Ezekiels Wheel

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Ezekiels Wheel



What does that mean for you spiritually, well for the BRIDE- its totally fine, because most of you are coming forward with no real threat. We are extremely focused, I don’t know about you but I SURE AM and God is VERY serious about our staying that way until we complete the task of making a way through Him.
I’ve been sensing that (matter of fact, as of today) that the occult is losing ground, as well as the fake church. SO this C2 is really “eating their lunch” because they aren’t used to fighting on so many fronts at once. I only described above what is going on in the natural. You guys will have to buy our series “DEADLY CHARGED” if you want to learn the spiritual side. As I don’t have time to get into all the layered learning there. Because there is A LOT of it!
BUT! YOU should be walking at the 6PM HOUR (Tribe of Zebulun) Gemini- where you should be dealing with people around you that show you YOURSELF/OR YOUR BAD HEART condition in what you need to change in order for God to invite you inside. You see, the tribe of Zebulun guards the FIRMAMENT- and they help to INSPECT the body as God brings them through preparing them for the GODS EYE of inspection on the 9th of AV (which is actually Aug 13, 2024) this year.

You are probably getting hit with MAJOR elemental magic, of water, fire, earth & air/spirit as the rituals/rites/ceremonies rachet up against your thinking. Remember we are in C2, trying to acquire the mind of Christ, where the enemy is coming at your minds with alternative realities. So you have a choice to believe the enemy or believe the King! YOU CHOOSE which place you want to enter into within your heart/mind.
You can either stay in the same old place as before OR you can enter in through your new door! AND KEEP Believing God on what He told you He would do for you!
Today, what I see is SO MANY people who are falling away from the truth, in all that they do. They are becoming more and move loveless (OR THEIR love tanks are being drained) hence, they think that by attaching to a loving ministry, OR PERSON, that that will fix it.
NOPE! The only thing that will fix your LOVELESS NESS (OR LACK OF ABILITY TO LOVE) is Jesus Christ. Because God is love. So you have to be filled with love in order to LOVE and experience FULFILLMENT. I, Melissa Hood cannot do that for you, nor can any other person on the planet. It only comes through deliverance ministry- where you get free from YOURSELF, or the spiritual weaknesses that hold you back.

people! As you can see we have Harp releasing weather warfare across Texas with a years record across the nation of 679 tornados. UNHEARDOF! In the history of America- so that’s who we can give that special honor to!

Also, as you can sense/see, that Gods true Bride isn’t so nice when she feels she’s been deceived by those who were supposed to be leading her! As you might be noticing on social media- a lot of the JOSEPHS/BRIDE are getting a little aggressive/their post through the GEN X movement rising which depicts much of the true side of WHO America used to be before MOST got caught up in these unholy realities.

What are unholy realities? Unholy Realities are weapons used/created by Satanist/witches to force your natural/spiritual future to SHIFT into what they want it to be instead of what God wants your future to be. SO it is imperative that you learn how to get free instead of thinking your going to stay safe/the same by staying back in the “old thing”/Religion (which never did a thing for anyone) but kill an innocent man. As it still does today! Being true to how the devil uses it through the church to spiritually harm good people through dysfunctional people!

We want to thank Margaret Rowe for all that she does in supporting this ministry! MargaretRowe.com- she designs beautiful work with phenomenal craftsmanship! Thank you to Margaret Rowe and SmackTalk Radio for all that they do in helping us to bring the word of God to you.
So what is going on with you? With witchcraft?
Well, if you are taking tremendous witchcraft attacks that would be because of 2 things:
1) Because the spiritual laws are narrowing now against the sheep to force them to see exactly where God wants them to be. So if you feel/sense like all hell is letting loose around you- that would be because YOU DIDN’T COME THROUGH!
2) If you are the Bride what you are probably observing is the screwed up FAKE church just depicting who they have hidden themselves to be all along. Because NOONE can hide a heart condition for forever. Especially is they wallow in their Leven. But don’t get too concerned because God is keeping that separate from the Bride as God keeps leading you deeper into Himself. SO the show is really just for the obedient to see who has been put permanently on as shelf. AND THE ENEMIES of God was PO’D! Oh are they mad, the FAKE CHURCH/THE OCCULT- whew they are angry. So angry you can feel it in your atmospheres.
3) To the point that the occult have now begun to use HIGH BLACK MAGIC/ELEMENTAL witchcraft against the successful Front Runners/Intercessors because they are NOW figuring out that they CANNOT stop Gods fire power with in – so they are giving all their might. (As though it would help them any, because fighting against the King is futile) when you’ve disobeyed Him in a thing….leaving Him no other choice but “RAM ROD” over those who think they know more than He knows.

