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Love my little dog Lucy

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These a little cute puppy play together! Please subscribe for more videos.

Watch for the paws coming through the fence and
Remember to subscribe to this channel for more videos like this


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Rumble is actually the most paying platform that is competing with YouTube and its growing fast.
Rumble allows you to upload original and reproduce videos to their platform in order to get paid for your work.

On rumble you don’t have to get 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours to get monetized. After you have uploaded your content on rumble with two or four days your content are monetized and you are getting paid every time your videos get rumbled weather you have the same videos on youtube rumble have options that you agree on in order for rumble to help you in advertisements .

With the help of rumble your videos will be sent to its partners ie. Yahoo!, youtube and so many more for your videos to go viral.

Teddy bear is swimming in river and its so beautiful


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

5 videos

Category Education

Hello beautiful people! Welcome to my channel. This channel is for educational and entertainment, we upload a video every week and we appreciate you for watching, liking, commenting and subscribing to this channel.

On this channel there is affiliate link whenever you buy anything through this link, I get a small commission and I bless those how support me through buying, subscribing and also donates.

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