official Website:

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

Mark Collett
Published on 7 Dec 2017
A frank discussion on the death of Kate Steinle, a young white women killed by an illegal immigrant. This shocking case perfectly illustrates how the safety of those living in Western nations is being compromised for the liberal desire for multiculturalism and mass immigration. The liberal politicians, the media & pro-immigration lobby have blood on their hands.

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

The Official Website:

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Paperback Edition:

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

Mark Collett
Published on 30 Nov 2017
A frank discussion on the failure of the democratic system in the UK. The two party first past the post system has created a stagnant political landscape where voters feel there is no real chance of change thanks to the narrow field of political discourse offered by the two main parties, both of which are in the pay of the enemies of the West.

My Account

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

The Official Website:

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Paperback Edition:

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

Author and presenter Mark Collett has earned himself an enviable reputation for consistently well-researched articles and podcasts, and his wealth of knowledge of nationalist matters is known throughout the USA as well as in Britain. His output is thoroughly checked by legal experts before being published, but sometimes even if an item is legally sound, it can be removed without prior notice by certain web agencies. And the reasons for this can be obscure. In this popular podcast, Mark outlines some current peculiar trends in Christmas advertisements from many of today's High Street retailers. Viewers of this video are encouraged to download and capture it for re-uploading to their own YouTube channels; also those of you who use Facebook and/or Twitter might like to point to its proliferation on the Internet. It already appears on several YouTube channels, and is being featured on many more every day. It's important that the message this video contains reaches as wide an audience as possible. Your co-operation is appreciated.

A frank discussion of the power wielded by the globalist corporations and how these corporations use that power to silence anyone who speaks out against their multicultural agenda. Free speech is now under threat – and not just from government legislation but from globalist corporations who are using their influence to censor the internet and silence criticism of their aims and objectives. My Account Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda RE-UPLOADS My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions. The Official Website: FREE eBook download: Hardback Edition: Paperback Edition: PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as "what gives you the right to judge" or "I'm a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself" or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

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