You become a part of the TARE church when you decide to do what your flesh wants to do instead of what God has told you is true. Which means that you think you know more than the King. But God/Jesus is not moved by your fleshly nature, He’s moved by a heart of humility towards Him.

And so many that have gotten caught up in their own nature (instead of Gods spirit) now have the audacity to place demands on the King as though they were His master and Jesus served them. HOW DARE YOU says the Lord, do you really think you can afford to tell Me how to run My kingdom? Because otherwise, how would it be that you have now found yourself in an unholy reality – when it was I all along trying to help thee?

JOSEPHS! We are looking for you! If you have found yourself in 30 years or more of testing, then this is the place for you! IF you have found yourself trying to find a way out from under the witchcraft- then you would be right because the level of magic/spells/laws that are hitting the TRUE saints of God /BRIDE/THE JOSEPHS are to keep them from coming all the way inside. BUT GOD!

I also want to say too, that God has called Margaret and myself to minister to the Josephs who left the church years ago. Most of us are out in the world, but listen to sermons online, some go to churches when they can find authenticity/loving people. But this group is who God called us to minister to. NOT THE CHURCH. Although that does happen from time to time because ¾ of the church are misaligned. AND NOW- they are going back to EGYPT because most don’t know what the heck to do. So the mentality seems to be “Oh well, I might as well, just join all the backwards people too- INSTEAD of trusting God and going forward into the new!” Absolutely amazes me! But that’s their plight not mine, so I’ve to drop them like a rock and allow God to take me into the divine. But you can’t help people who think they know more than God. Let them figure it out when its too late. And then it’ll be too late- but again, that’s between them and God.

Because as a prophetess what I see is an entire people group that have gotten caught up in Demonic realities (WITCHCRAFT- and most of them pray witchcraft now by using the word of God unlawfully against those they deem as ‘less than” through their moral superiority, when its them that have fallen in the kingdom. They’ve fallen back in trust, in TRUTH and now begun to put back on an OLD WINE SKIN thinking this is what will bring them through. But it has no power and we are living in the time of Gods power NOT HIS WRATH.

So that leaves me wondering: what is it going to take in order for them to take a spiritual bath- and COME up into maturity? Where God has always wanted them to be?

Because the Church can’t have its way (OR THE CAKE) and eat it too. Meaning: You can’t serve 2 masters, NOR can you walk with one foot in Gods kingdom and one foot out. OR- better yet, you can’t go back to EGYPT and then think God is going to bless you by allowing you to come into the new. Because the NEW place is a TRUST test and only tak..

If you feel like you are sludging through the mud that’s because you’ve entered into a heightened state of the battle with witchcraft. AND we are fighting in the firmament getting ready to burst into the 2nd Glory. Because the enemy knows that once the Front Runners burst through (and we already are) then they are going down (which they already are) in a blaze of Holy Ghost fire. But what you are feeling is the enemy trying to circumvent what God is doing. While trying to burn you out. So you will have to pace yourself in order to continue moving through this part of the test!
And if you haven’t been obedient in the lower parts of the test then its fruitless for you to try to come forward unless you’ve done the VERY LAST THING God told you do in order to move into the next part. Because every step we take is contingent upon obey Him in the prior steps. And if you try to circumvent the process you will only get yourself judged by the King for disobeying Him and moving into a place you weren’t invited into. SO, at this point of the juncture its imperative that we do EVERYTHING He is telling us to do.
So most of you are probably feeling VERY much like you can’t go on without realizing that the King has already given you a new song. And its through PRAISE/HIGH PRAISE that you will move forth with the Ancient of Days into your More!

