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the information is there, it's just buried under layers and layers.. Dave Sims found it. Here's a guide of how to find it

Dave Sims is still on YT. go and sub. great work happening over there

my youtube channel has been terminated and the backup is suspended.. so i'm just putting some of the important ones up over here now if people need to share

this was the newest of the collection of videos that was banned by pooptube for medical misinformation. the statistics shown by experts in this video (professor of medicine at stanford university, a professor of medicine from harvard university, a professor of epidemiology from oxford university, a former white house covid advisor, and the governor of florida) oppose what we get from the "experts" at the world health organization. . smh

conversation with the Solari Report and Dolores Cahill. This video has been banned from yt. TONS of information and a must watch and share.

more recent facts exposing the greatest lie of our lifetime

a thorough presentation using the facts presented from the cdc, who, and the government to prove the beer bug is not what the media is trying to push.

shhh... dont say the word. we'll be censored.
proof of corruption

Roger Hodkinson, a renowned pathologist and the CEO of a biotech company that makes covid tests, shares his view of the "pandemic" on a zoom conference call with Canadian Officials in Alberta.

the world economic forum has the blueprint of what the purpose of cv is and where it is going to take us.

nothing to see here.. move along.