Media Mysteries

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Media Mysteries



Hollywood is in decline. All should rejoice. And if played right, this could also be a big opportunity for a new film industry.

There are a vast number of strange videos on the Internet. We take a look at one of them and react to and review it.

This video details the possibility of a new Stargate TV series. We watch it together while I react and comment on it.

Politics continues to infuse everything while celebrities continue to think they know better than everyone else.

Star Trek is a mess. In this video I provide a simple solution for how it can all be fixed.

Even more information about Ellen DeGeneres has emerged, detailing how guests on her show are told not to get in her way and her employees often aren't allowed to interact with her and have to leave the room when she enters.

If there's one thing LucasFilm is known for, it's for having terrible casting. Whether it's Anakin Skywalker or Kylo "Princess Lili" Ren, it seems like LucasFilm has a hard time figuring out that casting actually matters, that who you choose to play a particular part matters.

The Star Wars sequels were already ridiculous to begin with. Putting Adam Driver in the movie as Princess Lili just pushes it into the realm of cartoon.

Disney just revealed they lost a whole lot of money, while at the same time releasing the live-action version of Mulan on Disney+ using a new premium model which they could extend to other parts of the streaming service.

Much information has come out lately about Ellen DeGeneres and her behavior behind the scenes. Even more people have come forward to talk about Ellen's behavior and the behavior of some of those that work on her show, and new rumors have surfaced that Ellen might even be leaving the show.

This is a curious one. A couple very special friends go to the convenience store late at night.

So many videos take so long to get to the point, instead trying to sell you something. Like t-shirts. And mugs. And forehead stickers.


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

11 videos

Category News & Politics

The media is full of mysteries. Why they do this, why they don't do that. Whether it's terrible commercials, TV shows and movies with obvious continuity issues, or entertainment companies soaked in so much politics it oozes out when you squeeze them, the media is truly full of mysteries. And other stupid stuff. Like celebrities.