Mr Hat

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Mr Hat

Mr Hat


In part one of today's show, more on the Scamdemic, including a scientific paper which presents the truly shocking and earth shattering claim that CRISPR gene drive DNA has been found within the Pfizer/Biontech Covid-19 vaccine. If this is true, the ramifications are potentially unthinkable. It means that someone has wielded the power to genetically alter not just some, but ALL human beings, because once a CRISPR gene drive is released into a population, the genetic modification that it carries will eventually permeate into the entire population. The claims in this scientific paper have not been confirmed and Richplanet is seeking to have independent tests carried out on the Comirnaty vaccine to either prove or rule out the claim. In part 2 we take another look at self sufficiency and reducing dependence on the "system".

In early 2020 it was announced that a new virus was sweeping the globe. People all over the world have been subjected to "lockdown" measures, curtailment of freedom and travel bans in a supposed attempt to slow the "spread" of the supposed Corona virus. In just a few weeks the UK has caved in to completely unnecessary fascist measures being dictated by global oligarchs from outside of the country. The whole Corona nonsense has shown just how spineless our politicians and leaders are, as if we didn't know already. Like a lizard crawling out from a desert rock, Bill Gates appeared on BBC Breakfast News extolling his plan to vaccinate the entire world. The megalomaniac geek couldn't keep the filthy smug grin from his face, as he explained his plan to "write cheques" for governments so they could buy his soon to be released vaccine. If you think this man has honourable intentions you need to go and have your brain extracted and replaced with a one that works. Richard D. Hall explains ...


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

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