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In this video we explore our individual timelines and how by changing our beliefs and choices, we can positively shift onto more optimal timelines.

In this video we demonstrate that we are spiritual beings, having a very fleeting physical experience and that it is a huge privilege to be part of the ascension of a planet.

We suggest that you chose to be here during this time and yes you incarnated for soul lessons and growth, but were also aware that you would be incarnated during this ascension of earth, from this dense physical energetic level to the lighter more spiritual frequency of fourth and fifth density.

Accept that everything is just the way it should be and that everything that occurs is just an event. The fear and suffering comes from a belief system, where you believe that you must fight to change everything.

It is that very fight and desire to try to change everything by doing rather than allowing and just being that is causing you the most stress.

Make the shift and see everything as a learning opportunity and become exactly what you want. If you want love, become love, if you want peace, be peaceful, if you want abundance, think and see abundance.

In this video, we explore the Map of Consciousness created by David Hawkins , who wrote the book called Power Vs Force.
The map of consciousness is a very convenient outline, which helps those of us, who are on a journey towards optimising our consciousness to innerstand the different levels of consciousness or said differently the different frequencies associated with different densities of consciousness.

The third density is a very dense frequency, where duality exists and where materialism, greed, fear and anger exists.

As we move towards the fifth density we will pass through the fourth density, where the frequency vibrates higher and we become guided by our intellect and where fear and duality becomes way less prominent.

As we move into the fifth density, which vibrates at a much higher frequency, we become less physical and more spiritual. This is the density of unconditional love peace, joy and tranquility.

I am sure that you have also asked the question:

Why is it taking the good guys, so long to bring the truth into the public domain?

In this video, we explain this, by revealing why the white hats have delayed things, over and over again, due to the feed forward loop, which constantly demonstrates that the group mind or consensus consciousness, still believe the lies and propaganda put forward by the mainstream media.

In this video, we demonstrate the pathway towards unlocking your hidden ability to manifest anything you want, which is aligned with your best interests and that of group consciousness.

In this video, we demonstrate that by positively shifting your beliefs, which in turn will help you to shift your choices, more positively, will help you to frequency match with way more positive outcomes.

When you do this, incredible positive shifts will start to occur, as you move onto more positive timelines or said differently you resonate with positive frequencies.

n this video, we explore a number of different proofs that the Deep state or Khazarian Mafia is very close to their demise.
We know it has been a very long journey for a lot of us, but the end is definitely in sight.

The thousand, plus years of peace is very close now.

Break the cycle of fear, keep your consciousness optimised and focus on exactly what you want your future to be like after The Great Awakening and just that will manifest in your experience.

This is an incredible video, which describes the true history of humanity.

I did not produce this video, but do not know who to offer credit to for producing it either.

In this video, we demonstrate how Jen and I have escaped from this mind matrix prison of lack, fear, anger and depression and using a number of practical ideas, tools and resources, Jen and I offer a a number of practical ideas to help you to do the same.
According to Newtonian physics, two objects, or beings cannot occupy the same space at the same time, but when you innerstand energy, frequency, vibration and resonance from a quantum perspective, you realise that both can and do exist simultaneously.

The paradigm of lack, fear, anger and depression exists at a low vibration, whilst the new paradigm of unconditional love, peace tranquility and abundance exists in the same space, but vibrates at a different, much higher frequency.

By optimising your consciousness, you start to vibrate a a higher frequency are as such you are able to move from the low frequency of fear to the high frequency of unconditional love.

This is the 35 video in the series of daily videos, we have created to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

In this video, we demonstrate how the star seeds, who have accepted the call to incarnate as Terrans, so that they could support the collective consciousness of humanity to be optimised.

These star seeds have arrived in three waves:

The first wave was between 1930 and 1960
The second wave incarnated between 1960 and 1990
The third wave, has incarnated since 1990 to present.

The third wave of star seeds are incarnating with twelve strands of DNA already active.
This means that they are born with exceptional abilities and as such will serve as the way showers for the rest of us, as they will bring a new paradigm into play, which will support others to realise their hidden abilities.

This is the 34 video in the series of videos we are making to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

In this video, we demonstrate how everything works in cosmic loops.

We demonstrate that the positive shifts occurring now are cosmic in nature and as such nothing can stop what is coming.

This is the 33 daily video in the series of daily videos we are creating to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

In the video today we demonstrate that although we have been programmed to fear change, unless we embrace new paradigms and invite change in.

We will remain trapped in this physical realm of duality.

The secreter though is to remember that although all progress requires change, not all the change we are exposed to will result in the progress we desire.

In other words, although we are going to be exposed to massive change going forward, not all of it will be desirable or result in the change we want, so in effect we need to keep trying, until we experience the desired change need. .

After watching people once again fall for yet another False Flag in Israel and the Gaza Strip, I am concerned that the same folk are going to walk straight into The Bank Gangsters last chess move, namely a false alien attack.

