Citizens 4 Governmental Reform

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Citizens 4 Governmental Reform

Justus MediisTenebris


ALL I AM saying…

All I am saying is no countries should be going anywhere telling others how to live...
Not the US, not Russia, not the UN, not anyone.
Canada used to be neutral, and that was a good policy.
It would be nice to see more countries mind their own business,
and stop interfering in the affairs of countries other than their own...

I do not support the US decision to move their embassy to Jerusalem.
What right has any country to unilaterally declare anything about a country which is not within their jurisdiction? None, in my opinion.

However, I do support every country's sovereign right to look after their own affairs,
without interference from outsiders.

As far as Ottawa goes; Ottawa is a disgrace.

I would applaud anyone who would come and take all the elite crooks and warmongers away.

• ALL those who have turned us against one another.
• ALL the individuals and organizations, who have enslaved us within their corrupt and skewed system of amoral beliefs, and values.
• ALL those who have hoarded the treasures of this earth, while we scrape away with bone weary, and sometimes bleeding fingers, trying to gain access to the bare necessities with which to look after our families.
• All those who withhold medical breakthroughs, so that their pharmaceutical companies can continue to steal our health care dollars with products that very often cause more harm than good.
• ALL those who make a big dramatic production of allegedly serving the needs of their citizens; while in reality they are but puppets on a string. Concerned only with securing their seat at the ELITE’S table, so they don’t have to live like the rest of us. Willing to do whatever they are told to do to us, so long as the spigot keeps flowing.
• ALL those who would use the politics of MADMEN, as a justification for the perpetration of further atrocities on innocent civilians.
• ALL those who saw something was clearly very wrong, but said nothing, and did nothing. While more and more innocent people have their inalienable rights, territories, and even their lives stolen from them by the ‘front line enforcers’, who carry out the will of the soulless corporations whose only loyalty is to the ‘profit hungry’ shareholders.
And last but not least;
• ALL those whose soul’s center vibrates hatred instead of love for everyone, and everything on and within this planet, should just be taken far away, and left there…

So that at long last, ALL the peaceful people of this planet,
WILL finally live in peace, and freedom, side by side, in perfect love, and perfect trust...

Blessed be…

written by Justus

A message for ALL new, or potentially new Canadians.
Know what you are getting yourself into by coming to Canada.
Our leaders have thrown current Canadian citizens, under the bus in order to accommodate you.
If you think they won't do that to you; should the need ever arise; you have not been paying attention...

Just a few thoughts on what I understand democracy to mean, and why it is my belief that this is NOT the system we actually live under.
It is time for REAL CHANGE...


Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

3 videos

Category Vlogging

This channel will document my thoughts on various topics, not the least of which is the current state of public affairs...