Where are we at as a nation?
It’s been 60 years AND NOBODY has ever questioned LEADERS & the running of our government OR CHURCHES! No one dared because it wasn’t appropriate, but also, we’ve never had to deal with the level of corruption that we are now dealing with in society.
So we are having to get REAL with our selves and God about what we have allowed to come inside! And God us demanding it! That has hindered us as the body from entering maturity to where Heaven and earth could collide. Because God is coming back for a pure spotless Bride who is loyal and true! To where EVERYONE sees who is who.
SO what are we seeing? We are literally watching the biggest CRAP SHOW on the planet where everybody thinks that they know which prophets are true. With the false prophets trying to label the truth prophets false where THEY are the ones who don’t even know who is boss!

Thank you to Margaret Rowe /SMACK TALK Radio for sponsoring the 15 MIN REV. As we can’t do what we do without them helping us bring the word of God to you! So thank each of you again!
If you haven’t checked out Margaretrowe.com you need to go and check out her new 7 NEW collections!

Whats the enemy hitting you with?

LEADERS- if you feel like a TON of weight has been placed onto you, its because the OCCULT has placed heavy COSMOS witchcraft onto you.
The enemy is building word structures against you on the COSMOS/NATO/FED/STATE/CITY/COUNTY & personal levels. And if your going to win, your going to have to learn to fight on those levels.

Go check out our deadly charged series where we teach you how to fight on those levels. Its why we made the series! SHARE SCREEN

TRUE BRIDE LEADERS GETTING TARGETED with SPELLS/LAWS/MAGIC containing LUST, seduction, entrapment, disengagement, boredom, burnout, not wanting to do this anymore, trying to disqualify you from being used in this new move. So you have to PRESS THROUGH all your feelings because these emotions have NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR FAITH! The enemy is also trying to distract you from what you normally are focused on to do. OR by trying to make others think evil of you (by creating situations (through witchcraft) to give the appearance of evil) when most of you are not doing what the enemy is placing around you. FALSE ACCUSATION. IF your married, by trying to get you into breaking covenant and losing destiny.
The occult is also using A LOT of the elemental magic (WATER, (A LOT OF THE WATER ELEMENT) because a lot of what they do is through elemental magic. So they use water a lot because our bodies are made up on water so their spells/laws/magic/water witchcraft really are effective against our mind/will/emotions.
As well as using FIRE WITCHCRAFT due to the fire season we have now stepped into with C2.

BREAK IT OFF (ALL SPELLS/LAWS/MAGIC). So most of what we are experiencing at present is in dealing with HIGH POWERED DEMONS and they are STRONG on this level. So if you want to keep moving along- you need to place restraining orders against these things

WE want to thank Margaret Rowe and Smack Talk Radio for everything that they do. If you haven’t caught Margarets newest line “Heaven’s Presence” you need to go over to Margaretrowe.com and look at it. This new line is exquisite! And she’s got something for everyones tastes. If you don’t care for that, go check out her Bridal collection, or just grab a pair earrings- she’s designs top of the line rings, earrings, just phenomenal designs with high craftmanship!
Go check her out!

Whats happening in your world today?
WELLLL, I can tell you we’ve stepped into witchcraft hell- with witchcraft amping up against us. Today is the 3rd day of May, can you believe we already out of April?! But! That also means we only have 4 more months of this crap to walk through! HAPPY C2 to you too!

There are LOTS of distractions people! So now is the time you want to ONLY FOCUS on GODS TRUTH! During C2, we have to make it a point to only state Gods truth- HIS WORD! And only do what He tells us to do.
Gods been talking to me about Adam/Eve in the garden (And we all know that story). But do you realize what they gave up when they stepped out of the glory of God? Thinking they knew better for their own story? There are times in our walks where God will tell us to do, OR NOT TO DO a certain thing, and no matter how much we think we know- WE NEED TO OBEY HIM or it can cost us everything!

Prophetic Discussion

Enemy releasing irritation/offense (to create strife)burnout, not caring, not wanting to engage, annoyance, distractions, stagnancy (when the BRIDE IS REALLY MOVING FORWARD- because no one can stop her), boredom with the process, doubt, unbelief, spells-laws-magic against the minds-wills-emotions of believers to get them off track, (REMEMBER ITS C2- KNOW YOUR NORMAL), and to disconnect us with Gods place of destiny.
So because this is C2- God is allowing you to walk through the mental testing’s to build the mind of Christ. And for the BRIDE coming inside your mental fortitude is going to have to be strong. So you don’t get caught up in all the warfare in your atmospheres.
But regardless of your fatigue God is moving you into your new thing and nothing AND NO ONE can stop it. And its becoming apparent as God enters you in. Your enemies are PO’D to the max because many of them are UNREDEEMED – so intercessor- you need to be going to the Lord in the courts and asking God if the word weapons (even words used with Scriptures/magic-spells-laws-numbers, innocent blood sacrifices-rituals-rites-ceremonies) are from redeemed people. IF NOT- let them fall to the ground.