They will use Project Blue Bean technology to try to fool us into believing that we are under attacks from so called Aliens.

Please know that it is yet another false flag and even though there may be real causalities, due to Direct Energy Weapons, please remain calm and keep your consciousness as optimised as possible

This is a trans dimensional war of consciousness. Every time we allow fear, anger or any negative emotion to become our dominant state, we play into the bank gangstersv hands and delay the finalisation of this.

This is the 32 video in the series of videos we are creating to help you to navigate The Great Awakening.

In this video, we demonstrate how we collectively co-create this world we inhabit, by the beliefs we hold onto, the choices we make, the thought she speak and the emotions we express.

This is the 31 video in the series of daily videos, we are creating to support you on your journey, towards The Great Awakening.

In this video, we explain how sought after our Terran DNA actually is.

In fact our DNA is so sought after, because of the fact that we exhibit a massive field of emotions, which makes us extremely powerful and also gives us incredible endurance.

As Terrans, we can also hold the souls from numerous different densities, all the way up to and including the eleventh density.

This is the 30 video in the series of daily videos we are creating to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

In this video we demonstrate how to create a vivid picture of possibility about exactly what you would like our world to look like after The Great Awakening.

Focus on this picture of possibility as often as possible and visualise what our world will look like after The Great Awakening.

This is the 29 video in the series of daily videos we are creating to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

You don't arrive at New Earth, it arrives through you.

The Great Awakening is not something out there, separate from us, but it is rather a door that opens from within.

This is the third and final video, I have made describing the reason for war in Israel and how we as humanity, are moving closer and closer to living in a place of love, peace and abundance.

I believe that Israel has been saved until last, as it represents, everything that is wrong with our world, in terms of:

1. How we have been divided, so that we could be conquered
2. How emotions are hyped up, using lies and propaganda
3. How unbelievable cruelty and crimes against humanity are justified, because people are demonised and called terrorists
4. How peoples right to be free is trampled on in the name of keeping them safe
5. How war is used to further the aims of the bank gangsters and further enslave humanity

This is the 28 video in the series of videos we are creating to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

In this video, we demonstrate that challenges are not something to fear, but rather they are opportunities for us to learn soul lessons.

This is the 27 video in the series of daily videos, we are creating to support you on your journey towards The Great Awakening.

In this video we demonstrate how we are the co-creators of our world, as we direct energy and energy flows in a very predictable fashion, by the beliefs we hold onto and the choices we make.

This occurs because the collective perceptive consciousness of humanity, causes predictable interference patterns or frequencies within the quantum field of infinite potential.

The more I look at what is going on in Israel after the attack by Hamas, the more convinced I become that it is a false flag event, created to garner support for an attack on the GAZA strip, and possibly attack Iran as retaliation for joining the BRICS alliance.

We as the collective consciousness of humanity, need to stop allowing ourselves to be misled by the bank gangsters any longer.

The events unfolding in Israel at the moment are a picture perfect example of a false flag event.

As soon as we as the collective consciousness, see through the lies and manipulation, the sooner we will move away from war to peace.

Things are going to get pretty tense and we may even believe that the third world war has started.

Based on all my research, innerstanding of current events and by turning up the volume on my intuition, I am pretty sure that current events are not the beginning of war, but rather the beginning of the thousand years of peace, mentioned in most spiritual texts.

I have tried to stay away from making any more videos about the third density realm, as we are so far down the road towards The Great Awakening, but was guided to make this video, to support innerstanding.

In this video we demonstrate that the current conflict in Israel is yet another false flag, created by the bank gangsters to get people to support them, once again, as they initiate a war with Iran.

Iran is one of the countries, who have removed their Khazarian Mafia leadership, as they fight onside Russia, China, India and a number of other countries, who are all fighting for the removal of the bank gangsters all around the world.

So once again the Bank Gangsters are trying to foster fear and disgust within the average person, so that they can once again attack their enemies with our support.

Sorry for the Bank Gangsters, but we see right through their evil and they can no longer get away with their lies and manipulation any longer.

This is the 26 video in the series of daily videos we are creating to help you to chart your way towards The Great Awakening.

In this video we demonstrate that you are currently the oblivious co-creator of our world.

We offer a number of practical tools and tips in this video to support you to once again become the conscious creator of your own environment and then to act in support of shifting our world onto way more optimal timelines.

This is the 25 video in the series of videos we are creating to support you on your journey towards the Great Awakening.

In this video we explore how humanity has been programmed, by controlling the flow of information or the narrative which reached the collective psyche of humanity.

We have created this video to explain the construct of duality and how by inner standing how both the Yin and the Yang, although they at first appear to be contrasted, are in fact dependent on one another to exist.

Once you can internalise this construct, you empower yourself to begin your journey away from this dualistic realm of things, towards the energetic etheric realm of spirituality.

This inner standing effectively allows you to escape from the mind matrix prison and mind control, which has imprisoned humanity for millennia.


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

175 videos

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