ModerateThinker/ BlueGreen_Man

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ModerateThinker/ BlueGreen_Man


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Speed paint thing but with a grain of context for philosophy

Silent tutorial

A silent speed paint visual tutorial basically. That's it.

Roughly assume this is part 3, not 4 or 2, cuz I can't tell fast enough, it's all kinda separated together, so, it should be cool, you understand..

I think I got these ones, math ones, in order anyway but sorry if it matters.

Less pictures of animals and plants as a focus but data and smaller points in details.. math basics that line up with a lot of things in the world.. related not the same necessarily but Natural / Sacred Geometry or same stack of stuff anyway.. made in the same run of work, It's later getting to BitChute.

Whichever one this was, 2 or 3 of the three I have so far with this title, it's the follow up to the one i just put up, same day, so, it's close enough I reckon.

Uploaded 1 of three in this set I had talking about geometry in natural formations. Connection or something wierd I cant watch to see which one I had up earlier so if one's a duplicate just had to today.

Conflicts of mind, heart, guilt in advance of sins, differences in perspective, interest, priorities...

Direction against direction.. berserk, panic, the notion is like a demon born in the median..

You from another perspective in some of the same ways, too..

Not that I can define everything, the way I notice the common traits of monsters versus demons vs abominations and things and the differences there between them zone in and around on more or less something to the effect of this analysis, or the point in the middle of it or so, talking around in circles so to say. Long video. It's a long sort of difficult subject really...

... .. This is part 1.. .

Sounds to die away to. Watch me lose more and not even try.. I explain, it's a way to neither play nor not too much... neither way and stuff.

Think up memes and draw em and I don't remember seein em so if you gon say I stole it i didn't but aah.. lot of stuff. Some easier jokes than others I guess ass well.

This is from my DangBros RocketShip channel on YouTube, which is more a game and nerdy topic thing, different sort of commentary channel, some adult content. M rated, more. Name might change soon, but yeah.

From my YouTube channel: "DangBros RocketShip"... might change the name, soon, I don't know. It's games and commentary on different subjects, science and culture related.

What more could you ask for? Tuns o fun...

Ideas and Considerations. Easy homemade mask, and preparing wisely for prolonged situation.

There's talk of war, globalists, authoritarian takeover, persecution of the faithful, and what sounds like the mark of the beast (a chip fit for cattle, hence ''beast'').

I say we should head it off at the pass, and kill money entirely.

The World as we know it will probably never be the same.

This situation will have lasting effects on the progression of our history.


Created 5 years ago.

46 videos

Category None

Just trying to figure it all out, man...