Whats Going on the Body?
WE are entering into Deeper levels of C2- which means you are probably experiencing higher levels of witchcraft. Hence the body that hasn’t come inside is beginning to get its butt kicked by the enemy mentally, because they can’t discern between UNGODLY demonic realities vs. truthful Godly realities. NOT to mention the PROPHETS who haven’t been cleaned up are now calling TRUTHFUL prophets FALSE to confuse the sheep causing confusion. GOD IS NOT the author of confusion.
SO! Here we stand at the precipice with MANY trying to climb Gods mountain and they are ALL about to get judged for coming before the KING ANY OLD WAY they please. With MANY thinking they are acceptable but haven’t gotten deliverance yet to ensure they have been purified /made acceptable.
REMEMBER- ESTHER went through a year of refinement/cleaning up BEFORE SHE WAS EVER Presented before Him. Yet here we sit with the fake church, or those having gotten caught up in the fake church thinking they are going to come in regardless. But little do they know of the judgement of God that awaits them.
Because if God told MOSES to keep the people (who were idol worshippers) at the base of the mountain lest they be killed, wouldn’t that same standard apply to us today? WHO do these people think they are? Its like they are so scare (blankless) that they are rushing the gates regardless of the consequences “hoping” God will allow them in in His mercy.

Are you aware of what is really going on in America currently? If you haven’t noticed we are in a fight over the REALITY of HEAVEN vs. the REALITY of HELL through Jezebel. So unless you stand up to this demon LEADER, you won’t enter into Heaven’s reality but instead will enter difficulty. Because America is under one of the HUGEST EXPERIMENTS in the history of mankind where the deep state is trying to see if they can alter our CONSCIOUSNESS.
the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.
Ever heard of Apples reality gadgets called “APPLE VISION PRO?” The enemy has been mass producing gadgets like these to indoctrinate man/ready you so they can control you. OR YOUR REALITY.

The Lord showed me that so many were coming on here and listening to the 15 MIN REV but that my voice ( OR SPIRIT) was irritating them. But if that’s the case, then I have to ask you to ask yourself something: WHY is that so? Why does the truth irritate you? I am double truth on the Mazzaroth JOB 38:32 (Lord, can you bring FORTH the MAZZOROTH IN ITS TIME?) OR can you BRING ME FORTH IN TIME? INTO THE DIVINE? OR MORE FIRE POWER?
So if the level of DOUBLE TRUTH you are drawn to makes you angry, then you have to ask yourself why? Because the root of anger is fear – so that would lead me to believe that there is something in your heart that you’re refusing to deal with (IS IT YOUR OWN PRIDE) to deal with that God is stirring up?
Because if you think about it, I could lower my voice, or talk higher, but regardless that still wont’ change the condition of your heart/mind UNLESS you allow God to deal with you which is keeping you stuck in time.

AND the other thing I need to address is with OLD GUARD leaders:
IF YOU WANT TO BRING YOUR INTERCESSORS UP SPIRITUALLY to help your church move forward, then you will need to know how to do it. Because within the Mazzoroth/GODS HEART-CLOCK vs. YOUR OWN (the FLESH-DEVILS Heart- the ZODIAC) there are multiple tests. Going at the SAME TIME.

