Michael ben Stanislaus

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Michael ben Stanislaus

Michael ben Stanislaus


The second part reveals the coverup and lies the government and media are performing about Covid-19 vaccines and the "pandemic". There are a few smoking guns that demonstrate the extent they are going to keep the truth from the people while drumming up fear to control and manipulate all of us.

Do You Know What is Being Hidden From You. Are You Being Lied too? Why is The Truth Being Hidden? What is the Truth? This Video is Part 1 of 2 and focuses on the incorrect numbers that are being reported by the governmental agencies and answers the question of is this as Serious as we are being led to believe? It sets the stage for Part 2 which exposes all the lies and hidden truth of the Covid-19 propaganda machine.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

2 videos

Category News & Politics

This Channel has videos with truth about what is happening worldwide as well as suggested solutions for those problems that can be solved by the common person.