We want to pay our condolences to the family of Jerry Savelle ministries, as Pastor Savelle was an Apostle of Faith (a Father of Faith) for many years! And he was used by God in mighty ways, as are all the other men who serve in that capacity. Please stop by his website, if you haven’t already and pay tribute to this sweet man of God. Because these types are few/far in between.
The 15 Min Rev’s sponsorship comes today through Margaret Rowe Couture @MARGARETROWE.com & SMACK TALK RADIO! As we appreciate all that they do to help us bring the word of God to you!
And if you haven’t noticed, its hard to find the truth today, but the good news is that TRUTH IS IN THE ROOM, and what I am seeing spiritually is God getting the churches attention by showing them a DISPLAY OF where He wants them to be. At Ew, our jobs are to help you get free- which we provide through our digital content on our website at Ezekiels-wheel.org – and if you go there you will find our newest series called “DEADLY CHARGED.” And the price is high because God told us to price it that way to keep it out the hands of man who only wanted fleshly things.
IN THIS HOUR YOU WILL NOT OPERATE in the display of Gods power if you don’t have your heart changed which only comes through deliverance. Hence- the series, made available to you but only by a heart that knows its own responsibility in welding this power. I WILL NOT place this information into the hands of power grubbing people who only want to use/abuse others around themselves with the latest/greatest information.
Everybody always wants to be cutting edge but I have a responsibility because I serve at the pleasure of the King as a prophet- and HIM ONLY. Not man. But the price we charge is for the heart that recognizes the anointing of God. So we don’t have to be worried about its distribution into the hands of those unholy souls who only want vengeance.

So where are we at presently? As the BODY during this C2

Well, for one – OUT WITH THE OLD/IN WITH THE NEW- God is shifting the old guard out and bringing in HIGHER LEVEL TRUTH PROPHETS. This is why some of our voices seem so terse. But we are Gods children-just sent to help lead the way into the Latter Glory. Which has REALLY ticked off the disobedient – and I guess understandably so. Because anger stems from the root of fear. Which means if you didn’t come in because you were too busy defending a dead system/structure, then I would be alarmed to when God challenged my arrogance for having not listened.

You see, I believe, as a prophetic voice that God is no longer dickering with us anymore about what HE COMMANDS us to do. He knows whats coming hence, He’s demanding that we walk into the new. By trusting Him all the way through. But what we are seeing are people manifesting because they aren’t believing Him- when HE states: “You either come in/ or get left behind by Yahweh.” And yes, He means His cloud will move on without you. So have you come through is my question?

Well, as of Monday I worry (I’m not in fear) about the mentality of mankind! AND I am growing concerned for the lack of obedience in the body of Christ (OR THOSE that say they know the Lord). Because anybody who knows the media- and what they have lied to us about thus far – WHY ON EARTH would you trust them to tell you to go look at an eclipse?

2 Timothy 3:5 in Other Translations5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.
We are living in a time WHERE ALL TRUTH has walked into the room! MEANING: THAT GOD (THE GOD OF TRUTH/JUDGEMENT- HIS FIRE POWER is coming to rest on HIS TRUE BRIDE- and if you don’t have it then you haven’t come inside) BUT HE’S here! Which forces ALL LIES to appear, lies with respect to what the devil is trying to do TO YOU, as well as others around you!
They can’t help it because the presence of God being in you! Which means: As God just told me YESTERDAY- that when HE tells me HE is going to do something: TAKE GOD AT HIS WORD THE FIRST TIME- unless you are in the NON-BRIDE tribe- which means you are listening to every voice around you. Because you aren’t yet sure of YOU.
What does that mean? When God said “KNOW the signs/times, it means KNOW YOUR GOD- KNOW YOURSELF-so you know the difference between the voices you are listening to- YOURSELF or the Lord. And you aren’t confused about the two. So you heed Gods instruction THE 1ST TIME because you know who is who!

Thank you to Margaret Rowe Couture with Margaret Rowe.com & SMACKTALK RADIO for sponsoring this show! We are always super excited & grateful for all our sponsors do to help us bring the truth to you!

If you feel like you are regurgitating information I think a lot of us feel like that at the moment. But let me give you a little insight as to what might be going on and I’ll let you do the fact checking. Because I believe God led me to these videos to allow me to see what the DS is trying to bring our way.

FIRSTLY- there is A LOT of HEAVY darkness in our atmospheres because we have conflicting realities vying for kingship. A demonic throne vs. GODS HOLY THRONE.

Because if you didn’t hear my interview with Brett J. Starling last night (A super wonderful Aussie friend/ very accurate prophet), but he and I began to dissect what the church is up against this coming season.

Do you realize that we are not only in the fight for natural existence, but our spiritual one as well? Because the church is stuck in stagnancy. THE OLD GUARD ways, stuck under the apparatus of religion trying to vy for authority when they are losing it because they won’t get free and come up spiritually! THEY LITERALLY are so presumptuous/pride filled that they think that God should allow them to do this THEIR OWN WAY!

Come check out what God is doing in the nation!

Prophetic Voice

Thank You to Margaret Rowe Jewelry/Author of “Through the Lens” Dressing the stars book, and of course, Smack Talk Radio- as we always want to give thanks for the generosity of others!

Margaret and I wrote our last book together “Just a Conversation Away” where God taught us both about the reality of how thin the veil of Heaven is and how powerful the true Kings Decree is. But our hearts hope to help bring the body back to the basics of Love (even if through tough love). Because God is using VERY TOUGH LOVE to push those sheep wanting to come back into fire power through deliverance FIRST, so they can get cleaned up to come inside.

Because what we are seeing is that God is replacing the religious “OLD GUARD” with NEW GENERALS in the Kingdom of God who are TRUTH/& TRUE STANDARD BEARERS! And these new leaders are NOT COMPROMISING off of Gods truth! NOT ONE INCH! And they are quick to hold others accountable for deviating from Gods truth to be “Seeker Friendly” to begin with ! What were you thinking?!!
So now Gods had to replace them because many are so polluted and have polluted the sheep that God is doing a Quick work TO GET his army CLEANED UP AGAIN!

Because these people let the devil in- and did you realized what you did by doing so? YOU ALLOWED THE ENEMY TO POLLUTE PART OF GODS JOEL 3:5- do you realize that the Joel 3:5 Army was to do this:
It was supposed to be a charismatic movement closely connected with the Latter Rain Movement that began in the 1940s. The term latter rain refers to Joel 2:23, which says God will send a “latter rain” in addition to a “former rain” (KJV) (biblehub.com Commentaries).

Thank You to Margaret Rowe Jewelry and Smack Talk Radio- as we always want to give thanks for the generosity of others! Margaret and I wrote our last book together where God allowed us both to walk in Heaven and see loved ones, talk to them and only God could have revealed what they had to say because those were conversations made in private with us. So nobody knew. But we are kicking off our new book tour soon so please be on the lookout as God readies us for the new! As you should be doing for you!

There is SO much going on right now:
1) The Baltimore cargo ship crash
2) P. Diddy raids- all people he’s blackmailed and elite people involved
3) The Monarchy being in turmoil with power struggles (per Putin/ ex Prime Minister Boris Johnson- now don’t you think they would have “privy” to inside information?)
4) The connections with Prince Harry/William and Princess Kate to P. Diddy parties….Hmmmm- could it be that the CHILD Trafficking is connected all over the WORLD?

That’s what the Lord has been showing me- through visions/dreams with seeing children being led through caves, and seeing dreams of green houses (shanty’s) with native American Indians sitting guard on their porches. Which tell me that Indian reservations are involved in child trafficking

Thank you to Margaret Rowe.com and Smacktalk Radio for sponsoring the 15 Min Rev today because they are both Christian sponsors and genuinely want Gods new move in the land!
If you haven’t purchased a piece of Margaret Rowe Jewelry- your missing out because she is L.A.’s top jewelry designer and displays her designs on Rodeo Drive, & has sold to Stevie Nicks, Priscilla Presley, Michelle Pfeiffer just to name a few.
ONLY GO WHERE GOD TELLS YOU TO GO IN THIS HOUR CHRISTIAN! DO NOT GO ANYWHERE without asking! Because God knows the warfare in the place your going and until things die down you need to HEED GODS COMMAND AND OBEY! He knows how to keep us safe and the enemy is on the rampage in this hour because he’s lost the fight! So Satan is furious in this time space- he is not being allowed to enter into. ITS NOT HIS PLACE- OR TIME- its GODS- its not the time of Gods wrath but HIS POWER (Kerr, 2016-present).
Also, God is differentiating the differences in our spirits…which spirit we are serving….. & IN this hour you are only serving 1 of 2 people:
God or Satan. Its that simple. People have either gotten cleaned up and have entered in as Gods Bride and are about to be rewarded or that are on the OUTSIDE! For the Bride: Your obedience has brought you UP/OUT of demonic realities -and onto Gods spiritual page to where you can RE-ENGAGE with the King of Kings- and ONLY OBEDIENCE got you there! TO bring the freedom which allowed the King to begin to dwell/speak to you as His child again. He pulled you UP out of the earths atmosphere!


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

126 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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